Prosper Guard Update:
May 14, 2024
Hello Prosper Guard Family!
Updates for this week:
- We will not have rehearsal this Saturday. I know this is a busy time of year for all of us, and the guard is in a great place to finish out the school year, before we head into the summer.
- Do we have any parents that are willing to wash flag silks? They should be washed on a cold, delicate cycle, with a gentle detergent and then dried on no to low heat. Disclaimer: the flags have adhesive residue from the tape we use, so if drying in your dryer, it could leave that residue on your dryer. So, I think these could be washed and dried at a laundromat, or they could air-dry on a clothesline. I have several bags of flags to wash from this school year and will accept any help available :)
- Summer Project: We are going to attempt to sell all of our old costumes and flags through a company that does consignment for color guard items. I will need some help putting together an inventory of our items, as well as packing and dropping off boxes to be shipped. I think I'll work on this project on Tuesdays and Thursdays, during our Open Band Hall/Guard Sectional times. If you're free and interested in helping, please let me know!
- May Camp: We will be at PHS for May 28-30, from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Please pack a lunch for these three days and make sure you bring your water bottle and running shoes. This camp will be for training and if we have all of the information from our designers, we will begin to teach choreography for our fall marching band show.
I'll have some more updates before we leave for the school year, until then, have a great week!
This week's schedule:
- Tuesday, May 14th, Prosper Guard Rehearsal, 4:30 - 7:30 pm @ PHS Cafeteria
- Thursday, May 16th, Prosper Guard Rehearsal, 4:30 - 7:30 pm @ PHS Cafeteria
- Saturday, May 18th, NO REHEARSAL
- Tuesday - Thursday, May 28th - 30th, May Camp, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm @ PHS
Band News:
2024-2025 Calendar - Draft
Absence Request Form
Prosper Band & Prosper Guard Handbooks
Prosper Band Website
Prosper Band Website - Calendar, Band News, Absence Request Form, etc.
Prosper HS Guard Parent Facebook Page
Click on the button above to access the Prosper Guard Parent Facebook group. This is a way to connect with just Guard Parents about guard-specific things.
Prosper Band Booster Club Facebook Page
Click on the button above to access the PBBC Facebook group. This group has a ton of information from our booster organization & is a great resource for quick answers to questions.
Mighty Eagle Band & Prosper Guard Information
Email: lbkusmierczak@prosper-isd.net
Website: https://prosperband.com/
Location: 301 Eagle Drive, Prosper, TX, USA
Phone: (469) 219-2180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProsperMightyEagleBand
Twitter: @prosper_guard
Instagram: @prosper_guard
Lindsay Kusmierczak
Lindsay is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters