Wrangler Weekly
Week of October 13, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
Just a reminder that students have a 3 day weekend -- no school for them on Monday; however, our teachers will be hard at work learning together and preparing for great instruction for our Wranglers.
Next week is already the end of the first grading period -- we are nine weeks in! Report cards will "run" the following week and will be available in Skyward on Thursday, Oct. 24.
Finally, three things I would like to put on your radar so you can encourage your student(s):
- Student Council is open to ALL students. Their next meeting is Oct. 16 after school from 4:00 -4:45 PM.
- Academic UIL is open to ALL students. We have a lot of kids who excel in various areas. Encourage your student to attend the Academic UIL meeting on Thursday, Oct. 18 during Wrangler Time. There are contests in the spring, and we would love to see our Wranglers sweep the competition with their SMARTS! Teams range from spelling to chess to public speaking to all subjects.
- Our Sixth Graders in Youth Leadership with Ms. McCranie have been inspired to complete a service project to help children facing a crisis. Below you will find their class-created flyer, encouraging the donation of gently used stuffed animals (big or small) to support the SAPD. Many of your students will find this cause worthy of passing on some of their "collection" that may have gathered over the years.
As always, we appreciate your support!
P.S....SBMS Wrangler Volleyball A teams are heading to district playoffs tomorrow morning. It is sure to be an amazing day for our Lady Wranglers, so please join us at Canyon Lake HS beginning at 10:15am for our 7th graders or at New Braunfels HS starting at 11:30am to watch our undefeated 8th graders battle to win it all.
Go Wranglers!
Mrs. Bratton
Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
SBMS attendance for the week of 10/7 - 10/11:
6th grade: 95%
7th grade: 96%
8th grade: 97%
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Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday October 14
Student holiday/staff development
Rally in the Valley shirt orders due
Tuesday October 15
SAPD Stuffed Animal Drive collection begins
Choir concert, 6:30pm SBMS cafeteria
Wednesday October 16
Unity Day, wear orange
Girls Basketball Tryouts, 6:15am
Pep Rally, 10am in Main Gym
Football vs MVMS, 7th at SVHS, 8th at CLHS
Thursday October 17
Girls Basketball Tryouts, 6:15am
Dyslexia Night at Support Services
Friday October 18
Girls Basketball Tryouts, 6:15am
FCA Meeting, 7:45am
Theater Fall Showcase
End of first quarter
Saturday October 19
Bulverde Pumpkin Patch NJHS Fundraiser, 11am-7pm
Wranglers of the Week!
Nominate here!
SV Rally in the Valley shirt orders by Oct 14
It is with great excitement that we invite you to attend our Homecoming pep rally in Ranger Stadium on October 30th.
Some highlights of the event will include: the Class of 2037 (current kindergarteners), to "Run Ranger Stadium" for the first time as our Senior class of 2025 passes down their Ranger Spirit & a friendly contest on the field that includes ALL feeder pattern mascots. Come support Rowdy, the Wrangler!
Don't forget to place your t-shirt order by October 14th. This special shirt has been designed with each school represented, but shirt sales end soon, so order now.
These community shirts will be delivered to feeder pattern schools and given to students or available in office for pick up on or before the 29th of October.
See you in Ranger Stadium for 'Rally in the Valley". Go Rangers!
SAPD Stuffed Animal Drive - Oct 15-18
SBMS Youth Leadership Classes are collecting any stuffed animals in new or gently loved condition for the San Antonio Police Department's Special Victims Unit during the week of Oct. 15-18! Your donations are carried by officers' patrol cars so that children have something soft and comforting as a small step in their search for recovery.
Donations can be brought to Ms. McCranie's room 305 or into the large box in the cafeteria. Thank you! ~ Youth Leadership Kids & Ms. McCranie
Girls Basketball Tryouts - Oct 16-18
The girls basketball team tryouts will take place October 16-18th beginning at 630am. 7th grade girls in the mini gym and 8th grade girls in the main gym.
Lost and Found Cleanout - Oct 18
At the end of each nine-weeks, any items left in the lost and found are donated. Please remind your students to visit the lost and found cabinet located in the cafeteria before the end of the day on Friday, October 18.
Boys Soccer Tryouts - Oct 30-31
7th and 8th Grade Boys will have Soccer Tryouts October 30th and 31st. Your Athlete must sign up in the Locker Room and have a physical on file.
A Message from Nurse Keith
We are starting to see some illnesses on campus. Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Do you need assistance from the Angel Tree Project?
SBMS is partnering with the Bulverde/Spring Branch Angel Tree Project. We are offering holiday assistance to families in need, who have children enrolled in CISD schools.
If your family has fallen on hard times and would like assistance with Christmas gifts, please contact:
Nurse Nancy Keith at 830-885-8809, nancy.keith@comalisd.org.
Student Support Specialist Katherine Gaston at 830-885-8859, katherine.gaston@comalisd.org
Bulverde Pumpkin Patch - Oct 19
Come support our Wrangler National Junior Honor Society on Saturday, October 19 starting at 11am. Your NJHS members will be manning the bouncy castle at this annual fall festival that's fun for the whole family located at 3800 West Ammann Road.
Career Day - Nov 15
We are excited to share the many different career opportunities our students could have in the future. There is a future for every student, and we want to help them realize it.
Would you like to share your career with our students? Do you know someone who would love to share their career with students?
Please complete this form (SBMS Career Day))or contact Vera Borg at vera.borg@comalisd.org if you would like to help make an impact on the futures of SBMS students.
Our Cowboy Swag...Boots & Beats! dance is happening on Friday, 10/25/2024!
We are excited to have this fun event for our 6th, 7th and 8th graders! There are many ways for families to be involved; we have a Donation Sign-Up and a Volunteer Sign-Up.
We have lots of opportunities for our families to come help before, during and/or after the dance. please take a look at the sign-up below and see what would be best for you. You may volunteer for multiple time slots and we appreciate your support.
There will be a cash bucket for anyone who would rather donate cash for the food and beverage items for the dance; please see the volunteer in the car drop-off line on the mornings of October 21st-24th. Please take a look at the Sign-Up below for what is needed.
Please drop your items at car drop off; there will be a volunteer to take them, or you can take them to the Front Office; please mark items for the school dance. Drop off days are the same as above.
Any person who volunteers at school events must have a Volunteer Background Check Form filled out and approved. If you have not filled it out yet, please do so now; it only takes a minute to complete. https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MjMwMDplbi1VUw==
If you have questions, please contact the PTA at 210-367-9951. Thank you for your help; it's going to be a great night for everyone!
VOLUNTEERS: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4FAAA728A20-sbms8
DONATIONS: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4FAAA728A20-20226
Free Dance Ticket
The SBMS fall dance is coming up!
Get your free dance ticket when you join PTA!
It’s a win-win…your child goes to the dance for free and we add to the number of voices necessary to fight for our kids at the Texas Legislature.
Join PTA here:
Navy Parking Spot raffle - Oct 20
Click the link below to enter to win. You have a chance to park up front and the PTA uses the funds to help our students and school…it’s a win-win!
Want a break from the car pick up line? Buy a raffle ticket for our 2nd 9week NAVY Parking Spot in the front parking lot!
Help support SBMS PTA upcoming events and teacher grants while trying to save yourself from the long lines! Drop off and pick up for a 9 weeks starting 10/21/24 to 12/20/24.
The raffle is active online! Visit the link below to bid. Good luck, everyone! The system will automatically end and notify the winner on 10/20 at midnight. It will also auto email the winner!
VIP Membership Parking - Oct 20
Want to skip the after school pickup line? Enter the drawing for a chance to win—imagine pulling into the front parking lot, parking in your own VIP spot and your child walking out to your car after dismissal! No lines, no waiting.
For every SBMS PTA membership you buy, you will be entered into a drawing for our Membership VIP parking spot.
If you've already joined, don't worry, you'll be entered in as well! And there's more: Student, sibling, and grandparent PTA memberships also earn you extra entries! Donate a membership and get another entry!
Sign the whole family up and support SBMS PTA!
This drawing will take place October 20! The winner will be contacted and announced on our Facebook page, and will be able to use their VIP spot immediately (beginning Oct 21) and for the remainder of the nine weeks.
Oh, H-E-B. How we love you.
Thank you for always being willing to support our community. We think of you as a trusted partner for a reason, because you are. And we appreciate you.
Sending a huge Wrangler thanks to JB Aire for being our Third Quarter Staff Appreciation Sponsor! Thank you for being such a great PAST & PRESENT community partner! We appreciate your support of SBMS.
Quality • Experience • Value. Please keep them in mind for all your heating and air conditioning needs!
October 21-25: Book Fair
October 22: Football vs CMS, 7th away, 8th home
October 23: Fall Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
October 24: Girls BB vs NBMS, 7th away, 8th home
October 25: School Dance
October 26: Girls BB vs PRMS, 7th away, 8th home
October 28 - November 1: Red Ribbon Week
October 29: Football vs BMS, 7th at PHS, 8th at SVHS
October 30: Girls BB vs SVMS, 7th home, 8th away
October 30: Rally in the Valley, SVHS 6:30pm
October 30-31 Boys Soccer Tryouts
November 1: Student picture retakes
November 8: Veterans Day assembly, 10am
November 9: Bulverde Jubilee Parade, downtown Bulverde
November 11: Student Holiday
November 12: PTA General Meeting, 9am library
November 15: Career Day
November 16: Chess Tournament, DHS
November 22: Day of Awesomeness
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 9: 8th grade parent meeting, SVHS 6pm
December 9: Beginner Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
December 10: Advanced Band Concert, 6pm SBMS Gym
December 11: 8th grade to SVHS for Rising Rangers
December 17: Choir Concert
Geronimo Fall Stream Cleanup - Oct 19
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers