Literacy Improvement Pathway PLC
Leveraging Literacy & Equity for Student Success
What to Expect
Using materials created and curated by the Ohio Department of Education, participants in this Professional Learning Community will experience a "flipped" learning environment - reading and watching instructional materials prior to the collaborative learning community.
**This will begin with the first session. Once registration closes, you will receive a link to the assigned videos & material. **
These materials will help school literacy leaders to prepare staff, students and families for necessary shifts in literacy instruction. Participants will be provided research-based supports of structured literacy.
Target Audience:
* K-5 Building and District Administrators
* Literacy Coaches
Madison-Champaign ESC Literacy Improvement Pathway PLC
Essential Details
DATES: 2nd Wednesday of every month, August 2022 - March 2023
**August 10, 2022: Introduction & Leadership - There will be pre-meeting work provided after registration closes**
September 14, 2022: Time
October 12, 2022: What to Teach
November 16, 2022: Quality of Instruction
December 14, 2022: Professional Development
January 11, 2023: Instructional Materials & Assessments
February 8, 2023: Interventions
March 8, 2023: Families & Motivation
TIME: 7:30 - 8:30am (Sign-in begins at 7:15 am)
Location: Via Zoom (meetings will not be recorded) - RSVP for each individual meeting will be sent out two weeks prior.
Registration Fee: FREE
Questions: Contact James Cutlip at james.cutlip@mccesc.org
We Are Here to Help
Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center
We Work to Serve!
Department of Teaching & Learning. Follow us on Instagram! @tandlmccesc
Feel free to use our hashtags:
#MCCESCTeachingandLearning #M_C_ESC
Email: tandlsupport@mccesc.org
Website: mccesc.org
Location: 2200 S US 68 Urbana, Ohio, 43078
Phone: 937 - 484 - 1557
Facebook: facebook.com/madison.champaign.esc
Twitter: @M_C_ESC