Westview Weekly
Parent Teacher Conferences - Thursday, February 13th
Teacher requested conferences will be held on February 13th, 4:00-7:30 pm. Your student’s teacher will reach out to you by February 4th via email if a conference is deemed necessary at this time. If you have not been contacted by February 4th, you will have the opportunity to conference with your student’s teacher on our full conference day on March 7th, 7:30-3:30. We will schedule March conferences via PTCFast as we did for the fall conferences.
Valentine's Day at Westview - Thursday, February 13th
Westview will celebrate Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 13th. Students may bring in Valentine cards to place in the bag or holder of classmates. Any food being sent in by parents must be prepackaged (no homemade or bakery items) to be sent home with students, not eaten at school during the day. If the classroom teacher wants to do a craft or activity, he or she will coordinate with the head room parent or parents for the teacher to lead.
American Heart Association - Kids Heart Challenge
Dear Westview Elementary School Families,
Let the games begin, Heart Heroes! Kids Heart Challenge is here and it’s better than ever! Sign up TODAY to get started on Finn’s Mission - refresh your Hands-Only CPR skills and learn the warning signs of a stroke. Every student who completes Finn’s Mission will earn their very own Heart Hero Cape!
Help Save Lives with These Simple Steps:
· Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
o Next, click on “send a text today” to easily reach friends & family!
· OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
If the schools has 18 students complete Finn's Mission you will get to pie Mr. Buczak in the face!
Thank you for being an essential part of the Kids Heart Challenge, supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Every step you take helps save lives. Let’s make a powerful positive impact together!
Note from the School Nurse
The district is seeing an increase in reports of Flu A positive in students. Lorain County is reporting that the seasonal influenza this week and last week is HIGH (link for the report: https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/seasonal-influenza/influenza-dashboard). As per school policy, students should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school. Other symptoms to consider for the flu would be: cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Please remember that frequent hand washing is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others!
Join us on February 17 as our community comes together to host the Harlem Wizards for a fundraising basketball game.
Community teachers, administrators and coaches will face off against the Wizards in an evening dedicated to raising funds for our youth while fostering community spirit amongst families, local businesses and other community supporters.
Click HERE for more details.
Maroon and Gold Day!
Kids on the Move
Kids on the Move begins at Westview in March. Students in grades 1-4 can participate in this free group before school on their scheduled day and have fun! Read below for more details.
Avon Lake PTA Council- Seeking Board Volunteers
Avon Lake PTA Council is comprised of its own Executive Board which works with representatives from all of the Avon Lake PTA units and the Avon Lake School District to share ideas, help work as a medium to address challenges faced by the units and the district in addition to being a liaison with Ohio and National PTA.
PTA Council is seeking volunteers to serve on its Executive Board for the 2025-2026 school year. Open positions include Treasurer, Secretary, VP Fundraising, VP President Elect and Scholarship Chair. Meetings are held roughly 4 times during the school year. Scope of responsibilities is much less time-consuming than at the individual units and our Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent attends our meetings. One requirement to serve is that you must be a member of one of the Avon Lake PTA units.
If you are interested in serving on PTA Council or have questions about positions/responsibilities, please send an e-mail to Audra Avarello at ajavarello@hotmail.com by March 1. Thank you for considering serving on this Board.
More information can be found on our website: https://alcsptacouncil.weebly.com