Pre-K News You Can Use
February 3 - February 7
Important Reminders
** Thank you to all of the families that were able to support Bransford Spirit Night at BoomerJacks. It was nice to see some of you enjoying time with your family and friends. If you weren't able to participate, there will be another spirit night on March 25th at Portillo's. Look for more details as the date gets closer.
** Tuesday, February 4th is the 100th day of school! We will enjoy various One Hundredth Day activities across our curriculum. We will read stories, draw, write, and of course, count to 100 during the day. Show and Tell for the week will be to share a collection of 100 small items. Your child can start looking around the house for 100 things to bring. Examples of collections could be pennies, beans, beads, paperclips, cereal pieces, etc. We look forward to seeing everyone's items.
** Mark your calendar for the Bransford Valentine Carnival. The carnival will be on Thursday, February 13th from 8:50 - 9:20. Please join us and share this fun time with your student. After the carnival, students will say "see you later" to their family members that came to the carnival and head to their classroom for a delicious Valentine snack.
** The children will be exchanging Valentine cards at school on February 13th. Please send 21 cards to school for your child"s classmates. Your child can sign each one with his or her name. The cards can be addressed to "My friend" or left blank. This will help the sharing process go more smoothly for your child. We will be decorating sacks to hold the Valentine cards during class. So please don't send a separate box for your child's cards. The sack, decorated in class, will be easier for the students to carry and to put their cards in when they are sharing with each other.
** Remember, no school on February 14th and February 17th. February 14th will be a campus holiday. February 17th will be a Staff Learning Day.
** Giddy Up! On Friday, February 28th, PreK will have a Western Day as we conclude our Texas unit. Your child may dress up in their best western outfit. Remember to pack tennis shoes for recess and gym, if your learner wears boots to school. Toy guns, knives, and other pretend weapons are not allowed at school.
Theme: Fairy Tales
SHOW AND TELL - Friday, February 7th, show and tell will be a collection of 100 small items.
Letter of the week - Q
Focus Vocabulary - character, setting, problem, solution
** Here is a link to the Specials Newsletter for the nine weeks. Please check it out to see what's going on in music, theater, art, and PE.
The Arty committee has created this Cheddar Up link for your convenience.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- When turning into the school parking lot from north bound Bransford Rd. only the right lane may turn onto school property. The left lane of northbound Bransford Rd, is straight only.
- Southbound Bransford Rd. must use the left turn lane to turn enter the drop off/pick up line.
- Remember to pull forward as far as you can before dropping off or receiving your Texan. Do not stop in front of the student's door to drop off. Staff members will ensure your child safely enters the building.
- The lane closest to the building (blue side) must turn right on Glade when exiting.
- The lane furthest from the building (red side) must turn left on Glade when exiting.
- You may not change lanes once you have entered the drop off/pick up line.
- Parents are not able to walk students into the building due to safety and health protocols.
- Plan to use our drop off and pick up lines. If your child cannot exit the car without assistance, please park and walk your child to the "Hug Zone." A staff member will greet your student and walk them to the school.
- Parents must display their green car sign in the windshield when picking up students. Please keep the sign displayed until until your child is in your vehicle.
Snacks/ Water/ Bottles/ Lunches
Students may bring a lunch from home or get a hot lunch from the cafeteria. You may out more information about cafeteria lunches by using the following link.
Backpack/ Extra Clothes/ Supplies
School supplies are provided for the PK classroom, so there is no need to send any extra.
Tennis Shoes/Clothing
Keep in mind we have lots of playtime outside and do messy art projects, so keep that in mind when choosing school outfits. We recommend that special accessories like umbrellas, rain boots, hats, scarves, mittens, etc. be kept at home as they are often lost at school.
Take Home Folder
** Please have your child bring their folder to school every day.
** Each folder has a calendar stapled in it. Any behavior concerns that happen will be addressed on the calendar. Please initial the square if you see a behavior was noted.
Save the Dates
2/4- 100th Day of School
2/13 - Valentine Carnival 8:50 -9:20 and bring Valentine cards
2/14- Campus Holiday
2/17- Student Holiday/ Staff Professional Learning Day
2/28 - PreK Western Day- Wear cowboy/cowgirl dress-up clothes
Approximate Daily Schedule
7:40 - Announcements/Circle-Up/Morning Meeting
8:00 - Learning Center 1/ Literacy
8:30 - Snack
8:40 - Literacy
8:50 - Specials
9:20 - Recess
9:50 - Phonemic Awareness/Get ready for lunch
10: 25 - 10: 55 - Lunch
11:00 - Read Aloud/Writing
11:30 - Literacy Tubs
12:00 - Movement
12:20 - Quiet Time
12:50 - Snack
1:00 - Learning Center 2
1:20 - Math/Science/Math Tubs
2:20 - Recess
2:40 - Pack Up/Closing Circle
3:00 - Dismissal
Become a Bransford PTA Member!
Bransford's PTA is an outstanding Parent-Teacher Association! Our PTA always puts the needs of students first! Please use the link below to go to their website, learn more about this organization, and join! You can even invite other family members and friends to join, too. Thank you for being willing to be part of the BEST PTA around!