December 16-20
Upcoming Dates
December 16 - Wear your comfiest Christmas clothes and head gear
December 17 - Dress as your favorite Christmas character
December 18 - Holiday sweater Day
December 19 - Mad about Plaid Day
December 20 - Last day of school before Christmas break
December 20 - PJ Day
January 1 - New Years Day
January 6 - Classes resume
St. Lorenzo Ruiz News
SLR Ski & Snowboard Club Registrations Full
Provincial Acheievement Tests (PATs)
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) are administered annually to all Alberta students in grades 6 and 9. These standardized tests reflect the essentials that all Alberta students are expected to achieve.
Below is the schedule for PATs this year. Please note there is no Grade 6 Science PAT as it is a new curriculum and our students will not be writing Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum as we are piloting some of the new Social Studies outcomes.
Please see the dates below for dates of PATs.
Grade 6 English Language Arts Part A - Wednesday, May 28
Grade 9 English Language Arts Part A- Thursday, May 29
Grade 9 K&E Language Arts Part A- Thursday, May 29
Grade 6 English Language Arts Part B - Thursday, June 12
Grade 9 English Language Arts Part B - Thursday, June 12
Grade 9 K&E English Language Arts Part B - Thursday, June 12
Grade 6 Mathematics Part A - Friday, June 13
Grade 9 Mathematics Part A - Friday, June 13
Grade 6 Mathematics Part B - Tuesday, June 17
Grade 9 Mathematics Part B - Tuesday, June 17
Grade 9 K&E Mathematics - Tuesday, June 17
Grade 9 Social Studies - Wednesday, June 18
Grade 9 K&E Social Studies - Wednesday, June 18
Grade 9 Science - Thursday, June 19
Grade 9 K&E Science - Thursday, June 19
SLR 2024-2025 Annual Report
Please see our 2024-2025 Annual Results Report below which can also be found on our website under the About tab.
We still have lots of parents who are not receiving our text communications. You will not rececive them until you opt in. Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools is now using PowerSchool SchoolMessenger for parent communications.
To opt in for text messages:
- Grab your phone.
- Text “Y” to 978338.
This is a quick and easy way to stay up-to-date with news, reminders, and urgent alerts from your school!
P.S. Our old system, Swiftreach, is no longer available. Make the switch today!
Parents: Click here for more information on the opt-in process.
Edge Imaging Updates
We have been advised that class photos will be sent home in the new year once the lab has completed individual photos, and moved onto class photos. If you didn't see it last week, please see letter from Edge Imaging regarding an update on school photo orders.
Bus Status Updates
Download the New Bus Status App!
Bus Status 4 for iOS and Android notifies you when your school bus is cancelled or delayed.
Please download the Bus Status app at your earliest convenience to continue or to receive school bus notifications from Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools. To install this app, please follow the directions below:
Step 1: Download the Bus Status app by Box Clever.
Step 2: Open the app and select Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools from the list (you only need to select your district the first time you open the app. Bus Status will remember your selection).
Step 3: Go to All Buses. Tap the star to add a bus to My Buses.
Step 4: You’ll receive a notification when one of your buses is delayed, cancelled, or early.
Step 5: Tap the bell icon to see general notifications from Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools.
Attention Grade 9 Parents & Guardians!
It's hard to believe we are already thinking about high school but ... Grade 9 parents/guardians please see the linked document for important information regarding transition to high school.
Cold Weather
Colder weather has arrived! We know it can be tricky to convince teenagers to wear their jackets and warm footwear, but we ask that you please remind your children to dress for the weather as outdoor recess does continue through the fall and winter months.
There are two ways to mark your child's late or absence. You can email us at slrattendance@rdcrs.ca or call the school's attendance line at 403-406-7365 and press 1 to leave a detailed message. Please remember to include the reason for your child's late or absence. All late and absences MUST be excused or you will receive the automated attendance call. Any messages received after 9am may result in the automated attendance call going out.
Schoology Parent Reference Guide
If you are having troubles logging into Schoology, the Schoology Parent Reference Guide is a great resource for troubleshooting and how to's.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
All families should have a parent portal set up. If you do not remember your login information or are having troubles logging in please call the school and we will be happy to provide you with your user name and reset your password for you. To access your parent portal please click on this link. You are not able to view forms or pay fees using the PowerSchool App.
What do parents access in PowerSchool?
- School Fees and Forms to access RYCOR for school fees and permission forms.
- School Engage To access Alberta Ed documents such as RDCRS Student Information Update Forms 2024-2025
RDCRS Student Information Update Form 2024-2025
School Fees
School Fees for the 2024/2025 school year are now past due. We will be notifying families with past due fees.
BIG NEWS! We now accept credit card payments at the office. Fees can be paid at our office by cash, cheque or credit card. To pay online, please log into your Parent PowerSchool account to view your fees and make your payment online through RYCOR. If you are unsure how to pay using RYCOR, please follow these steps:
1. Visit your school's website and click on the PowerSchool quick link (or use link above).
2. Sign in using your PowerSchool Username and Password. If you have forgotten either/or please contact the school office for assistance with resetting your password.
3. Click on link, "School Fees and Forms", located on the left-hand side.
4. Please follow the instructions provided on the screen when you are taken to RYCOR. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
**RYCOR can only be accessed via PC/Tablet, the program does not work using the PowerSchool app.
PARKING UPDATE: We now have smaller school busses dropping students off out front of the school around 8:15 am. The front of the school will remain Drop and Go as these busses should be gone before families begin dropping off their children. If you notice a bus as you drop off your child, please be mindful of students in the vicinity. We thank you for your attention to this matter. As always, we remind our families to please use our North parking lot when parking and exiting vehicles. This is especially important on game nights when we have an abundance of visitors parking near the school. In an effort to show kindness to our community, we are asking our school community to please be considerate of our neighbours across the street and leave that parking for residents only.
Contact Us!
If you need to reach our office for any reason, please contact our main line at 403-406-7365. This is also the number to call should you need to call in your child's attendance. This number is always available on our website.
Highlights of the Week
SLR Countdown to Christmas Themed Days!
Advent Mass
SLR Band and Choir Advent Concert
Tuesday night marked our annual SLR Band and Choir Advent concert. It was great to hear all of our talented musicians play some familiar Christmas and Advent tunes.
Huge kudos to our Grade 6 band students who participated in their first band performance during this concert.
Congratulations again to all of our fine arts students at SLR for another wonderful evening of music.
Counselling Corner
Talking With Your Teen About Vaping
Please click on the link below to view this Health Canada resource on vaping and teens.
Need Extra Time to Complete Assignments?
Students now have an opportunity to work on assignments during lunch recess on Wednesdays. Please see poster for more information.
Counselling Referral Form
If you think your child could benefit from speaking to a counsellor, please complete this form. A member of our counselling team will be in touch with you.
Golden Eagle Athletics
Lots happening with athletics these next couple weeks. Please pay close attention to the SLR Sports Calendar for up to date changes.
If your child is interested in playing any team sports this year, please fill out the Athletic Informed Consent form which can be found on RYCOR. To access RYCOR, please log into your PowerSchool account and click on fees and forms. Once in, click on your childs name and the forms will appear. Students will not be able to tryout until this form has been submitted.
For the most current practice and game times and locations, please see the SLR Sports Calendar.
For anything sports related, please see our SLR Sports Calendar. This calendar is updated regularily and is the best way to stay on top of everything SLR sports. If there is ever a change in the schedule, this is where you will find it.
Cafeteria Menu
Eagles Nest Cafe
Online ordering for the Eagles Nest Cafe is available at slr.hotlunches.net
Access code is: slr
New monthly menus will be posted to the website 7 days before the start of the next month.
Please seee parent letter for more information.
School Council
School Council meets the third Wednesday of every month at 6pm in the multicultural space at St. Lorenzo Ruiz. We encourage all our parents and guardians to join us! The next meeting will be on January 15.
Email: slr.schoolcouncil@gmail.com
General Information
As noted in the signage at our front entrance, to support the safety in and around our school we have indoor and outdoor cameras.
Division News
School Hosts Wanted
Please see the poster for more information.
Community News
Linsay Thurber 3rd Annual Winter Classic Skateboard Competition
Lindsay Thurber is hosting the 3rd Annual Bucky’s Winter Classic Skate Park competition (see parent information below), at Incline Industries in Sylvan Lake on Thursday, Dec. 19th, 9:30am - 2:00pm. We are inviting all grade 9-12 students in the surrounding areas to compete. PLEASE NOTE: Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the event.
Registration is for student competitors only (no student spectators) and is ONLINE using the following REGISTRATION LINK. Schools can share this link with their parents to submit. The link also contains a parent letter with more information regarding the event. Note: We must have individual registrations for each competitor to properly track attendees (no mass payments from schools will be taken).
The fee per competitor is $10 and includes lunch and a goodie bag (w/ t-shirt). Payment is due online in order to submit the registration successfully. If parents are experiencing difficulty accessing or submitting the online form or making payment online, please contact Mellanie Kopec at Lindsay Thurber High School at (403)347-1171, ext. 1110. If they have questions in regards to the competition, please direct them to RJ Willms at rj.willms@rdpsd.ab.ca.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Explore Alberta’s Sports History with the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame!
The Alberta Sports Hall of Fame offers engaging educational programs that bring Alberta’s rich sports heritage to life. Students can dive into hands-on activities, explore unique sports artifacts, and hear inspiring stories of Alberta’s sports heroes. Our programs cover various themes, including Indigenous traditions, adaptive sports, evolution of sports, and the intersection of art and sport.
Programs Offered:
Art in Sport (K-4): Discover the connection between sports and art through mascots, jerseys, and medals.
Lasting Traditions (Grades 4-8): Explore Indigenous traditions in sports and culture.
Adaptive Sports (Grades 6-12): Learn about athletes who broke barriers in inclusive sports.
Innovation & Evolution (K-6): Students explore how sports and equipment have changed over the last century.
- In-house Programs: $75 for up to 30 participants, $150 for 31-60 participants.
- Outreach Programs: $125 per class.
For more information, please visit our website albertasportshall.ca/education-program
Click here for a PDF copy of the brochure.
Canada Homestay Network
Please see important information from Canada Homestay Network.