Mercy Messenger

Issue 21~ Sunday January 26th, 2025
Through the intercession of Our Lady of Mercy, we commit ourselves to living the Good News of Jesus through Works of Mercy. Our rigorous academic program unleashes creative energy for the pursuit of knowledge and nurtures a hope-filled vision for Catholic leadership. We live out our relationship with God by respecting the dignity of others and providing service to the global community that fosters unity, understanding, and compassion.
Beginning Prayer
God of all growth, We ask You to bless all students in Catholic schools. May they remain constantly curious in their pursuit of knowledge and truth, may they use their gifts and talents to spread Your light and love throughout the earth, and may all of their learning ultimately draw them closer to Your Son, Christ the Teacher. We make this prayer in Your Holy Name, Amen.
Principal Update
Sunday January 26th, 2025
Good morning,
As we celebrate the start of Catholic Schools Week, we come together in faith, gratitude, and community to honor the mission of Catholic education. This week serves as a time to recognize the dedication of teachers and staff, the achievements of students, and the unwavering support of families and our parish communities. Through prayer, service, and fellowship, we reflect on the values of faith, knowledge, and service that form the foundation of Catholic education. May this week inspire us to continue building a future rooted in the teachings of Christ, fostering excellence, and serving others with love and compassion.
This year we have many fun and exciting events planned. OLM is kicking off Catholic Schools Week with our open house today at 11am until 1pm. Please join us if you can. Some other events that we are having throughout the week is our middle school religion bee, bagels with buddies, school wide assemblies, national junior honors society induction, school wide bingo with prayer partners and on Friday to close out the week we are having our annual Thon dance to help support pediatric cancer and our teacher vs 8th grade volleyball game. A full list of events are listed below.
I want to thank the home and school for all of their effort and support in organizing and planning these fun events for our school community. I look forward to seeing those of you in the building who are able to make some of this exciting events. Thank you for all that you do to support catholic education and I hope you have a great week ahead. GO EAGLES.
In Mercy,
Bill Delaney
Catholic School Week (1/26-2/1) is a fun time for everyone! It's a super busy week that celebrates our school community! On Sunday, January 26th, CSW kicks off with masses at each of our 3 parishes. On Monday, students will come to school in their pjs and be treated to the Laugh Factory assembly. On Tuesday (last name A-L) and Wednesday (last name M-Z) will enjoy bagels with buddies (RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/BagelsBuddies25). Also on Wednesday, eligible middle school students will be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in the afternoon. On Thursday, students and teachers will enjoy a dress down day! We will also honor our teachers with a special luncheon. To donate to the event or volunteer please click on the link: https://tinyurl.com/CSW25Teacherluncheon. On Friday, to round out the fun week, the students will enjoy the 5th grade mini THON, 8th grade vs teachers volleyball game, and a 1/2 day. That night families are invited back to OLM to enjoy the annual Family Fun Night in the OLM Gym. Be ready to test your trivia knowledge! To sign up for this fun event use the link: https://tinyurl.com/olmfamilynight. See the “go to” flyer for everything you need to know about this amazing week. If you would like to help with any or all of the events on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday, please feel free to email HSA@olmrcs.com.
2025-2026 Financial Aid
2025-2026 financial aid is now open. Please log onto your FACTS account to apply. To be considered for financial aid you must fill out an application through your FACTS account. If you have any questions please send your questions to grants@olmrcs.com.
- Please remember to fill out all the school forms that are on FACTS.
- If you are changing the way your child is going home please call the main office before 1pm.
- If your child is absent from school please email attendance@olmrcs.com.
- Make sure to have all your clearances up to date if you are planning on volunteering in the school or with any clubs.
From the Nurse's Office
Please remember that your child needs to be 24 hours fever free and vomit free without medicine before returning to school. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community healthy.
Winter Weather
As we are moving towards the winter months of the year here are a couple of reminders if we have a delayed school day or closure.
- OLM follows Upper Dublin school district. If Upper Dublin closes school for weather or is delayed, OLM is closed or delayed. A text, call and email will be sent out.
- If another school district closes and Upper Dublin is open, OLM is open. Those school district's that are closed will not provide busing. You will be notified if that occurs.
- If OLM is closed for a weather related reason we will be running on an asynchronous learning day. Your child's teacher will send work that will have to be completed through google classroom or via email.
Important January Dates
1/28- Bagels w/ Buddies A-L 7:30-8:15am.
1/29- Bagels w/ Buddies M-Z 7:30-8:15am.
1/31- Mini -Thon. Noon Dismissal.
1/31- Ski Club #3.
1/31- Family Fun Night 6pm.
Mini- Thon Information
The fifth grade is sponsoring our annual Mini-Thon on Friday, January 31st in the gym. Our Mini-THON will help us raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund, an organization that assists families facing the battle against pediatric cancer. All students will enjoy a morning of dancing and fun! Dancing will take place from 9:00 - 10:15, and the 8th graders will take on the teachers in a volleyball game beginning at 10:30. All students should wear their OLM gym uniform or gym sweatpants with their Mini-THON t-shirt. Mini-THON t-shirts will be distributed during the week of January 27th. Parents and families are most welcome to join us for this fun morning!
If you would like to make an online donation to our OLM Mini THON, please follow this link: OLM Mini Thon Online Donation
We greatly appreciate your generosity, and we are looking forward to this wonderful event!
Class of 2025 Scholarships
We proudly report that the Class of 2025 students were awarded the following scholarships. We congratulate these students and their families! We will continue to update this list in the weekly Sunday Mercy Messenger. Please continue emailing or providing scholarship documentation to Mrs. Maher. (cmaher@olmrcs.com)
Sophia Ackermann- Art Scholarship -Mount St. Joseph High School
Drew Barton- David T. Diehl ‘55 Leadership Scholarship- LaSalle College High School
Charlotte Chiappa - Fontbonne Academic Scholarship- Mount St. Joseph High School
Charlotte Chiappa - Founder’s Academic Scholarship- Lansdale Catholic High School
Mikey Contorno - St. Therese Academic Scholarship - Lansdale Catholic High School
Mikey Contorno- Principal’s Academic Scholarship- LaSalle College High School
Izzy Eliason - St. Therese Academic Scholarship - Lansdale Catholic High School
Avery Chase Felipe- Brother John D’Alfonso, FSC ’55 Academic Scholarship- LaSalle College High School
Avery Chase Felipe- Founders Academic Scholarship- Lansdale Catholic High School
Avery Chase Felipe- Academic Scholarship- Archbishop Wood High School
Will McMullen- Principal Academic Scholarship - LaSalle College High School
Will McMullen- Founder’s Academic Scholarship- Lansdale Catholic High School
Grace Womelsdorf - Music Scholarship -Gwynedd Mercy High School
Grace Womelsdorf - Presidential Academic Scholarship - Lansdale Catholic High School
Grace Womelsdorf - Academic Scholarship - Archbishop Wood Catholic High School
Grace Womelsdorf- Neumann Academic Scholarship- Full Scholarship/4 years to any Archdiocesan High School.
Total Scholarships
As of 11/23/24 - $386,000
Yearbook Orders
Believe it or not, it is already time to place your order for the 2024-2025 OLM yearbook!
To order a yearbook, please follow the steps listed below:
1- Go to https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A07266900
2- Under the "Yearbook" heading, click "Buy Now" and continue following prompts to order the yearbook
3- Complete the remainder of the order by entering the following:
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Grade
- Homeroom Teacher
4- Please continue following the prompts. All orders will be paid online via credit card. Please be sure to keep your receipt to verify that you did order a yearbook!
Counselor's Corner
This week Mrs. Parkhill will be in the 1st grade classrooms presenting “A Bug and a Wish” lesson. This lesson is a great way to teach kids problem-solving, creativity and gratitude by helping them identify things they'd like to improve or that are bothering them (bugs) and then state what they want to change or have happen (wish). It is a simple and effective tool for kids to express frustration and desires constructively. 1st graders read the book then practiced with role play scenarios. Examples of “Bug and Wish statements could be…
It bugs me when you make fun of my drawing, I wish you would stop and be kind.
It bugs me that you are not taking turns, I wish we could do rocks, paper, scissors to see who goes next.
It bugs me when you keep tapping your pencil, I wish you would be more quiet.
You can also practice this at home by prompting your child to verbalize what is “bugging them” then stating what he/she needs or wants at that moment. As a parent, you can also model this language.
****Order your Stock's Poundcake today! VERY LIMITED QUANTITIES REMAIN. If you sign up after the maximum is reached, but before the form is closed, we will notify you ASAP.****
OLM is partnering with Stock's Bakery for a special poundcake fundraiser! All proceeds support the OLM Spring Musical! There are four available flavors and each poundcake bar is $20. If you would like to place an order, please click this link https://tinyurl.com/StocksOLM25 and fill out the order form! All orders must be received no later than February 2nd though the order form may close early if we reach our maximum order size allowed. Don't delay! All payments will be processed through FACTS. All poundcakes will be delivered to OLM and available for pickup at OLM on February 12th and 13th -- more details to follow. Any questions, please email olmmusical@olmrcs.com
Upcoming Events:
We need more parent volunteers to help with Ski & Board Club Monday Pretzels. One person is asked to pick up pretzels at 8 am at the Philly Pretzel Factory Horsham, deliver them to the school, and help sort and distribute them. We need another parent to meet at the school at 8:15 am and help sort/distribute them. Please use the SignUp Genius link to volunteer for a day or two: tinyurl.com/25OLMSkiPretzelVol
Thank you to all that stopped by Jules Thin Crust Pizza in North Wales on Monday, Jan. 20th. We appreciate all your support for HSA that provides assemblies and more wonderful events for the children and teachers.
Thank you to all that came out to our rescheduled date for Designer Bag Bingo! We are so lucky to have such support from parents, teachers, friends, family, and the community. Special shout out to our event chair, Katie Sacchetta, and all those who helped behind the scenes to make this event possible.
- Want to be more involved with events at school? Feel free to complete the interest form: tinyurl.com/2425OLMVolCalendar. As the event becomes closer we will pass your information to the chair of the event. We welcome you to follow and interact with us on social media, FB @olmhsa or Instagram @olmhsa.
Car Line Procedures
Morning Car Line: For everyone's safety please do not park your car and walk your child over in the morning. Please stay in the car line and drop your child off on the sidewalk. Thank you for your cooperation.
To keep our students safe and the car line moving in the afternoon, please:
- Do not get out of your cars. A faculty member will help your child get into the car.
- DO NOT PASS cars in front of you as there may be children getting into their cars on the driver's side. Please be patient and stay in line as you exit the school property, following the car in front of you.
- Do not stop in front of your child. Pull up as far as you can (up to the gym doors) to allow the most cars to load at one time. Please pull right up to the car in front of you.
- Do not speed. The speed limit is 10 MPH while driving on any part of the school property. Please be mindful of your speed.
- Do not use your cell phone while driving in the parking lot.
- If you need to buckle your child into their car seat, please do so in the circle near the exit of the property.
Uniform Policy
ALL uniform rules will be enforced. Please review the general uniform rules that are listed below and are in the student handbook.
● Girls’ kilts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee. After a second warning, they must wear navy blue tights or school-issued pants until the skirt/kilt is at the appropriate length.
● All students must wear OLM uniform pieces with logos. They must be purchased from one of our two approved vendors: Flynn & O’Hara or Lands’ End.
● All formal and gym uniforms must be purchased from one of our two approved vendors: Flynn & O’Hara or Lands’ End.
● NO LOGOS, Nike Elite sports socks, or the like are permitted with the school uniform except on gym days.
● Sneakers must be worn on gym days, even on a dress-down day.
● Girls may wear post-earrings or small hoops.
● Belts must be worn with pants or shorts by both boys and girls.
● Only the neckline of a plain white undershirt may be visible under the shirt.
Birthdays this week
Alexandria White
Owen Nolen
Sarai Maselko
Joseph Kozar
Altar Servers
Tuesday 1/28
Abigail Klein
Victoria Heath
Wednesday 1/29
Steve Killinchi
Faith Vandiver
Thursday 1/30
Michael Powers
Will McMullen
Friday 1/24
No servers due to Mini-Thon