Westview Weekly
Important Dates
20 4th Grade visit to Troy
20 PTA Meeting, 7:0021 4th Grade Handprint Day
21 Westview High School Senior Reception - 3:00-4:00
22 Avon Lake High School Senior Clap Out
24 Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Field Day Fun - May 31st
Do you remember your Field Day in elementary school? Probably and now is your chance to help make this year's Westview Field Day fun and memorable for our students. Click on the link HERE to sign up to help out.
Note from the School Nurse
As the warmer weather is approaching, so is allergy season. If your child has seasonal allergies, we strongly suggest making sure they receive their allergy medication and/or eye drops prior to coming to school. Due to the warmer temperatures, many classroom windows will remain open. While this helps regulate the temperature, it also allows for the allergens to enter the classroom. Any help from home would be greatly appreciated!
Please remember any student medication and/or medical supplies that you have provided for use at school must be picked up by a parent or guardian by the last day of school. By board policy, students may not transport any medication home. Medications not picked up promptly will be discarded, as they cannot be stored at school over the summer.
Birthday Reminder!
Birthdays are special occasions and we love to celebrate them. District policy is to celebrate the
birthday of a student with non-edible items. What does this mean? It means that all birthday
treats brought into school must be non-food items. Food items may not be put into bags to be
passed out to students. Some examples of acceptable non-edible treats include: pencils, stickers, small toys, erasers, silly bands, or other similar items.
Bike to School Week - May 27th thru May 31st
Bike to School Week is May 28th thru May 31st. It is a great time of year to clean the cobwebs, oil the chain, check the brakes, and fill up the tires. Please help your child ride to and from school safely by following these rules.
School Rules
1. Wear a helmet.
2. Students living East of Westview will park bikes on the bike rack and students living West of Westview will park bikes in the grass near the bus loop.
3. Use the crosswalk to cross Moore Road.
4. Bikes must be walked when on school property, including sidewalks.
5. Bike riders will be dismissed around 3:20.
Avon Lake City Schools - Summer Jump Start
The Avon Lake City Schools will once again be offering a “Jump Start” program to help students strengthen necessary skills to begin the 2024-2025 school year with a head start!
This program will be an English Language Arts and Math skills based program for students entering grades K-8.
Please note the purpose of the program is to cover some basic skills to help students be successful in the grade level/courses for next school year. This is not meant as a substitute for extended year services offered by the special education department or for any credit recovery programs. There will also be a social-emotional component for students.
SCHEDULE: Grades K-8 at Troy Intermediate School
7 Days Total; August 7-9 & 12-15, 2024
8:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Students may also have a short recess break, weather permitting.
LOCATION: All classes for grades K-8 will be at Troy Intermediate School.
COST: $95 per student
Note: In past years, we were able to offer this program free of charge due to COVID relief funding (ESSER). School districts have no ESSER funding beginning July 1, 2024. As a result, the fee was put into place to help defray a small portion of the cost of the program. The fee will be added to each student’s school fee account in August, 2024. Payment is not expected at time of enrollment.
- Registrations are accepted on-line starting April 17, 2024. Registration Link
- Registration is open to any Avon Lake City Schools student.
- Registration ends Thursday, June 7, 2024.
- Additional information will be sent to participants before the program begins on August 7th.
- Students are encouraged to attend each session.
- Daily attendance will be taken.
Students are expected to comply with the Avon Lake City Schools Code of Conduct. Any violation of the code may result in removal from the program.
Class Lists
Westview will not have a Move Up Day this year. Class lists will be available to families during August by accessing your student's PowerSchool account. More details will be shared in August.
Camp Invention
Camp Invention is almost here! Troy Intermediate School will be hosting Camp Invention for the 8th year! There is something for all ages. Incoming Kindergarteners through sixth graders will take part in designing a one-of-a-kind Glow Box as well as star in a prototyping game show. Seventh through Ninth Graders can assist Leadership Interns and help younger campers work their way through all the fun modules. Don’t miss out on the last discount code for Camp Invention. Sign up today using promo code SUM15! Register at www.campinvention.org today!