Panda Parent Newsletter
What's Going On at Anita Uphaus ECC Vol. 2 #9 May 2024
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Happy May Panda Families!
It is hard to believe that our school year is almost coming to an end. The school year has been filled with so many wonderful memories. We look forward to spending our last few weeks celebrating your scholars. Please refer to our May newsletter for important information.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Dimas
Greeting from your Parent Support Specialist
My name is Linda Perez and I am your Anita Uphaus Early Childhood Center Parent Support Specialist. We hope you have had a wonderful first half of the year.
You can expect periodic newsletters from myself, and several of the classroom teachers to keep you up to date as to what is happening here at Anita Uphaus and in the classrooms.
A good way of staying up to date on school information is to visit our website at www.uphaus.austinschools.org . From there, you can find several sources of information that will keep you informed of all the happenings at Anita Uphaus. We are excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year. If at any time during the school year you feel the need to contact me, please feel free to call me, Linda C. Perez, Parent Support Specialist at (512) 414-5520 Ext. 58514 or by email at linda.c.perez@austinisd.org
We hope to partner and collaborate with you to have a successful school year. Your involvement and partnership is important. There is no one like you!
As your Parent Support Specialist, I can assist you in several ways. In working together, I can:
- Find resources you may need- I can help find assistance when needed.
Learn new things about school and how to help your child succeed. Look for workshops for parents throughout the year!
- Become leaders in our school!
Your input and participation in the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) and other school committees such as Campus Advisory Council (CAC)
- Become a Parent Volunteer! Volunteers are welcomed and needed!
Everyone who volunteers will need to attend a volunteer orientation and complete a successful background check.
School Schedule
It is important that your scholar gets to school on time and picked up on time! Your child must be in class by 7:40 am.
- Doors open: 7:10 am
- Arrival Time: 7:10 thru 7:40 am
- Tardy Bell: Rings at 7:40 am
- Dismissal Time: 3:10 pm
Arrival & Dismissal
As the school year begins, here are a few reminders that will assist with our arrival/dismissal procedures. Attached you will find our map for Arrival & Dismissal. Please assist us in following traffic rules. We thank you in advance for helping to keep our staff, scholars, and parents safe.
During morning drop off, parents and parent guardians will be allowed to:
- walk their child(ren) up to the designated campus entrances at the school.
- If you are walking them to the designated drop off areas, please make sure you cross at the student crosswalk for your safety. Parents must park in a designated parking spot and walk your child across.
- Go through the designated drive-thru entrances at the school
During after school pick up, parents and parent guardians will be allowed to:
- pick up their child(ren) at the designated campus pick-up areas at the school
- Go through the designated drive-thru exits at the school
Please do not:
Block the flow of traffic in and out of school premises.
Speed in a school zone.
Use cell phone in school zone.
Due to safety reasons, parents and parent guardians will NOT be allowed to walk children to their classrooms.
REMINDERS: Please be mindful of your speed during pick up & drop off. Speed limit should not exceed 5 mph.
NO CELL PHONE use in an active school zone. Please put your cell phones down.
Dismissal Car Signs & Office Dismissal
- Please place your car sign on your windshielf for parent pick up. Our dismissal process goes much faster when all signs are visible.
- PK4 & Kinder families- Please allow PK3 families to go around the outer lane to drop off their scholars on the far right side. Reminder: Outer lane (PK3) & Inner lane (PK4 and Kinder).
- Parents- Please ensure that your scholar is in the back passenger side of your car. Your assistance allows us to keep the traffic flowing quickly.
- Scholars will NOT be dismissed after 2:30 from the office. Buses and dismissal procedures are in place at this time. All staff are on duty getting scholars ready to go home.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this!
Student ID Badges
Students must wear their badges every day.
Optional T-Shirt Days for Scholars
Friday is Colleget T-shirt day (if your scholar has one).
Attendance Policy
Breakfast In the Classroom
Parent Coffee Chat
Brighter Bites Day
Student Devices
Library News
Calendar for School Year 24-25 Approved
Campus Lunch
Campus will open for parents to eat lunch with their scholar beginning Oct. 2. Parents must sign in at the front office and get a visitor sticker. Parents will have to sit in the area provided outside of cafeteria doors. Scholars must eat their lunch during their designated 30 min lunch time. Scholars must return with their class when their designated lunch time is over.
- Parents may only be allowed to eat with their own scholar.
- No phones allowed during lunch time
- Be mindful if your child has a hard time with you leaving.
- Parents need to sign out at the front office when the lunch is over
Uphaus May Lunch Menu
AISD Lunch Menu
Check out the May @AustinISD elementary school menu. You can view menus for all schools at http://SchoolCafe.com/AustinISD. Menus are subject to change. #AISDEats
Consulte el menú de mayo de la escuela primaria de @AustinISD. Puede ver los menús diarios, semanales y mensuales de todas las escuelas en http://SchoolCafe.com/AustinISD.
What's been happening at Anita Uphaus?
Brighter Bites
Earth Week
PTA Movie Night
Administrative Professionals Appreciation Week
Classroom Learning in Action
Librarian Appreciation
Assistant Principal Appreciation
Solar Eclipse
Ryan T Higgins Author Visit
Storybook Parade
Volunteer Appreciation Reception
Raising our baby chicks and ladybugs!
Help our fundraiser for our school! May 6th thru May 19th
5 Book Dive -Summer Reading
The new 5 Book Dive reading lists for Summer, 2024, are now available on the website.
The AISD Libraries 5 Book Dive (5BD) Summer Reading Program encourages all AISD students to read at least five self-selected books over the summer, as research has shown that reading just five books can protect students from the drop in reading levels known as the “summer slide” which disproportionately affects low- income students (Alexander, Entwisle, & Olson, 2007; Kim, 2004).
The 5 Book Dive program encourages students to read any five books that they choose during the summer. The website provides lists of books which have been curated by AISD librarians to engage and encourage students to read; the new lists for Summer 2024 are now available on the website. (These lists are not presented as nor intended to be “required” reading; the selection of summer reading material is up to individual students and their parents/guardians.)
Program information and resources are available at https://tinyurl.com/5BookDive. The website provides:
Lists of recommended books for summer reading by level: PK-2 English, PK-2 Spanish, 3-5 English, 3-5 Spanish, Middle School, and High School.
Suggested Language for Communication:
The 5 Book Dive encourages AISD students to read at least five self-selected books over the summer. Check out the book lists in English and Spanish at https://tinyurl.com/5BookDive for some great ideas to add to your own summer reading list. You can also print a bookmark to use as a reading log and find more great information about summer reading.
Links & Supports for Families
Community Events & Opportunities
Central Texas Food Bank - Social Services
The Central Texas Food Bank’s social services team is continuing to assist clients with applying for SNAP (along with Medicaid, TANF, Healthy Texas Women, Medicare Savings Program, CHIP and CHIP Perinatal). We offer help with applications remotely and on-site. Our offices are located at 6500 Metropolis Drive, Austin, Texas 78744.
For the safety of our staff and the community we serve, we have implemented social distancing models and can see a limited number of clients at one time on-site at the Food Bank. To get help with applications on-site, please call our hotline to make an appointment first at 855-366-3401.
El equipo de servicios sociales del Central Texas Food Bank continúa ayudando a los clientes a solicitar SNAP (junto con Medicaid, TANF, Healthy Texas Women, Medicare Savings Program, CHIP y CHIP Perinatal). Ofrecemos ayuda con las aplicaciones de forma remota e in situ. Nuestras oficinas están ubicadas en 6500 Metropolis Drive, Austin, Texas 78744.
Para la seguridad de nuestro personal y la comunidad a la que servimos, hemos implementado modelos de distanciamiento social y podemos atender a un número limitado de clientes a la vez en el sitio del Banco de Alimentos. Para obtener ayuda con las solicitudes en el lugar, llame a nuestra línea directa para programar una cita primero al 855-366-3401.
Self-Care Calendar
How can we greet our scholars?
Breathing Techniques for Scholars
Please note: if you are planning to volunteer for any event at school you must go through a
back ground check. You can do that clicking this link: https://austinpartners.org/get-involved/austin-isd-school-based-volunteer/
More information to come.
Join our Uphaus PTA
Please support the Uphaus PTA
PTA is an organization of parents and teachers coming together to advocate for our children and students. Your membership alone will give us a BIGGER voice in our school and community!
Membership is $10 for the year. This money goes towards student events, teacher appreciation and much more. PTA membership flyer going out soon!
Upcoming Events
:May is Jewish American Heritage Month - https://www.jewishheritagemonth.gov/
May is Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month - https://asianpacificheritage.gov/
May 1-National Principal Day
May 2-Final Brighter Bites Distribution
May 3-Volunteer Appreciation Reception
May 3-Storybook Parade @ 9:00
May 5- Cinco De Mayo!
May 6-10- Teacher Appreciation Week (see flier above)
May 6-19- Tiff's Treats Fundraiser for our school (see flier and info above)
May 9- CAC @ 3:30pm
May 9-Lead w/Love with Trustee Zapata @ Uphaus -8:30-9:90
May 10-Leniya Dance Performance for scholars
May 10-Mother's Day-¡Feliz día de las madres! (Mexico)
May 12-Mother's Day (US & Canada)
May 13- Move Your Tale Workshops for scholars
May 13-17-School Nurse Appreciation Week
May 14-Move Your Tale Performances for scholars
May 14- Pete the Cat w/Book Days for scholars
May 14-CDC Parent Potluck
May 15-PK4 Promotion Ceremonies (See flier for times and details for your child's class)
May 15-21-National Police Week
May 16- Kindergarten Graduation (See flier for times and details for your child's class)
May 18-Armed Forces Day
May 20- Water/Field Fun Day for Scholars
May 21-PK3 Classroom Celebrations (See info from your child's teacher)
May 23- Last Day of School for scholars We DID it!!!
May 27-Memorial Day