Giesinger Gazette
August 6, 2023

September 1, 2024
Child Nutrition Information
Please visit the CISD Child Nutrition Website regarding free and reduced meals or the application.
This year, lunch charge guidelines have changed. Per CISD Board of Trustees Policy CO (Local), students are allowed 15 days (breakfast and lunch) to charge their meals.
This time period is allowing for families to navigate any financial challenges or apply for the school lunch program (free/reduced meals). Once the 15-day charges have expired, the policy dictates that administrative procedures be developed to address students that exhaust the 15-day limit on insufficient balances. Please see this document for more information.
Click the link below to apply. It's fast and easy!
Nurse's News
What to do About Food Allergies at School
More and more, children are being diagnosed and experiencing food allergies. Although any food can cause an allergic reaction in a person, the top 8 offenders (90% of food allergies) include milk, peanuts, eggs, tree nuts, wheat, fish, soybeans, and shellfish. The best practices in dealing with food allergies include avoidance of the allergen and being prepared for an allergic reaction at any time.
What can parents do to help?
- Please be aware when sending in treats for the class.
- Talk with your child's teacher(s) about how food allergies are being managed in class.
- Have a written plan in place with the teacher for parties in class and/or provide alternate foods.
- Provide Nurse Green with an individual emergency action plan written by the doctor if there is a known allergy.
- Provide properly labeled medications per school policy and replace after use or when expired.
- Keep emergency contact information up to date.
- Teach your child age-appropriate ways to assist in avoiding reactions. (Knowing what foods to avoid, practicing to ask what is in foods, role play talking to friends about their allergies and enlisting their help to avoid the food, never sharing or trading food, washing hands with soap before and after eating, etc.)
- Be prepared the first day your child enters school each year. Reactions are never planned. Be sure your student’s emergency supplies and an emergency allergy action plan are on hand at all times in the nurse's office. Call to update or ensure your allergy plan is still accurate. Make sure the nature of previous reactions are known at school. If your student requires accommodations for their food allergy in the cafeteria, speak with Nurse Green to obtain a substitution request form. Consider sending in non-food items instead of food for classroom treats.
Let’s all work together to keep all of our students safe!
Counselor's Corner
CHS Football Dress Up Theme Days
We LOVE the Conroe Tigers and we LOVE supporting our feeder zone. CHS has invited all of their feeder zone schools to join in on the fun. Below are the themes for this football season. Feel free to join in on the fun on the dates below.
Sic 'Em Tigers!
Conroe High School Spirit Store
Support our Tigers around town and get some CHS Tiger Gear. Click the link below to access the CHS PTO Spirit Store: https://conroehspto.itemorder.com/shop/home/
PTO News
Fall Fundraiser begins THIS WEEK, September 3rd
Information will come home with your child on our new Starlight Fundraiser this week. We are excited about this opportunity to partner with this local business!
5:00 p.m. - Session 1
5:45 p.m. - Session 2 (repeat of 5:00 session)
Teachers will cover classroom logistics such as homework policy, classroom communication, etc. Following the sessions, families will have an opportunity to look around the classrooms and tour the school.
Our PTO, as well as child nutrition, will be in the cafeteria during this event to support you.
Technology Tips
A study published in JAMA Pediatrics found a significant association between high social media use and increased odds of depression symptoms in adolescents.
Un estudio publicado en JAMA Pediatrics encontró una asociación significativa entre el uso intensivo de las redes sociales y mayores probabilidades de sÃntomas de depresión en adolescentes.
Fall Giesinger Snack Drive-COMING SOON
Our campus has committed to providing all of our students with 2 snacks a day. Many students bring their own snacks but we do have some that are not able to. Please help us keep our snack pantry stocked!
Extra snacks will be donated to the students that participate in our Weekend Backpack program.
Watch D.O.G.S. Coming Soon...
Read for a Better Life and Storybook Character Parade
Celebrate CISD's Read for a Better Life and the love of reading with us.
Dress as your favorite storybook character (no scary costumes please!).
Families are invited to watch the parade along our back bus circle drive.
Giesinger School Store & Teacher Cart
Many families ask how they can help our school and this is a biggie! We would love your help stocking our Giesinger School Store for all students and Teacher Cart for our amazing staff.
The links below will take you to our amazon wish list where the items can be shipped directly to our school.
Teacher Store
School Store
Parent Resource Center
The CISD parent resource center offers parent trainings and workshops, parent support, and an annual resource and transition fair geared toward families raising children with disabilities.
Click the flier below for more information.
Giesinger Elementary Student Handbook
The link for our 2024-2025 Student Handbook is below. Please read through all the things the things that pertain to our campus. A hard copy of the handbook will be sent home after school starts.
2024-2025 Vacation Planning
2024-2025 Giesinger Administration Team
Left to Right: Nadia McCord (Assistant Principal), Laura Heemann (Counselor), Amy Barber (Principal), Jaime Peek (Assistant Principal)
Giesinger Contact Information
Principal- Amy Barber - abarber@conroeisd.net
Assistant Principals
Jaime Peek- jpeek@conroeisd.net
Nadia McCord- nmccord@conroeisd.net
Counselor-Laura Heemann- lheemann@conroeisd.net
Secretary- Neva Hammonds- nhammonds@conroeisd.net
Receptionist - Dawn Stabler- dstabler@conroeisd.net
Nurse -Gloria Green, RN- gmgreen@conroeisd.net
Registrar- Robin Rickwalt- rrickwalt@conroeisd.net
Conroe Transportation- 936-709-7916
Giesinger Elementary
Email: contactgiesinger@conroeisd.net
Website: giesinger.conroeisd.net
Location: 2323 White Oak Boulevard, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-2600
Facebook: facebook.com/GiesingerCISD/
Twitter: @GiesingerCISD