News from the Nest

How is it possible that we are beginning our final month of the school year? It's been a year of changes for the Aces, but it has also been an amazing year. Mr. Meyer and I are incredibly grateful to be part of the Eagles' team and look forward to continued service to our students, staff, and families at Eagles Elementary.
Please consider offering your feedback for the district survey. Your input is valued and appreciated!
🔽 Incoming Kindergarten Students and Families🔽
VIP Donuts
Thank you to so many families that joined us for VIP donuts. It is always a pleasure to see so many families at the school.
Indoor Recess Fun
The 5th grade students in Mr. Milne's class held a lemonade stand during indoor recess. What a creative bunch!
We are so proud of our Math Master's team members!
With the help of Mrs. Hansen, our GT teacher, the students excelled and represented Eagles well. Way to go, Aces!
Individual Round (out of 130 students):
2nd place: Leo Hong
9th place: Parker Sundquist
11th place: Finn Campbell
Team Round (out of 30 teams):
2nd Place: Eagles Aces Blue Team (Rylee Cariveau, Albert Duoa, Leo Hong, Violet Sailer, Parker Sundquist)
10th Place: Eagles Aces Red Team (Colton Berg, Finn Campbell, Alec Jerstad, Stella Johnson, Layla Thingvold)
Fact Drill (out of 130 students):
1st place (tie): Finn Campbell
1st place (tie): Leo Hong
6th place: Parker Sundquist
Coloring Contest Winner
Layla Barton won the AmeriVets coloring contest.
Layla is in Mrs. Meline's kindergarten class.
Way to go, Layla!
Parenting Guidance Website
We offer education and therapeutic support to empower and give you hope as you support your child’s mental health.
This website below has multiple videos and articles on ways families can support their child as they navigate through their elementary, middle school, and high school years.
Just a reminder that we aim for a 95% attendance rate.
1st and 3rd grade have the highest attendance rates this month.
Attendance per grade level:
Kindergarten: 91%
1st grade: 94%
2nd grade: 93%
3rd grade: 94%
4th grade: 93%
5th grade: 93%
Our overall school attendance rates for the entire school year thus far are reported as 94%.
Upcoming Events
MAY 6: KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP - 5:00 - 6:00 PM (for all of our incoming kindergarten students and their families)
- Link to our teachers' favorite things:
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13eUit6jc0eXnhlqHtWMu9FG5NpjcK2MVoGsS-jvVzxw/edit?resourcekey#gid=1147281262
May 27: NO School (Memorial Day observed)
May 28: Family Picnic/Color Run (Rain Makeup Day - May 29th)
- 5:30 - 6:15 - Family Picnic & Book Fair
- Families will bring blankets and food or purchase from Jumbo's food truck and enjoy a picnic with friends
- There will also be an ice cream truck
- The book fair will be going on in the cafeteria
- 6:15 - 6:30 - Folk Dance Performance
- 6:30 - 7:15 - Color Run
Back to School Immunizations
Kindergarten Registration is Open
Going to kindergarten is important for children. It helps them build upon all the learning that they have done so far. In kindergarten, children will learn skills they will build on throughout their formal education and throughout life.
Kindergarten Registration for Fargo Public Schools is now open online. If your child turns 5 by July 31, 2024, they are eligible to attend school in the fall. Visit fargo.k12.nd.us/registration to learn more about the registration process.
Early Registration is important! It gives us time to prepare for your child. As students register, class sizes are established, and teachers can be hired. These early hires are also able to have the time to attend professional development and prepare their classrooms, creating the best possible start for students. Online registration for kindergarten for next school year is now open online.
Step 1: Pre-Registration • Set up a parent or caregiver for the registration.
Step 2: Registration • Wait up to 48 hours for the district to verify your account. Once your account is verified, you will receive an email from the district to begin the registration process, which will take approximately 15-20 minutes.
Read more about the importance of kindergarten, how to register, and strategies for preparing children for kindergarten in this Cabinet Column by Associate Superintendent Missy Eidsness.
Weather Guidelines
We have had unseasonably warm weather this winter and although it is nice, we are still expecting our students to wear the appropriate clothing for the temperature. Students will be allowed short sleeves and shorts if the weather is above 60 degrees.
Field Trips
Eagles Elementary Title I Information
Eagles receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a recipient of these funds, our school will provide engaging learning opportunites for our learners by sharing responsibility with both parents and students to improve academic achievement, as outlined in the School-Parent Compact. Additionally, Eagles Elementary is required to notify parents of particular components outlined in the law. Through the Interactive Dashboard, parents are able to be notified regarding the performance measures outlined in the state’s accountability system. The Parents Right to Know document is also a valuable resource as it lays out what information parents have the right to request and ascertain from the school regarding topics like the professional qualifications of staff, state and local policy, and parental rights regarding student participation in mandated assessments. The District School Parent and Family Engagement Policy outlines what actions FPS and the school will be taking to provide effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student achievement and school performance. Copies of each of these documents can be found below, and you are encouraged to read through them and learn about how the school and district provide both academic and social-emotional learning opportunities.
Dispute Resolution
Parent's Right to Know
School-Parent Compact 23-24
Title I School Improvement Goals
We currently have a Title I literacy teacher: Mr. Cole Selberg and a Title I math teacher: Ms. Ernst. Part of our title dollars are used for our instructional coach, Mrs. Clarey. We are considered a Schoolwide Title I school, which means that ALL students have access to Title I supports.
Please be on the lookout for special Title events that we host throughout the school year.
District Wellness Policy
The PTA works hard to support the students and staff at Eagles Elementary.
Scanning the QR code will take you directly to the PTA's Facebook page.
Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures
It is very important you are aware of the school's procedures for drop-off and pick-up. Following the above protocol will keep our students safe and will keep the traffic flowing during these busy times.