Tuffree Times
October 5, 2024
Message From the Principal
Dear Tuffree community,
I'd like to take a moment to highlight the importance of consistent, punctual attendance. At Tuffree, we like to recognize students who make an effort to be here all day every day. Our perfect attendance awards for September were handed out this week! In order to qualify for these awards, students need to have zero tardies, zero full day absences, and zero days where they were picked up early or dropped off late. We appreciate everything it takes to help your student achieve this, as we know it is a full family effort!
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! You can find all information about activities and spirit days below. I would also like to highlight that October is Filipino Heritage Month. Please follow along with your students as we celebrate through lunchtime activities and highlighting influential Filipino Americans.
Sarah Barton, Principal
Activities Update
Boo Bash Halloween Dance on Friday, 10/25, 3:30-5:15. We're looking for some parent volunteers to help with concessions and tickets. Please email Jenna Lind at jlind@pylusd.org if you can help out! Click here for costume guidelines.
Oct 7-11 is Red Ribbon Week at Tuffree! Click here for dress up days
Wear pink each Wednesday in October to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
October is Filipino Heritage Month. Click here to learn more.
Behavior Reminders
Our Falcons have settled into the rhythm of school, which is great! With this in mind, we'd love for your help reminding your student to keep our school expectations top of mind as they move throughout campus, which includes entering break and lunch lines at a walking pace. We love watching our students become comfortable on campus, and we want to make sure that that comfort stays within secure and safe boundaries for fellow students and staff alike. Notably, we'd like to make sure all students know how great of a job they've been doing at keeping our campus clean - Great job Falcons!
Our first volleyball scrimmages at Yorba Linda Middle School went great! The Tuffree spirit was alive and well. We can't wait for our next scrimmages at home on Tuesday, and the Championship tournament on Friday, October 11th!
Support Tuffree Colorguard at Lampost Pizza on Thursday, Oct. 10!
Tuffree Connect Tutoring
Office Reminders
School Calendar: The school calendar can be found here.
Daily Attendance: Every day counts when it comes to student attendance. Students must maintain good attendance to achieve academic success. When a student is absent, please contact the attendance office. The attendance office can be reached by text at (714)202-6891 or by contacting our front office by phone at (714)986-7480. Please include your student’s name, your name, and the reason for the absence. Note that you must report absences every day your student is out, and you have 48 hours to clear an absence.
Free Class at USI
What: Speed and Agility Class to increase athletic performance
When: Monday OR Wednesday mornings at either 6:30-7:15am or 7:15-8am, 8 week program running the week of 10/7 through the week of 12/2.
Where: USI Training Center at the Orange County School of Computer Science
Schedule a Free Wrestling Class
Non-Discrimination Statement: The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying in all district activities, programs, and employment based upon actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, age, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. In accordance with AB-1078, this applies to all acts of the governing board and the superintendent of the school district in enacting policies and procedures that govern the local educational agency. The following employees have been designated to handle questions or complaints of alleged discrimination: Employee complaint- Dr. Issaic Gates, Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources (714) 985-8408. Title IX and any other discrimination complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670, bpedraza@pylusd.org. Title II Coordinator / 504 Coordinator / Americans with Disabilities Act complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670. Bullying, intimidation complaints - Tonya Gordillo, Administrator, Student Services (714) 985-8671. The mailing address for all compliance officers is 1301 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870.