One91 Virtual Academy Newsletter
May 13-17
Burnsville Cheer Information
Elementary Sideline Cheer Camp
Entering Grades 1-6
August Summer Camp
Get an introduction into cheer by learning stunts, tumbling, jumps, dances and more and cheer with the sideline team at part of a home football game - date TBD.
Register here:
For questions please email burnsvillecompcheer@gmail.com and follow @burnsvillecompcheer and @burnsvillespiritsquad to stay up to date on our teams!
Middle School Black/Gold Rotation Days
Info for Current 8th Graders
Asynchronous schedule
The following dates will be 100% asynchronous days for 8th grade only.
May 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
June 3, 4, 5, 6
Summer opportunities
Please see below for some great FREE opportunities this summer!
Summer STEM Academy (Deadline is May 31)
Burnsville Cheer Information
Cheer Open Gyms
Current grades 6-12
Prepare for the 2024/25 cheer season or graduating seniors keep your skills sharp for college cheer. Classes will be a combination of coach lead and open gym style. Work on stunting, tumbling, jumps, motions and more. Highly recommended for anyone interested in cheer next year!
Tuesdays NOW-May 21 4:30-6:30pm in F190 @ BHS
Register here:
Sideline & Competitive Cheer Team
Grades 7-12 for the 2024/25 school year
Tryouts May 28 & 29th from 4:30-7pm in the F190 gym @ BHS (registration must be complete BEFORE tryouts!)
Register here:
(Additional registration will be required in Aug/Sep for the competition season)
For questions please email burnsvillecompcheer@gmail.com and follow @burnsvillecompcheer and @burnsvillespiritsquad to stay up to date on our teams!
Information for Seniors
Attention Class of 2024!
Due to many College Financial Aid letters delayed this year, making it difficult for students to make a decision by May 1st, our Decision Day Celebration at Burnsville High School will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024. The celebration for seniors will be in the Career Center during all lunches.
During this in-school celebration every senior will be invited to declare their decision of
College, Military, Apprenticeship, Employment, BEST or a Gap Year.
The BHS Senior Class are asking students to submit their senior photo on Instagram.
Click HERE or use the link below.
Follow CLASS of 2024 Decisions!! @Burnsvilleseniors2024
Students should also submit their graduation survey and transcript request when they know their plans.
Click HERE or use the link below.
Financial Aid Presentation
Check out this presentation for information on financial aid. If you plan to attend college next year, this presentation is for you! Please reach out to your counselor, Mrs. Akerson at rakerson@isd191.org if you have any questions or need support.
9-12 Credit Recovery
Registration has now opened for the 2024 Credit Recovery Summer Program. Registration is completed with a student's counselor after a credit audit has been conducted. Please contact your student's counselor to register.
Attached you will find the Frequently Asked Questions document for Credit Recovery which explains information such as how to enroll, when programming will be taking place, and who to contact for more information.
Basic Information
Dates: June 17-July 22 (June 19th and July 1-5th off)
Class Hours: 8:30a-12:30p
Location: Burnsville High School
Who can apply: Any student grades 9-12 that are credit deficient in at least 1 class.
Burnsville Cheer Information
Cheer Open Gyms
Current grades 6-12
Prepare for the 2024/25 cheer season or graduating seniors keep your skills sharp for college cheer. Classes will be a combination of coach lead and open gym style. Work on stunting, tumbling, jumps, motions and more. Highly recommended for anyone interested in cheer next year!
Tuesdays NOW-May 21 4:30-6:30pm in F190 @ BHS
Register here:
Sideline & Competitive Cheer Team
Grades 7-12 for the 2024/25 school year
Tryouts May 28 & 29th from 4:30-7pm in the F190 gym @ BHS (registration must be complete BEFORE tryouts!)
Register here:
(Additional registration will be required in Aug/Sep for the competition season)
For questions please email burnsvillecompcheer@gmail.com and follow @burnsvillecompcheer and @burnsvillespiritsquad to stay up to date on our teams!
Youth Service Volunteering Opportunities
Youth Service Volunteering Opportunities for Youth Service Credit, Awards, and More!
*Please Read all options carefully, many new opportunities*
Service to our community is an amazing way to give back, and it’s also a unique opportunity for earning a service learning credit. Please go to the Youth Service- Community Volunteering Website for more information *Be sure to visit my.innerview.org for all updated opportunities.
*Please note, if you sign up to volunteer, people are counting on you, you must communicate with the supervising person if you are not able to attend at least 24 hours in advance.
1. Edward Neill Family Fun Night Edward Neill is looking for volunteers for our annual Family Fun Night on Thursday, May 16th from 5-7, with a set up shift at 4. We'll have several concessions, games, activities, a giant inflatable obstacle course, even a DJ. This is our biggest event of the year & we are in need of all hands on deck to make this an epic night - you'll even get free pizza, snow cones, and cotton candy for your service! To sign up use the link below or email Nicole at NeillElementaryPTA@gmail.com or use the following link https://forms.gle/e24YPddTiwwDuuay8
2. Burnsville Swim Booster Volunteer Opportunity On May 18 and 19, students can earn volunteer hours while watching basketball at Burnsville High School. Sign up as a court monitor to earn service hours. There are also other volunteer opportunities that weekend, during the Blaze swim team's fundraiser. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AAEAC29A6FBC07-49237533-swim#/
3. Sky Oaks 2nd Grade Help digital learning teachers are facilitating "spark experiences" for 2nd graders during the last couple weeks of May. The students will be learning about how Amazon uses robots in their fulfillment centers. Then at the "Spark Experience" students will be building their own fulfillment centers and programming Dash robots to pick up orders (like the robots do at Amazon). 2nd graders will be working in pairs and the volunteers would be assigned to assist a couple of pairs that could use a little extra support and guidance.
Location: Sky Oaks Elementary Gym
Date: Friday, May 24
Time: 9:30-11 am, 11-12:30 pm ,1:20-2:50 pm
Volunteers could come for just one session or all three, you must have your own transportation and you cannot miss an academic class for this opportunity. Contact Mrs. Salmela at ksalmela@isd191.org for more information or to sign up.
4. The Free Book Buggie. Each Saturday will be the Free Book Buggie book sort event from 10a-12p or Tuesday after school in C100. This event asks volunteers to count book donations, sort donated books by reading level and category, and load books into buggy for upcoming events. *Free T-Shirt available in Ms. Jackson Floback’s office
5. Volunteer Options Gideon Pond Multiple opportunities to help volunteer at Gideon Pond Elementary School. Select the link and see what works with your schedule!*Free T-Shirt available in Ms. Jackson Floback’s office Additional options include the following links: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AAEAA29A0FAC52-47172193-childcare (PTO Childcare), https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AAEAA29A0FAC52-gideon, (General volunteer options)
6. Peer Tutoring on Tuesdays and or Wednesdays The tutor center is seeking help on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:45-3:25, you will receive 2 hours of time for 40 minutes of work. You do not have to commit to attending each week, you must use the following link each week to sign up to be a peer tutor.
The 191 Community Pantry is looking for volunteers June, July, August and September for food distributions on the 1st/3rd Tuesdays and the 2nd/4th Tuesdays. Sign up today to help out! www.tinyurl.com/191CPSUMMER or be sure to check out MY.INNERVIEW.ORG
DOCUMENTING SERVICE & SETTING UP YOUR ACCOUNT IN INNERVIEW: For information on how to register for the InnerView Hours Documentation system or how to input hours you have accumulated since May 1st 2023 through April 15th 2024 please select this link.
Questions, please contact cfloback@isd191.org
2024 Year End Family Survey
One91 Families:
We value your opinion as we work to make sure all students are successful now and ready for their futures. Please tell us how we're doing, what is working, and what could be improved by taking this 5-minute survey. Thank You!
Take the survey - www.isd191.org/survey
Familias de One91:
Nosotros valoramos su opinión mientras trabajamos para asegurarnos de que todos los estudiantes tengan éxito ahora y estén listos para su futuro. Por favor díganos cómo nos estamos desempeñando, qué está funcionando y en qué áreas podemos mejorar con esta encuesta de 5 minutos que usted puede llenar. ¡Gracias!
Responda a la encuesta - www.isd191.org/survey
Qoysaska One91,
Waxaan aad uqiimaynaa fikraddaada inta aan ka shaqeyneyno hubinta in arday walba gaaro guul iyo u diyaar gareenta mustaqbalkooda. Fadlan nala socodsii sida aan wax uqabanayno, waxaa inoo shaqeynaya, iyo waxa horumarin ubaahan ama in labadelo adigoo qaadanaya sahankan 5-daqiiqo. Mahadsanid!
2024 Summer Programming
Community Pantry
Want to Volunteer?
A background check must be completed before being allowed to volunteer, which includes field trip chaperones. Please note that it takes a few days to process.
Upcoming Events
14, 15, 21-23, 28-31- 8th grade asynchronous days
24- 5th grade track and field day at BHS
3-6- 8th grade asynchronous days
6- Chromebook hand in 2pm-6pm Vista View gym (Chromebooks, chargers, headphones, materials and books)
6- Last day of school
Tech Support
Need Chromebook help? You can contact Technical Support by submitting an online request
or by phone 952-707-2758.
About One91 Virtual Academy
One91 Virtual Academy is a new school in District 191 with 100 percent online instruction. Curriculum is designed and taught by District 191 staff.
Email: 191va-elementary@isd191.org
Website: https://virtualacademy.isd191.org
Location: 13109 County Road 5, Burnsville, MN, USA
Phone: (952)707-2900
School Hours
Elementary: 9:00am-3:45pm
Middle School: 7:50am-2:30pm
High School: Asynchronous
Important Numbers to Know
Attendance line: (952)707-2904
Main number: (952)707-2900
Technology support: (952)707-2758
Secondary Counselor Mrs. Akerson rakerson@isd191.org or (952) 707-6075