The Owl
The Newsletter of OECHS --January 12, 2025
Prom Tickets on Sale Now!
The OECHS Prom is slated for March 15th at St. Regis. Prom tickets are on sale now through January in our front office for $30 and will increase to $40 in February. Guest (high school age to 20) are permitted only with approval on a prom guest permission form. See Mr. Strope for a guest form.
MLK Day January 20th
All OECHS students are reminded that OECHS and CCCC are closed on Monday, January 20th for MLK Day.
Senior Cap and Gown Pictures January 22nd
Winter Dance--January 24th
The Winter Dance will be held at the Eastern North Carolina Regional Skills Center on January 24th from 7:00-10:00 pm. Tickets can still be purchased online or in the office!
How to join the OECHS Class of 2029
Class of 2025
We will resume Seminars and EPF this week! Seniors must get any required books or resources for CCCC classes by Friday. On Friday, we will inform the CCCC Bookstore to close our account and submit the bill for the semester! Seniors will have their Cap and Gown picture on January 22nd in CE 103/104.
Seniors should have submitted FAFSA, and need to apply for at least two scholarships per week! Keep an eye on our Scholarship Team! All SAT hours are due to Mr. Strope!
Class of 2026
Junior Seminars and ACT prep resume this week. Please note that Tuesday 1:30 pm seminars will be in CB120! Juniors must get any required books or resources for CCCC classes by Friday. On Friday, we will inform the CCCC Bookstore to close our account and submit the bill for the semester!
All student due dates, deadlines, and other important dates can be viewed by accessing the following link at any time:
Parents can view any extra details about the assignment (its location for turning in, the websites used to complete the assignment, etc.) by clicking into each event within this calendar.
English III Honors (Ms. Meyer)-Welcome back! I hope you all had a fun, restful break! We jumped into English III this week with our study of Unit 1: Unheard Voices, focusing on Native American and European explorer texts. We began the unit with an examination of Native American creation stories and trickster tales. We then moved into exploration narratives with a class examination of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca’s Relaciones. To complete this unit, students put into practice examining writing with a lens and utilized writings from John Smith and Chief Powhatan for this assignment. We completed the unit with a Quest. Students have been assigned a Group Trickster Tale Picture Book, which is due next Tuesday, Jan. 14. More information on this can be found in the Content Library of the class OneNote. Next week, we will begin our study of Unit 2: Puritanism. ⛄
Social Studies
AP World History (Ms. York)-This week students worked on the state buildings of Spain and Portugal and The Causes and Impacts of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. They read a Washington Post article on the History of the country of Benin and completed a round table discussion. We ended the week by working on a DBQ on the Patterns of trade with silver. Next week, they will have a vocabulary quiz on Transoceanic Interconnections and then work on Internal and External Challenges to State Power They will work on their Reading Guide for Internal and External Challenges.
American History Honors (Ms. York)-This past week students learned about the Age of Jackson, Manifest Destiny, and Westward Expansion. Next week students will test on the American Renaissance and begin Unit 5 A Nation Divided. They will learn about how Southern expansion and Slavery led to the road to the Civil War and talk about the early Abolition movement. They will work on their Presidential baseball cards and guided reading 10.1 Divisive Politics of Slavery.
Precalculus Honors (Mrs. Walsh)-This past week in Precalculus, students learned how to verify trig identities—an essential skill for evaluating and solving equations. As they prepare for a group assignment and upcoming quiz on lessons 5.1 and 5.2, additional resources are available on Teams, along with daily tutoring sessions to support their learning journey.
Chemistry Honors (Mr. Stallard)-Welcome back to school! It was a great first week to start off our 2nd semester. We are working on Unit 1 Thinking Like a Scientist. Please see due dates below.
-Measurement Lab due Monday Jan 13
-Unit 1 Test on Wednesday Jan 15
AP Environmental Science (Mr. Stallard)-Welcome back to school! It was a great first week to start of our 2nd semester. We are working on Unit 2 Energy Resources and Consumption. Please see due dates below.
-Unit 6 Quiz (A-day Thursday Jan 16 and B-day Friday Jan 17)
-Unit 6 Progess Check due Friday Jan 17 (both A and B day)
-Energy Math Calculations due (A-day Thursday Jan 16 and B-day Friday Jan 17)
Pay your school fees online!
Parents: Join Our Remind Groups!
Along with Blackboard, emails, the OECHS website, and social media, our school uses Remind to inform parents of weather bulletins, weekly newsletters, and more. If you are the parent or guardian of an OECHS Owl, please join the appropriate Remind group!
Class of 2025:
Class of 2026:
Class of 2027:
Class of 2028:
Driving Permits, Licenses, and GPAs
"North Carolina House Bill 769 became effective December 1, 1997 and reflects a coordinated statewide effort to motivate and encourage students to complete high school. This legislation requires that a student's driving permit or license be revoked if a student is unable to maintain adequate progress or drops out of school. Adequate progress is defined as passing 70% of all courses and is determined by first semester grades and second semester grades for schools on block scheduling. For schools on a traditional six-period day schedule, grades are determined by first semester grades and end-of-year grades."
Students need to maintain "adequate progress" to remain eligible for permits and licenses while in high school. Each semester, we are to notify students (and the district) when any students are not making adequate progress at the end of a semester/year. Students will then have to earn back the ability to have a permit or license after the next semester's grades are complete (and pay $50 to the DMV to have their permit or license reinstated). Bottom line: Keep your grades up in your high school and college classes or you will lose your driver's permit or license!
Key Dates
January: SAT Inc volunteer hours due for Class of 2025
January 20th- MLK Day (No School)
January 24th: Winter Dance (7:00-10:00 pm at Skills Center)
February 3rd-Prom Committee Meeting (5:30 in R105)
February 28th- OECHS Workday (no high school classes)
February 28th--March 2nd- No Homework Weekend (high school classes)
March 15th- Prom (St Regis)
March 18th-20th- ACT (Juniors)
April 14th-21st- Spring Break
May 16th- OECHS Graduation (7:00 pm at WOHS Auditorium)
May 17th- CCCC Graduation (at CCCC)
Onslow Early College High School
Location: CE109, 444 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546
Phone: 910-938-6702
Twitter: @OnslowECHS