Sacred Heart School News
January 13-17
Continuous Enrollment 2025-2026 School Year
All students will automatically be enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year, including PreK.
So 3 PreK will be enrolled for 4 PreK, 4 PreK enrolled for kindergarten, Kindergarten enrolled for 1st grade, etc. The registration fee will be pulled from TADS on March 5th. If your child is not returning next year, please notify us in writing. See policy below.
Here is the policy in our Parent/Student Handbook:
The term of your student’s continuous enrollment begins with the initially signed enrollment agreement, and thereafter continues automatically for students in good standing through completion of grade 8 or until the official withdrawal procedures and contract termination is completed as stated herein. By signing and returning this contract to SHCS, the parties entering this contract acknowledge their contractual obligation and agree to pay the annual tuition as designated by the School plus any related fees in full.
Cancellation and Withdrawal Process and Related Tuition payments
Enrollment for the next enrollment year will occur automatically and families will be responsible for tuition according to the Withdrawal schedule below, unless written notification of cancellation is provided to the principal prior to May 30th.
Terms of release from tuition payments and contractual obligations are as follows:
● If notification of cancellation is received by SHCS prior to May 30th, the student will not be enrolled at SHCS for the next enrollment year, and no tuition for the next enrollment year will be charged.
● Notification of withdrawal after May 30th but prior to July 30th: tuition for the enrollment year will be charged one month of tuition.
● Notification of withdrawal on or after July 30th but prior to September 15: tuition for the enrollment year will be three months of tuition.
● Notification of withdrawal after September 15th : tuition will be charged the remainder owed for the school year.
The above schedule is effective, whether the withdrawal is for expulsion, dismissal, transfer, or otherwise. Under any withdrawal circumstances, the technology fee is non-refundable and will not be prorated.
Revised: 1/2024
Calling all 2 and 3 year olds----Open Gym Time at Sacred Heart Catholic School
Attention parents of 2 and 3-year-olds! Join us for Open Gym Time at Sacred Heart Catholic School on Saturday, Jan 25th from 9:00-10:30 AM! Let your little ones play in our gym while you discover our amazing 3 and 4 year old preschool program. Full and part-time options available! Enrolling now for the 2025-2026 school year. Will we see you there?
A Couple of Announcements
1. When you come to school to drop off items for your child, please drop off the item in the school office. We want to refrain from interrupting class instruction.
2. If you have any gently school uniforms that do not fit anymore, please send them to school. Our next used uniform sale will be during Catholic Schools Week.
3. We are looking for donations for copier paper. If you would like to earn volunteer hours, please send reams of white copier paper to the office.
4. School Closing due to weather---Sacred Heart Catholic School will determine when school will be closed due to weather.. Listen to WCCO, KSTP, or KARE 11 for school closing information. We will notify parents by email, text, and post on our school website.
5. Engineering Project---We will be doing a project during Catholic Schools Week the last week of January. Please donate the following if you can: paper towel cardboard rolls, toilet paper rolls, send masking tape, paper clips
6. Catholic Schools Week January 27-31 We celebrate Catholic schools with a fun-filled week.
7. Reminder: No School Monday, January 20th
February meals are ready to order! Please log into your account so that your child(ren) have meals the beginning of the month. Email Sarah Bowback if you are having trouble placing your order.
Tuition Scholarships 2025-2026 School Year
The time is now to apply for a Sacred Heart and Aim Higher scholarship for the 2025-2026 school year.
Sacred Heart Catholic School uses TADS Financial Aid Assessment to determine the needs of each family that applies for a scholarship. Families will be required to apply for a scholarship by the given deadline as the school and parish have limited resources and Aim Higher has a deadline of February 28, 2025. Aim Higher scholarships must submit an annual application each year to qualify.
Apply at
MNSAA Accreditation Visit February 19-21
Sacred Heart Catholic School has been accredited by the Minnesota Non-Public School Accrediting Association (MNSAA) since 1990. Every 7 years, a team of educators visit our school for three days to validate our Self-Study report. The team will visit observe classroom instruction, interview all staff along with representatives from SAC and PTC. The team will also talk to parents that might be in the building during the visit or while waiting in the car line.
Last year, parents took part in a parent survey to give us feedback on our mission statement, philosophy, and educational programs. From staff and parent feedback, we have created strengths and challenges to develop a strategic plan for the next 7 years. The strategic plan will be shared with you after approved by MNSAA.
Why get accredited?
- Credibility of the quality of a school program in the eyes of stakeholders and the public.
- A framework for the best possible educational program for learners.
- A public statement that the school is measured against rigorous standards and has developed a strategic plan for continuous improvement.
January Sock Drive
Sacred Heart parish and school will be collecting new, white athletic and/or tube socks for Sharing & Caring Hands during the month of January. This will be our Works of Mercy service project for this month. Students may drop off socks in the bin by the school office.
Middle School Volunteer Hours-10 hours required (grade 6-8)
Our middle school students are required to complete 10 service hours this school year. The hours need to be completed outside the school day.
School related: Fun Fest, help at Kids Club, tutor students after school, Fish Fry, gala clean-up, coffee and donuts after mass on Sunday, altar serving on weekend, etc.
Home related: Help a neighbor shovel snow, babysit, do extra chores at home, visit a nursing home, write letters to senior citizens, etc.
How You Can Support Gala 2025
Annual Gala--Friday, February 28th Order Early Bird Tickets by January 1st
Our annual gala is coming up on Friday, February 28th, 2025. We hope you'll join us by purchasing tickets here: The early bird rate expires on January 1, 2025 so don't delay and grab your tickets today!
Join us at this year’s gala on February 28, 2025 and enjoy A Night at the Casino Royale! Not only will you be supporting our school and student scholarships, but you’ll get to play real casino games, including blackjack and poker along with a live band and a new catering company! Enjoy early bird pricing until January 1!
Get your tickets here:
Gala Volunteer Opportunities
We need many volunteers to help make our gala a success. Please go to SignUp to to volunteer.
Wednesday, Feb. 25
Decorate the Gym 2-4 pm
Friday, Feb. 28th
Silent Auction Set-up 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Registration Table 5:00-7:00 pm
Behind the Scenes Helpers 7:00-8:00 pm
Check out Table 9:00-10:00 pm
Saturday, March 1
Clean up crew 9:00-11:00 am (Students welcome to come with parent)
Consider donating a Silent Auction Basket for our Gala
We are also accepting silent auction donations!
Popular items include themed baskets, sports or concert tickets, gift cards and experiences such as skiing, plays, or museums. If you have any questions regarding the gala, please reach out to Liz Gerads, Director of Advancement at
Gala Sponsorships
Become a Sponsor! (...or enlist a business you know to become a sponsor!). There are several levels of sponsorship available for this event. Please visit our event website for more information, or reach out to Director of Advancement, Liz Gerads, at or 763.285.6276.
Week at a Glance
School Patrols this week:
AM Ryan H, Ericka H. PM Isaac B, Taylor S.
Band & orchestra
4:45 pm Robotics-lunchroom
6:30 pm Boys Basketball Homecoming Game at SHCS. Students that attend will receive a FREE bag of popcorn.
2:10 pm Karate
5:30-7:30 pm Youth Group at Good Shepherd
8:00 a.m. Mass --8th Grade-Donuts for 8th grade and parents
January Dates
January 20 No School
January 22 SAC meeting
January 27-31 Catholic Schools Week
January 28 Roller Skating--Coon Rapids
January 31 Super Hero Smash Party/Book Fair---PreK-5th grade (Gym) Sponsored by PTC
February 17-18 No School
February 19-21 MNSAA Accreditation Visit
February 28 Annual Gala
Volunteer Opportunities posted so far for the 2024-2025 school year
Just a reminder that we ask families volunteer a minimum of 20 hours per family during the school year.
The following opportunities are now posted on SignUp: (Click on the red button above to volunteer)
GALA VOLUNTEERS--Silent Auction, Registration Table, Check-out Table, Behind the Scenes Helper, Decorating Crew, Clean-up Crew
Chess Club
Thursday treats for teachers
PTC membership--Join our parent group
Athletic News
Deadlines to register for spring sports:
Baseball/Softball - Friday March 14th is the last day to sign up
Sign-up Form:
Seth Wilhelm or
Need help paying for tuition?
MN Fundraising Initiative (MNFI) secures contracts with over 23 venues in the greater Twin Cities area including Target Field, Target Center, Canterbury, and US Bank to operate food and beverage concessions stands at their events.
MNFI organizes teams of volunteers from all over the state of MN and WI who work together to run these stands. In turn, MNFI receives donations from these venues. The donations are then used to award grants to families in local communities to allow youth to attend private school, such as Sacred Heart Catholic School and participate in enrichment activities they may not otherwise be able to enjoy. Checks are mailed directly to Sacred Heart in your name.
Many of our school families use this organization to help pay for tuition.
Click on the website and create an account by clicking on the “Volunteer registration”.
School Uniforms
Parents may order our spirit wear at Educational Outfitters in St. Louis Park. Spiritwear may be worn on Wednesdays with uniform pants/shorts.
Parent Student Handbook 2024-2025
Do you want to Volunteer in the Classroom or work directly with students? Volunteers must complete the Essential 3.
The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis requires the Essential 3 for volunteers who work with students in Catholic schools or parishes. All employees must also complete the Essential 3. ****Cell phones do not work well for Essential 3 and you will receive an error message. Please use a computer.
You may complete all three requirements online at
1. Log in to create your account and watch the Virtus awareness session online. Every 3 years, a new video will be assigned to your account.
2. Successfully complete a background check.
3. Sign a Code of Conduct.
****The Archdiocese requires all volunteers to renew the Essential 3 requirements every 3 years. You will receive an email message when your account is up for renewal.
Box Tops---Help us earn extra cash
The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state of the art technology to scan your store receipt. Find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to our school's earnings. We earn 10 cents for each Box Top along with Bonus points. Simply scan your receipt on your phone and Sacred Heart earns money.
Find the Box Tops for Education app and search for Sacred Heart by our zip code---55422.
Sacred Heart Catholic School Mission Statement
Sacred Heart Catholic School is committed to instilling virtues and values rooted in Catholic teachings. We educate the whole child to ensure students are prepared to meet the challenges in the world as disciples of Jesus.
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Location: 4050 Hubbard Ave. N. Robbinsdale, MN 55422
Phone: 763-537-1329