Last week, we had our Charity Week Reveal Assembly. In addition to having a memorable week of activities and events, the staff and students of High School North raised $15,039.55! We are so thankful for the generosity of Crusader Nation, and we believe your giving and kindness will have a huge impact.
Next week, school will be closed for spring break. We hope you and your family will enjoy quality time with loved ones, and we hope you find moments of relaxation.
This Week's Events & Information
Half Day of School
Friday, March 21st is a half day of school. Students will attend their 5th and 6th hour classes before being dismissed at 10:30. Students with Pankow classes during the 5/6 block should get on a bus in the back loop at LCN before 7:04.
Spring Break
Students going on family vacations can be called in and have their absences verified ahead of time. If you are aware of time off prior to the day(s), please call those absences in to the attendance line as soon as possible.
High School North Students: Parents or Guardians should call 586-493-5270 and press 5 to report a student’s absence to High School North.
Pankow Students: Please also call 586-783-6570 and press 5 to report.
Upcoming Events & Information
Daily 3 Raffle Fundraiser
The Class of 2025 is looking for parents to help out with our biggest fundraiser - The Daily 3 Lotto Raffle! We need parents who are willing to help sell raffle tickets! The raffle is pretty simple - purchase a ticket for $10, and if your ticket number is drawn during the midday Daily 3 drawing in April - you win! If you are interested in selling, please contact Mrs. Jobes at jobesem@lc-ps.org or Mrs. Koski at koskika@lc-ps.org.