High School Weekly Update
May 17, 2024
Principal Thoughts
It's hard for me to believe that I am writing the last newsletter of the 23/24 school year. It won't be long before our seniors are participating in the culminating event of high school when they walk across the stage at graduation and begin the next phase of their lives. While graduation is by far my favorite event of the school year, it is also bittersweet because it means good bye to these students, which is a very special group of people. Not only do they have many accomplishments, which will be celebrated at our Awards Day next week, but this is also the first graduating class that attended all seven years at Gray Stone. They have certainly left their mark on our school, and we are very excited to see all the amazing things they will do in their lives, but it will be tough to say good bye.
I also wanted to cover a few logistical things. First, final exams begin next Thursday, and the exam schedule is listed below. School will be closed on Monday, May 27 in recognition of the Memorial Day holiday. Our summer office hours will be Monday-Thursday from 9:00-2:00, and the school will be closed the weeks of July 1st and July 8th. We will publish a back-to-school newsletter on our website before we go on break in July, so please check back toward the end of June for all the back-to-school information. The first day of school for students in the 2024-2025 school year will be Wednesday, August 7, which will be a half day. The high school will have Open House the week of August 5 prior to the first day of class. Details pertaining to Open House will be shared in the back-to-school newsletter. So long for now, and I would like to conclude by thanking all of you for entrusting your child's education with us. It is a mission we take very seriously, and we know you have many choices available to you. Thank you for choosing us, and we look forward to many great things to come. Have a wonderful summer!
Gray Stone is Hiring!
We are currently seeking highly qualified applicants for the 2024-2025 school year, and our open positions are listed here. If you or anyone you know might be interested in working at a dynamic, college-preparatory charter school, please fill out the application today.
Final Exam Schedule
Final Exam Schedule
5/23 - 1st & 2nd
5/24 - 3rd & 4th
5/28 - 5th & 6th
Exam 1 - 8:25 -9:55
Break - 9:55-10:10
Exam 2 - 10:15-11:45
End-Of-Course Exams - Begin at 8:25
5/29 -
Biology (End time is 10:45)
English II (End time is 11:15)
5/30 -
Math 1 (End time is 11:45)
Math 3 (End time is 11:45)
Please note the following regarding HS Final Exams:
- Friday, May 31 is an exam Make-up Day for extenuating circumstances only. Students are expected to attend their exam at the stated time above. Please reach out to Mrs. Kristen Gray at kgray@graystoneday.org if an issue arises.
- Students are expected to leave once exams have concluded for each day.
- Early check-outs are not permitted on exam days. Please plan accordingly.
- The following students are exempt from final exams: (1) Seniors may be exempt from seated, non-EOC final exams if they have a 90% on a 10-point scale and no more than 6 absences. Seniors may not be exempted from final projects given in lieu of a final exam. (2) Any student in an AP class who takes the AP exam.
Girls' Tennis Interest Meeting
There will be an interest meeting for anyone wanting to try out for girls’ tennis on Tuesday, May 21 in room 106 at 3:00. Please email Mrs. Niederer if you have any questions. cniederer@graystoneday.org.
Knights of the Week
"Joseph has very strong character and definitely represents our core values. He actively participates in class and has stepped outside of his comfort zone by being a leader in Spanish Honor Society this year. "
"Gabriel does a terrific job balancing athletics with school work. Gabe is always at the top of his class academically while balancing a very busy schedule after school."
"Zachary is so much fun to have in class! He is joyful and his laugh is contagious. He definitely exemplifies our core values. He communicates to his teachers when he is absent and arranges to make up anything he has missed. I appreciate his hard work!"
We are fortunate to have many students like Joseph, Gabriel, and Zachary who exemplify our core values. Great job, guys!
Teacher Spotlight
This week, our Teacher Spotlight features Mrs. Heather Ferguson, who has been teaching at Gray Stone for the past 13 years.
Parent Satisfaction Survey
Thank you to all who have completed the parent satisfaction survey thus far. The feedback we have received is appreciated and valuable as we begin to plan for next school year. If you have not yet filled out the survey, we would love to get your input. Please refer to the email sent by Mrs. Smith on Friday, May 3 to complete the survey if you have not already done so.
Gray Stone Day School Handbook
The Gray Stone Day School Handbook contains the schools policies and procedures and is posted on the school's website under the General Info tab. You can also access it by clicking here.
Free Sports Physicals
Academic Calendar 2024-2025
The following adjustments have been made to the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar:
- The ACT for Juniors was moved from March 7 to March 14. March 7 is now a normal day for all students. March 14 will be a virtual day for 9th, 10th, and 12th graders. Juniors will come to campus to take the ACT. This will be an early release day for the Middle School.
- Senior Project Presentations will occur on Monday, March 17, which remains a Teacher Workday for all other students.
At this time, the calendar is finalized, and no further changes should be needed. However, if something unforeseen occurs resulting in an additional change, we will communicate this through our various channels. The '24/'25 Academic Calendar is now posted on the website, and you may access it by clicking here. For the '24-'25 bell schedules, please click here.
Student Trip to the Azores - Summer 2025
Upcoming Athletic Events
All spring sports have concluded their seasons, and we will celebrate their accomplishments at the Spring Sports Banquet in the Main Gym on Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 p.m.
Lunch Menu
Monday Pasta (Meat or Alfredo Sauce), Garlic Bread, Side Salad
Tuesday Sub Sandwiches, Corn, Fruit, Salad Bar
Wednesday Beef or Chicken Tacos, Black Beans, Rice, Salad Bar
Thursday HS Exams, lunch will be available to purchase for MS students
Friday HS Exams, pizza will be available to purchase for MS students
Driver's Ed
About Us
Email: slisk@graystoneday.org
Website: graystoneday.org
Location: 49464 Merner Terrace, Misenheimer, NC, USA
Phone: 704-463-0567
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrayStoneDay/
Twitter: @graystoneday