NPS Parent Update - July 20
Important information for parents
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As you know, we published our Back-to-School Plan after Tuesday night’s Board of Education meeting. As I stated Tuesday night, our intent throughout this process has been to provide a dynamic framework that allows for flexibility and change as new information becomes available. In that spirit, we have made some changes to our blended and virtual learning options that we want to share with you.
Many parents and teachers have reached out to us to share their concerns about using a third-party for our virtual learning option. First, I think it’s important to understand that our partnership with Edgenuity was designed to protect our teachers’ time and workload while also providing a rigorous, developmentally appropriate learning solution that is NCAA approved and accredited by state education officials. When we developed our back-to-school plan, we knew we could rely on our existing NPS ExpandED program to help us accommodate the growing need for virtual instruction so that our own teachers could focus solely on delivering in-person instruction.
NPS ExpandED will remain an option for families. However, we have listened to your concerns and now will offer a virtual learning option to be taught by NPS teachers. This teacher-paced curriculum would be delivered virtually through Seesaw (elementary students) or Canvas (middle and high school students). Please keep in mind that while the NPS teacher would be of the same grade-level and certification for your child, they may not necessarily be from your child’s home school. In the event an NPS teacher with the appropriate certifications is not available to deliver online instruction, we will work with families and may offer instruction through Edgenuity or Odysseyware teachers to ensure all families who choose virtual learning are served. You can learn more details about the new virtual options at www.normanpublicschools.org/backtoschool.
You will select the learning option that is right for your student during enrollment, which is now open and can be completed 100 percent online. We ask that families complete this process by Aug. 5, to allow us enough time to gauge the needs of each option and prepare and work with our teachers for the upcoming year. If you have already completed the enrollment process, you will soon receive an email from our Student Services team to change the learning option you selected if you wish to do so. We are asking all families to commit to their chosen learning option for at least one semester.
We have also received a number of questions about the protocols that will be in place with regard to positive COVID-19 cases in our schools. The Oklahoma State Department of Education is currently developing guidance for school districts, which we understand will be available soon. We will use their guidance to inform the protocols we will put in place and will share this information with you when it becomes available.
The safety of our students, teachers and staff continues to be a top priority. As we have stated throughout this process, we will continue to listen to our stakeholders, be flexible and adapt to new information and changes as they occur. As we do so, we will continue to keep you updated. These may be trying times, but we are committed to working collaboratively in service to students, and making decisions that we believe are in the best interest of children.
Dr. Nick Migliorino
Norman Public Schools
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Email: normanpublicschools@norman.k12.ok.us
Website: normanpublicschools.org
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Facebook: facebook.com/normanpublicschools
Twitter: @NormanSchools