Robert Hunter Report
Sept. 8, 2024
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
We had a great first week at RH - with lots of smiles throughout our school! We have focused on building classroom communities and learning routines and have had fun in the process!
Please continue to read this newsletter each week, which is our primary communication tool for sharing information about our school.
We look forward to celebrating the start of the school year with everyone at the PTO Back to School Social on Friday from 6:00-8:00! We also hope to see many families at our first PTO meeting on Sept. 24th at 6:00 and our Back to School event on Sept. 19th. Our detailed Back to School Night schedule will be sent out this upcoming week.
Within the next two weeks, the NWEA MAP Growth testing will be administered to students in grades 1-4. This assessment will help us to better meet the needs of our students and plan targeted instruction. Tests results will be shared with families once the assessment window has closed.
We are looking forward to another great week. Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Sept. 9, Day 3
Tuesday Sept. 10, Day 4
Wednesday, Sept. 11, Day 5
Thursday Sept. 12, Day 6
Board of Education Meeting 7:00, JPC
Friday, Sept. 13 - Day 1
Back to School Social, 6:00-8:00
Spirit Day - Wear RH Spiritwear or school colors, blue and white
Save the Date:
Sept. 19- Back to School Night and Early Dismissal (1:20)
Sept. 24 - PTO Meeting 6:00
Sept. 28- Clothing Drive 9:00-1:00
Robert Hunter Quick Reference Sheet
Our quick reference sheet here was sent home with your child. We encourage you to hang up this sheet in your home. You can use this form to easily access important links.
We anticipate fewer delays with buses this week. Continue to be at your child's bus stop at the assigned time. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation with using the Dismissal Change Form. Continue to use this form to notify the school of any changes in your child’s dismissal. As a reminder, any requests for dismissal changes must be made by 3:00 of the day of the request. Also, if you are picking up your child early from the office, this must occur before 3:00.
Preschool Pick-Up
Please note that if you are picking up your preschool child, there is a different pick-up procedure than for K-4 students. Please park in the side parking lot and pick up your child at the gym door. If you have a preschooler and an older sibling to pick up, please pick up both children at the gym door instead of using the parent pick-up line.
School Meals
Breakfast is available to students daily - please discuss with your child if they will be getting school breakfast. Students have the option to purchase a second school lunch. If you do not want your child to purchase a second lunch, please let your child’s teacher know. If you need to add money to your child’s account, see the flyer here.
Free/reduced lunch applications were sent home this past week. You can also access the form here.
Students are offered snacks this year in the cafeteria in Grades 1-4. Snacks are available only after students eat their lunch. Please discuss this option with your children, so they know if they are permitted to get a snack and which snack they will be buying. Ice cream will only be available on Fridays. If you do not want your children to get snacks in the cafeteria, please let your child’s teacher know.
Please see the flyer here with the different snack options and prices.
Water Bottles and Snack
We encourage students to continue to bring water bottles to school. Also, please pack a healthy snack for your child. If your child’s classroom has allergy restrictions for snacks, you would have received information from your teacher.
Tango Information and Opt-Out Form
Tango, our certified therapy dog, and his handler, Linda Murphy, will be back at Robert Hunter this year. Tango interacts with students through classroom visits, reading experiences, and more.
Working with animals has been shown to benefit students in many ways including:
Increasing levels of motivation
Improved academic skills, including but not limited to reading fluency
Helping to build trust and provide a sense of security
The provision of unconditional acceptance
Promoting character traits that include: caring, cooperation, empathy, gratitude, humanity, nurturance, patience, perseverance, respect, responsibility, self-control, self-esteem, and service.
We are aware that some students have allergies, and we work with our school nurse to take measures to minimize risks and exposure. Also, we realize that some students do not feel comfortable around dogs. Please be aware that no student is obligated to interact with Tango when he visits Robert Hunter.
Should you have concerns and would prefer that your child not have any contact with our therapy dog, please complete the opt-out form here.
You only need to complete this form if you do NOT want your child to interact with Tango.
Please reach out to Mrs. Braynor or Mrs. Shirvanian if you have questions about Tango.
Family Handbooks
The Robert Hunter Family Handbook and District Handbook with the District Code of Conduct can be found on our school website under the parent tab.
Friday Spirit Days
Fridays are spirit days at Robert Hunter! Students are encouraged to wear their school spirit wear or the color blue. You can order spirit wear here.
From the PTO:
Raccoons, please update your membership toolkit account with your child's grade and homeroom teacher information. Login today at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/
Box Tops for Education:
Robert Hunter is a Box Tops for Education School! Download the Box Tops app, scan your receipts and Robert Hunter PTO will earn credit on the items your family buys!
Show your school spirit! Our spiritwear vendor is offering free shipping through Thursday, September 12 at https://www.roberthunterspiritwear.com.
Back to School Social:
Visit our PTO table and enter to win free spirit wear!
Clothing Drive & Swap:
Save the date for our annual clothing drive and swap event!
Homeroom Parent Selection:
Homeroom parent selection is currently underway! Parents will be notified by September 15th with class assignments. Please direct questions to homeroom parent coordinator, Sarika Wahi at rh.pto.hrparentcoordinator@gmail.com
PTO Meeting:
Our first PTO meeting of the year will be September 24th at 6pm. Homeroom parents are required to attend the meeting for training. Please direct questions to contact homeroom parent coordinator, Sarika Wahi at rh.pto.hrparentcoordinator@gmail.com
Fall Picture Day:
Get those smiles ready! Fall picture day will be Thursday, October 10th! Lifetouch ordering instructions will be sent home in children's backpacks in the weeks to come. Please contact Bethany Pacheco at roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
Halloween Family Fun Night:
Friday, October 11th, 6pm - 8pm (Rain Date October 18th), Please reach out to Sherri Biniaros (sbiniaros@gmail.com) or Madison Rosa (mmiller0509@icloud.com) if you are interested in helping with the trunk or treat and/or other festive activities.
After School Enrichment Clubs
The PTO is currently working with Robert Hunter staff and community members to offer a variety of after school clubs this fall. Please contact Megan Pacyna at roberthunterpto@gmail.com if you have a small business and would like to host a club.
The PTO is here to help! Please reach out to roberthunterpto@gmail.com with any other questions or suggestions.