Principal Message
September 27, 2024
Dear Roadrunner Families ~
Highlights from the week include:
- Students in Ms. Narvaja and Ms. Culley's class visiting Lindbergh High School for their monthly swim experience.
- Classroom Teachers spending Friday's planning time working collaboratively with Instructional and SEL Support Staff as well as SPED Teachers to dig into student data (reading and math) to determine specific next steps for learning.
This month we will continue working on:
- Creating Identity Profiles in various forms (pictures, words, etc.) to share things about ourselves that are visible and invisible. This will be a tool used when getting to know others and celebrating ways we are alike and different.
- Establishing learning communities in the classrooms. That may look/sound like getting to know students and their strengths through interviews and assessments.
- Getting deeper into learning! Check out specific classroom newsletters/Teacher communication to learn more.
Question to ask your student this week: What is one thing you can do to help someone "fit in" with your class?
Below are a few important dates/info to tuck away as we begin the year:
Important Upcoming Dates:
- September 27: PTA-Sponsored Family Movie Night (more info below)
- October 3: Picture Day (more info below)
- October 4: NO SCHOOL - State In-Service Day
- October 16: Vision/Hearing Screening Day (more info below)
- October 23: PTA-Sponsored Fun Run Fundraiser
- November 1: NO SCHOOL for Elementary ONLY
- November 11: Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 21-26: Elementary Conferences - HALF DAY for Elementary
- November 27: HALF DAY for Elementary
- November 28-29: Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
- December 2: Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL for Elementary
- February 5-7: 5th Grade Camp (more info coming soon)
Picture Day is Coming
Picture day will be Thursday, October 3rd this year. If you would like to order pictures of your student we highly encourage you to pre-order pictures online.
FREE PTA-Sponsored Movie Night TONIGHT
Join us for a FREE movie night TONIGHT, Friday Sept 27 at 6pm.
Where: Renton Park Cafe
Time: Doors open at 6:00, Movie begins promptly at 6:15pm.
Bring Your Own low-back chair/blanket for seating along with any other movie-watching favorites (school-appropriate snacks, PJs, etc.). Concessions will be available for sale including pizza.
Entrance is FREE for all families. All students must attend with their responsible adult and remain with them the entire movie.
NEEDED: Fun Run Volunteers
The fall Fun Run will be here before we know it and we could use some help with passing out prizes, hanging posters, and counting out flyers. If you'd like to volunteer, please click on the link below. Thank you for your support!
If your child wears glasses, please make sure they bring them to school and have them available during screening.
Feel free to reach out to Nurse Franklin at keri.franklin@rentonschools.us with any questions.
October is National Disability Month!
October is National Disability Month! This is a perfect time to remember that we are a public school where we serve, celebrate and support EVERY student that enters our school doors. Each child is unique and is working on their own individual learning goals. For examples, some students are learning to read, write, and grow in their math skills while others are learning how to be safe with friends while others are learning how to do life skills such as daily routines, jobs, feeding themselves, toileting, etc.
Here at Renton Park we strongly believe in ensuring every student is SEEN and CELEBRATED for who they are and the uniqueness we each bring. Join us this month (and every month) in teachable moments about tolerance, empathy and acceptance as they surface.
Join the PTA! Become a Member! (Meeting attendance not required)
Click here to sign up: https://www.rentonparkpta.org/pta-store
Need help with the cost of membership? PTA received a grant to boost membership and cover the member fee if it's not in your budget.
Send a brief email to 4thestudents@rentonparkpta.org with questions or to get the coupon code to enter at membership check out!
Daily Bell Schedule: Monday - Thursday
Daily Bell Schedule: Friday
School Breakfast/Lunch Meals FREE
Thanks to a state and federal funding, Renton School District will again provide breakfast and lunch meals free to most students this school year. All students can eat school breakfast and lunches free except at Risdon Middle School, Hazen High and the H.O.M.E. program. Unfortunately, the federal Community Eligibility Provision formula left us unable to include these schools.
Important note: While not required for free school meals, families are strongly encouraged to complete this Child Nutrition and Education Benefit form to help students and families receive important resources like: before and after school academic and enrichment programs; resources for classrooms; guidance and college counselors; health and wellness services; state summer grocery debit cards (SunBucks), and more. Submit your completed form to RSD.mealform@rentonschools.us or drop off at your school.
OCTOBER Lunch Menu
REMINDER: Please complete the Meal Application! It is available at https://www.rentonschools.us/ departments/nutrition-services-warehouse/meal-applications. All students at our elementary schools receive one free breakfast and lunch each day. However we ask for you to complete a meal application in order to ensure your child's school qualifies for federal and state funding that is determined by parent income levels. You may also be eligible for other benefits such as reduced fees for programs and activities.