Chisholm Update
October 27, 2023
Happy Friday Chisholm Families!
Greetings Chisholm Chargers!
For a short week, we had a lot of things going on: Red Ribbon Week dress-ups, celebrating October birthdays, 4th-grade Pumpkin Day, and Storybook Parade/ Fall Parties.
We had such a great time today at school with our Storybook Parade and Fall Parties. This event was live-streamed on the school or PTO Facebook page, along with a variety of pictures and other videos from today and throughout this week.
Since the students and staff dressed up for our Storybook Parade today, we will not be dressing up next Tuesday during Halloween, but I hope you are able to enjoy some events or activities outside of school.
Just a reminder as we start to see some cooler temperatures during this time of year, our school's lost and found is located in the cafeteria. If your child misplaces a jacket or coat during the year, please encourage them to look in our school's lost and found. If you place their name on the tag on the jacket or coat, we can often return those items to their owners.
I've added the November cafeteria menu to this newsletter, which goes in effect on Wednesday of next week.
Looking forward, our school will be celebrating Veteran's Day on Friday, November 10. We will be putting together a slideshow to show to students during class of family members of our Chisholm Family who have served our country. If you would like to add someone to this presentation, please use this link,(the link didn't work last week, but does now) which will take you to a form to enter the information and provide a photo to be added to the slideshow. So we have time to edit and add this information before November 10, we ask that you submit this information by November 1.
Information or flyers added to this newsletter:
Chisholm Spirit Wear - Now is the time to order Chisholm Spirit Wear, which includes t-shirts, long sleeves, and a hat. Orders need to be placed by Sunday, November 19, 2023 (11:59 PM CST). There is a link below and some pictures of items that are being offered.
Turkey Bingo Flyer - Scan the barcode below or click on the link to make donations, prepay for pizza, and volunteer for a bingo shift. The date for Turkey Bingo is Thursday, November 16 from 5:30 to 7:30
Edmond Fine Arts Camps - Edmond Fine Arts will be providing art camps for upcoming school breaks (fall, Thanksgiving, and Holiday). Contact and detailed information is listed below.
Looking Forward...
Looking forward...
November 2 - 3rd Field Trip (Currat, Raney, Diaz)
November 3 - 3rd Field Trip (Whaley, Thompson, Billy
November 9 - PTO Restaurant night (Panda Express, Bryant Square - All Day)
November 10 - Veteran's Day Assembly at Charge UP
November 13 - November PTO Meeting - 9:00 in the Cafeteria
November 16 - Turkey Bingo 5:30 to 7:30 at New Covenant
November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
November 30 - November and December Birthday Books
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal beings
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond