Kindergarten/New Family Newsletter
June 21, 2024
From the Front Desk
Hello, Kindergarten Families and New 1st-5th Grade Lester Park Families!
Below is some information we would like to share with you before the school office officially closes today. I will be working 4 days in July, so if you have questions please feel free to email us.
Have a wonderful summer!
~ Tracy Thompson, Lester Park Admin Asst
Important Dates
Aug 12...School Office opens for the school year
Aug 15...First School Newsletter sent out, Office closed due to training
Aug 26-29...Teachers start back, Office hours vary due to trainings & meetings
Aug 28...K-5th Grade Open House (time TBA)
Sept 3...First day of school for 1st-5th Graders
Sept 5...First day of school for Kindergartners
Sept 3-4...Individual Family Meet&Greet with Kindergarten Teachers
More dates on the Lester Park Calendar HERE
2024-25 District Calendar can be found HERE
(PD=professional development/NO SCHOOL for students)
School Supply List
Families may bring in their child's school supplies at the Open House. Donations can be dropped off at the school office.
Unfinished Enrollments
Most of you receiving this email have your child all registered for this fall. There are a handful of families that we am still waiting for a required item such as a registration form, birth and/or address verification. Tracy Thompson will email families with a missing required item again at some point in July.
Without the 3 required items, we are not able to enroll a child, assign to a teacher, or allow them to start school the first week in September. We also cannot request a bus for the child.
Teacher Assignments
Similar to the last 10 years, teacher assignments will not be mailed to families. You will need to log into the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus in late August to find out.
Teacher assignments are typically posted on Infinite Campus the Friday before the Open House, however that could change as this is a district-wide decision. Once we know, we will put it in our school newsletters. Our first school newsletter will be sent to families on Thursday, August 15.
Due to data privacy laws, teacher assignments cannot be given over the phone or in an email. So please make sure you are able to log into the Parent Portal.
Parent Portal:
If you forgot your password or username, please click on the link above and then click on the appropriate blue option. If you need an activation key, please email Tracy Thompson.
Bussing will be on the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus around the middle of August. Bussing information is taken from the Online or Hardcopy Registration forms filled out by parents and guardians.
If you have not submitted a request for your child to have a bus yet, or there is a change over summer, please have be sure to let us know ASAP. All requests must be received by Monday, Aug 12. However, I recommend getting them in sooner as the first day the school offices open is a very busy day.
Bus requests submitted to our Transportation Department after Aug 12 may result in a delay in a bus assignment in early September.
Health Forms/Immunizations
Many of you have submitted your child's immunizations either by uploading them to Infinite Campus, or by providing a hardcopy. For 1st-5th Grade, we will likely receive your child's health records from their previous school.
Our Health Office isn't able to enter immunizations until late August or September. So if you see that your child's immunizations are non-compliant in Infinite Campus, please do not worry. Once all of the immunizations have been entered, our health office will email families who have missing health information.
Our Health Office is currently closed for the summer. It will open up the week of August 26, however office hours will vary due to trainings and meetings. More information from the Health Office will come in the August school newsletters.
Annual Blended Learning Consent Form
The Blended Learning Agreement for the 2024-25 school year will give students full access to Duluth Public Schools Digital Resources (chromebook, tablet, online programs, testing, etc).
Click here: 2024-25 Blended Learning Consent Form
The form requires your child's Student ID #. You do NOT need to enter your child's email. You will not be able to view it on Infinite Campus, so just skip that line.
How do I find out my child's Student ID # (Lunch #)?
* Log into Infinite Campus
* Click on your child's picture
* Their Student ID # is either under or to the right of their small picture.
Open House and Meet&Greet Information
K-5th Grade Open House...Wednesday, August 28
This open house is for K-5th Grade families. What to expect...
- There will be A LOT of families coming. As a result, we may divide the times up by the initial of the last name. This is just in the planning stages so watch your email in mid August for more information.
- Teachers will handout some forms, a few from the office for parents to fill out and send back by the first day of school.
- You may bring your child's school supplies.
Kindergarten Meet&Greets...September 3-4
This is done district-wide and is a great opportunity for parents/guardians to meet alone with their child's teacher. Kindergarten teachers will send out a signup link the week before to their families.
ParentSquare...what is it and how do I sign up?
This is our main method of communications with parents. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Duluth Public Schools. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
Send and receive school and class information
Share pictures and files
See calendar items
Sign up to volunteer
Schedule parent-teacher conferences
and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Please read all about it here:
Early Childhood Screening (Kindergarten Only)
Most of you have already had your child go through this required screening. However I wanted to include this information again for those who haven't.
MN State Law requires a developmental and health screening for each child prior to enrollment in kindergarten. ISD709 Duluth provides free screening most weeks during the months of September to April, with one additional date scheduled each month from May to August.
View the Early Childhood Screening calendar online and arrange an appointment at Or Call 336-8816 or email
An equivalent screening can be accepted from another agency, county, or health care provider.