Believe and Achieve Times
Student and Parent Edition: August 28, 2023

January 20, 2025: Student and Parent Edition
National Honor Society Applications are now open to Juniors and Seniors!
Applications for the National Honor Society are available in Mr. Nallenweg's classroom (C584). Membership is open to current juniors and seniors who have at least a 3.40 GPA, and have demonstrated scholarship, character, and involvement during their years at CHS. Applications are to be returned directly to Mr. Nallenweg. The deadline is Friday February 7th, 2025 @ 3:15 PM.
CHS Girls' Swim & Dive Team win their 26th consecutive DAC Championship!
Congratulations to the Girls Swim & Dive Team on winning their 26th consecutive DAC Championship! Congratulations to Brenley Bonez and the 200 yard Medley Relay for breaking school records!
200-yard medley relay:
1. Valparaiso 1:43.72;
2. Chesterton 1:43.93** (Adalyn Laughner 26.36, Brenley Bonez 28.15, Tegan Werner 25.54, Peyton Ostertag 23.89) NEW SCHOOL RECORD!
200 free: 1. Bella Tufts (CP) 1:52.79
2. Miata Henderson 1:55.79;
4. Lux Mountford 1:57.32;
6. Emily Hofmann 2:02.82.
200 IM: 1. Maddie Moreth (Valpo) 2:07.75;
4. Olivia West 2:15.89;
8. Mallory Killosky 2:22.95.
50 free:
1. Bonez 23.63 - DAC Champion!
3. Werner 24.16;
5. Ostertag 24.36
1. Aylea Sutherland (Valpo) 416;
2. Bayley Fowler 4:05.75;
6. Breanne Walters 333.90;
7. Bella Walters 306.15.
100 butterfly:
1. Abby Lee (Valpo) 56.61;
2. Werner 57.50;
6. Killosky 1:02.13;
7. Draves 1:02.23.8.
500 free:
1. Tufts (CP) 5:05.21;
3. Henderson 5:12.63;
5. Hofmann 5:23.30;
6. Pieters 5:28.33.
200 free relay:
1. Crown Point 1:39.20;
2. Chesterton 1:39.55 (Mountford 25.10, Patricia Ozimek 25.03, Hofmann 25.36, Henderson 24.06).
100 backstroke:
1. Laughner 56.40 DAC Champion!
3. Draves 59.79
4. Alyssa Scalf 1:01.81
100 breaststroke:
1. Maddie Moreth (Valpo) 1:01.16
2. Bonez 1:02.27 NEW SCHOOL RECORD!
4. Ozimek 1:09.51
5. West 1:09.91.
400 free relay:
1. Chesterton 3:30.62 (Ostertag, Werner, Laughner, Bonez) - DAC Champions!
CHS Senior Bayley Fowler breaks CHS Diving Record!
Congratulations to Bayley Fowler for breaking the CHS Diving Record! Her score of 263.95 is now the new CHS girls diving record!
Capital Improvements in 2025!
Capital Improvements for 2025
The Duneland School Corporation will continue to improve current facilities to enhance the student experience with the following capital improvements in 2025: playground replacements at Bailly, Brummitt, Jackson, and Liberty elementary schools and soccer stadium renovations and carpet replacement at Chesterton High School. This presentation below provides additional details on the scope of each project. Concept drawings and timelines regarding 2021-2025 capital improvement projects are available on the DSC website.
CHS Applied Arts Gallery Show - January 30th!
Our wonderful CHS Applied Arts students have an art show to share!
A series of cubism-inspired self portraits are currently on display at the Das' Gallery, which is located in the lobby of the Country Inn & Suites (2020 Laporte Avenue in Valparaiso). There is an opening celebration at the gallery on January 30th from 4:30-6:30pm. Consider stopping by to show support for our awesome kids
Skyward Family Access Portal
Where is the Skyward Family Access Link?
Did you know that a link to the Skyward Family Access Portal is conveniently located on each school's main website page and on the district main website page? A row of 'Quick Find' link icons are located just under the image on the district and each schools website page (see example below).
Need to FIX your Skyward App?
Since the Skyward migration has been completed, the mobile app should automatically pull the new URL. Parents who are not getting the new URL, should remove the current account from the Skyward app and add the account back.
You can verify that the app is using the new URL by performing the following steps in the app:
1. Accounts--Edit
2. Click District. Review the URL under "Connection will be attempted using:"
You can delete the existing connection by performing the following steps in the app:
1. Accounts--Edit
2. Delete
DSC's new Skyward uses the following link: https://skyward.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsedudunelandscin/seplog01.w
Attention CHS Seniors!!!!!!
CTE Open Houses!
Attention Senior Parents! FAFSA is now open!
2025-2026 FAFSA Now Open
Students are encouraged to file before Indiana's April 15 deadline
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Commission for Higher Education announced today a statewide completion goal for the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Commission’s goal is to have at least 60 percent of high school seniors complete the current FAFSA by Indiana’s deadline of April 15, 2025. The 2025-2026 FAFSA form is currently open.
Additionally, the Commission seeks to increase the total FAFSA filing rate including high school seniors, adult learners, and returning students by at least five percent from the previous year. For 2024, Indiana ranks second in the nation in completion rates for this year’s high school graduating class, with less than a 2-percentage point decline compared to the national average of a near 9-percentage point decline.
“Indiana ranks third in the Midwest and eighth in the nation for our need-based aid opportunities,” said Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Chris Lowery. “With legislative increases in 2023, Hoosier students have access to even more financial aid than before. Millions of dollars in additional aid are available throughout the next five years, only accessible through the FAFSA.”
The FAFSA not only determines federal grant and scholarship eligibility but is used to award state financial aid, including the Frank O’Bannon Grant, Indiana’s largest need-based financial aid award. It is also necessary for 21st Century Scholars to complete the FAFSA to receive their scholarship.
“While cost remains a high barrier for many Hoosiers looking to pursue education and training after high school, Indiana has opportunities to alleviate those challenges and make higher education accessible,” said Lowery.
FAFSA Week of Action
The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) has announced December 9-13 as the FAFSA Week of Action. This week is specifically aimed at encouraging high school seniors to create their StudendAid.Gov Accounts (FSA IDs) and complete the FAFSA. The USDOE and Indiana Commission for Higher Education are encouraging high school counselors, principals and other school leaders, superintendents, after school programs, parent groups, non-profit organizations, and other local and state education organizations to commit to taking action to raise awareness about the FAFSA form.
More resources and information are available through the National College Attainment Network (NCAN).
Creating a StudentAid.Gov account (also called FSA ID account)
Students and parents (of dependent students) or spouses (of independent students) must create a StudentAid.Gov Account (FSA ID) at least three days before filing the FAFSA. Resources needed to create a StudentAid.Gov Account include:
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Full legal name
- Date of birth
- Mailing address
- Personal email address
- A memorable username and password
How to file the 2025-2026 FAFSA
Students can file the FAFSA online at studentaid.gov. Information needed to complete the FAFSA include:
- Gov Account (FSA ID)
- Federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned from 2023
- List of any federal benefits received
- Asset information including bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
- Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
Help is available
The Commission’s Outreach Coordinators are available to assist students and families in the filing process. Outreach Coordinators are strategically located in eight geographic regions in Indiana and can help students, families, and educators with questions about state financial aid and filing the FAFSA.
To send a direct message to your region’s Outreach Coordinator, visit www.learnmoreindiana.org/contact.
Additional resources:
- Hoosier families can also access free FAFSA help through INvestEd by email (outreach@investedindiana.org) or phone at 317-715-9007.
- ¿Necesitas ayuda en español? Llame al 317-715-9007.
- The U.S. Department of Education provides email and live chat assistance for FAFSA filers as well as a helpline at 1-800-4-FED-AID.
FAFSA filing events
Higher education institutions around the state are hosting FAFSA filing events for students and families.
To view the upcoming events calendar, visit learnmoreindiana.org
About the Indiana Commission for Higher Education
Created in 1971, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education plans, coordinates and defines Indiana’s postsecondary education system to align higher learning with the needs of students and the state. The Commission also administers Indiana’s financial aid programs, including the 21st Century Scholars early college promise scholarship, which celebrated 30 years in 2020.
Emily Price
Daniel Ayres-Kobren
Khanmigo: A FREE tutoring program for students!
CHS Yearbook Information!
Attendance Matters at CHS!
We want to take a moment to share how much we value your presence at school each day. Your attendance not only supports your academic success but also plays a vital role in creating a vibrant, positive school culture. Each student brings unique talents, ideas, and energy that enriches our community and makes a difference in our classrooms, hallways, and beyond.
When you’re here, you’re part of a team that values growth, kindness, and achievement. We are thrilled to see you each morning, ready to learn, connect, and make memories. Together, we build a stronger, more connected school where everyone has a place to thrive.
Thank you for your commitment to being here and for contributing to the wonderful atmosphere at our school. Let’s make this year one of connection, success, and positivity. We are so glad you’re here with us!
Security Threats/Threats of Violence
On Monday, October 7, 2024, the Duneland School Board approved a K-12 addendum for all school handbooks. This addendum addresses how school administration responds to threats of violence made by students. It is important that students know of the potential repercussions of their words. The schools will be addressing this addendum with students prior to it going into effect on Monday, October 14, 2024. This addendum, is also available in each of the school handbooks under Student Code of Conduct/Specific Rules of Behavior.
Educating our students about the dangers of vaping
This past July, the Town of Dune Acres gifted Chesterton High School with a donation towards drug awareness and education for students and families. Duneland School SROs have worked closely with Chesterton administration to cultivate educational opportunities, using materials purchased through Human Media Relations, to help students who may struggle with vaping and drug pressures.
Deferment course materials, in tandem with family conferences, are aimed towards giving students more knowledge about the dangers of vaping and controlled substances, as well as establishing trusted working relationships between the school, SROs, and families.
Reminder about our Wireless Communication Device Policy at CHS!
On July 1, 2024, the Indiana Legislators enacted a new law for all K-12 schools in Indiana. The law reads as follows:
Electronic Devices (P.L. 108-1994, HEA 1202): Wireless Communication Devices
Per IC 20-26-5-40.7: the use of wireless communication devices, including but not limited to cellular telephones, tablet computers, laptop computers, gaming devices, smartwatches, etc., is strictly prohibited during academic class periods unless explicitly authorized by the teacher for educational purposes.
Students are permitted to use a wireless communication device in the event of a health or safety emergency or to manage health care as specifically defined in the student’s Individualized Health Plan (IHP), Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and/or Section 504 Plan.
A wireless communication device is defined by Indiana law as any portable wireless device that has the capability to provide voice, messaging, or other data communication between two (2) or more parties.
Chesterton High School’s new policy regarding wireless communication devices includes cell phones, earbuds/headphones, smartwatches, and any other auxiliary device that can be paired with a cellular phone. When a student is directed by a teacher or staff member to follow the established classroom phone/wireless communication policy, noncompliant students will be referred to the office and are subject to disciplinary action for insubordination.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us create a focused and productive learning environment at CHS.
CHS Fundraiser for the 2024-25 school year!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures off to a Good Start!
Thank you to all of our students and parents for helping us get off to a good start regarding our arrival and dismissal procedures! We will continue to make adjustments to effectively get our buses out and on their routes. When we work together then we can accomplish anything!
Key Changes:
- Morning Drop-Off: All students being dropped off before 8:10 AM must be dropped off at Door 34 or Door 31.
- Afternoon Pick-Up: All students being picked up after 3:10 PM must be picked up at Door 34 or Door 31.
This change is being made to ensure that our buses can enter and exit CHS safely and on time.
We appreciate your cooperation in following this new policy and helping us maintain a smooth and efficient arrival and dismissal process for all students.
Thank you for your continued support.
Student Parking!
In efforts to help with our arrival and dismissal procedures at CHS the following procedures will be implemented for all student drivers.
All student drivers must purchase a student parking pass and display visibly to park at Chesterton High School. You can pick up a student parking application in the main office. All students need to have a complete application and student parking pass by the end of the day on Wednesday, August 21. There will be no fee for the student parking pass.
Parking Guidelines:
- Students are only allowed to park by Door 31, Door 34, and in the back of the school by the tennis courts.
- Students are NOT allowed to park in the front of the building (west side), which includes the faculty lot and the visitor lot.
Failure to follow this policy could result in disciplinary action and/or loss of driving privileges.
Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.
Dual Credit Opportunities at CHS!
CHS currently offers 67 Dual Credit courses! Our goal at CHS is for 75% or more of our students to earn dual credit while they are in high school and 40% of our seniors to earn 1 years worth of college credit. We have dual credit partnerships with Ivy Tech Community College, Purdue Northwest, Ball State University, University of Southern Indiana, Vincennes University, and Indiana University. Ivy Tech is our main partner for dual credit opportunities. We offer many courses through our Dual Credit partnerships that are part of the Indiana College Core (ICC) Transfer Library. This means that students who take these FREE courses will be able to transfer those college credits to any state funded institution. The current cost of a year of college at a state funded school (ex. IU or Purdue) is approximately $10,000 for tuition plus room and board. By earning these credits at CHS you could save A LOT of money!
To be eligible for dual credit, students need to apply to Ivy Tech AND earn a score of 70 or higher on both English and Math STEM Knowledge Assessments BEFORE registering for a dual credit course.
Scan the QR Code below for the steps to apply for Ivy Tech Dual Credit courses. Once you apply, you will be able to register for dual credit courses. If you have any questions or need assistance contact Mrs. Tiffany Hawkins, CHS Assistant Principal, at 219-983-3730 or thawkins@duneland.k12.in.us.