Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
April 5, 2024
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
There will not be school on Monday because of the solar eclipse. However, today, all students came home with eclipse glasses so they are ready for the big event on Monday. HERE is some great information about the eclipse glasses that comes thanks to MUMS teacher Larry Montague. Like MUMS, we will be recycling any glasses that folks want. Just bring them to the main office starting on Tuesday and we will recycle them for you! Have a fabulous long weekend and be sure to enjoy the once in a lifetime experience with the eclipse on Monday!
Be well,
Upcoming Events
Sunday 4/7 - 2-4pm - Cookies and Canvas at Mary Hogan - MESA fundraiser
Week of 4/8 - Week of the Young Child
Monday 4/8 - No School Due to Solar Eclipse - See below
Tuesday 4/9 - Levesque's class to bike to MUMS
Wednesday 4/10 - 2nd grade walking field trip to Middlebury Falls
Thursday 4/11 - KillKelley's and Collins' classes to bike to MUMS
Friday 4/12 - 5.30pm - Preschool dinner and magic show to celebrate the Week of the Young Child
Monday 4/15 - 5.30pm - Technicool: Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet (for info see below)
- 5.30pm - Cooking with NOM online - sign up by 4/10 HERE
Thursday 4/18 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
- 9am - All School Meeting, led by 1st grade
April 22-26 - April Break!
ACSD Schools Will Close on April 8 for the Eclipse
We have decided to cancel all ACSD schools for the entire day on Monday, April 8, 2024. We originally planned for an early dismissal on April 8, however updates from state and local public safety officials indicate significant disruptions to travel, communication, and emergency response. These warnings coupled with expected staffing shortages for that day prompted us to prioritize the safety and well-being of ACSD students and staff by closing school.
Our teachers and staff have done an incredible job preparing our students for this rare event. We have compiled resources on our Eclipse Page to support students and families. We look forward to hearing students' reflections when they return to school on Tuesday
Technicool: Keeping Kids Safe at School
Monday 4/15 from 5.30-6.30 at Mary Hogan
On Monday 4/15 from 5.30-6.30, Jena and Mary are hosting Kristie Grant, who will be sharing how to keep your children safe on the internet. There will be FREE FOOD and CHILDCARE!
There are multiple kinds of digital risks for children today. It is important for caregivers and teachers to have the information and tools to respond. Adults in this workshop will: a) learn the digital risks for children and strategize ways to keep children and youth safe in digital environments and b) learn effective strategies to help manage concerning digital behaviors. Please join us to learn how to support youth in digital environments!
This Week at Mary Hogan
Earthquake Proof Buildings
4th graders did some construction this week to see if they could build a structure to withstand an earthquake... on a day that happened to see an earthquake in NY/NJ!
Practicing for All School Meeting
The Snow Day postponed All School Meeting by a week (til 4/11), but the 1st graders got in some practice this week for the meeting!
Walk and Roll
The weather was beautiful for the April Walk and Roll Day, which also is a time when we have the bike trailer at Mary Hogan to practice biking in PE!
Hola estimadas familias:
In Spanish class, students are learning about Perú, popular animals, the origin of the potatoes, and the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. Do you know how many types of potatoes exist in Perú?
Also, students are working on asking questions in Spanish: Where? ¿Dónde?, Who? ¿Quién?, How? ¿Cómo? using names of places and countries, names of people and means of transportation to answer these questions in a story, ¿Dónde está Sara? ¿Cómo va Sara a Perú? ¿Quién está en el supermercado?, and more.
Of course, students learned about the Solar Eclipse in Spanish, and ¿Cómo la tierra, el sol y la luna interactúan?
Check my website at MHS. Enjoy it! ¡Qué la disfrutes!
Con cariño,
Señora Jiménez
Packing Snow!
What great snow there was on Friday! 2nd graders had a ton of fun rolling it into HUGE snowballs, bigger than they are tall!
Careful Writing
Kindergarteners continued working on their letter formation this week as they carefully wrote CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.
Preparing for the Eclipse
We got ready for the eclipse in many ways this week. 2nd graders were creating models of the earth, moon, and sun as one way to learn more.
MESA Message
Impact of the Readathon
Every year, MESA determines a per pupil amount that each grade can use for field trips and other experiences for their students. This year, because of your generosity (and the generosity of our Middlebury business community), we were able to increase the per pupil amount from $15 to $30!! We are also going to pay out the following:
NEW - Pre-K will receive the same $30 per pupil amount for their classes (instead of a flat $100 per class). Library, PE, Art, Spanish and Music will get $200 (increased from $100). We also included Library in this group this year. In the past, we have given them Scholastic Dollars (money raised in the book fair that can be used for books and classroom supplies). NEW - $50 each to the following teams: Guidance/ Behavior Interventionists, Special Ed, Reading Intervention, SLP, English Language Learners (ELL), Wellness & Learning Center The Autism Learning Community will receive $250 (approved by vote in a previous MESA meeting)
Here is a link to the Grants that have been approved so far:Grant Requests
And more MESA News!
Lake Monsters Game - Saturday, May 25th 6:05pm (First Pitch) - The Lake Monsters are hosting a Mary Hogan School night. Tickets are $8 and $4 from each ticket goes back to Mary Hogan.Click on the link for tickets: Lake Monsters
Funky Chicken Hats - we have some hats and a few patches left for sale. Please email if you would like to purchase one!
MESA Executive Committee Openings - MESA is looking for new board members. We specifically need a Read A Thon co-chair. If you have interest in getting more involved, please reach out! The executive committee typically meets one additional time per month. Board members will be voted on in the May meeting.
Field Day - Save the date! Thursday, May 30th (rain date Monday, June 3rd). Last year we had an awesome volunteer turnout and the kids had a blast. Let me know if you would like to help this year or have ideas for stations. (email
Teacher Luncheon - MESA hosts a teacher luncheon every year in May (this year is 5/17) for all of the staff and teachers at Mary Hogan. If you would like to buy a teacher or staff person lunch, you can send us payment via venmo/paypal or cash/check . If you include a message in your donation, we will share that message with the teacher or staff person. Typically, lunch is $15 per person. There are over 100 teachers and staff members at Mary Hogan.
The next MESA Meeting is Thursday, April 18th at 6:30pm in the school library. We will also provide a link to join virtually. Our last meeting of the school year is Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm.
Thank you for your support!
Casey McDonough
MESA Treasurer
Family Resources & Opportunities
Friday, APRIL 12 at 7:00 PM
Enjoy a fun evening out for a fabulous cause! The Grift's Clint Bierman will be putting together a group of outstanding musicians...and YOU get to pick what they play! The audience will choose from hundreds of songs in their extensive catalogue; the songs with the highest bids throughout the evening will be played by the band. Bring your dancing shoes, wallet and competitive spirit! All proceeds go to the revival of an educational end-of-year trip for 8th graders in our community. Friday, April 12 :: Notte :: $20 Advanced Ticket :: Dine & Mingle 7pm :: Music 8-10pm
Follow this link THE GRIFT'S JUKEBOX JUBILEE to purchase tickets.
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photo of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
Getting Ready for the Readathon
Hawk Helpers
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405