Distance Education Newsletter
January 3, 2022 | Kapi‘olani Community College
A Fresh Start for 2022
- What are you ready to let go of in 2022?
- What do you want more of in 2022?
- What's your motto--or focus word--for 2022?
- What if you tried something new every month of 2022--what would you try?
Why not embrace the possibilities?
---Get Ready for the Semester---
Laulima Updated to Version 20.4
Laulima was upgraded to Sakai v. 20 on December 26th. This version has brought minor changes and bug fixes. Please see the Laulima v20 Upgrade Features documentation for faculty and register for an upcoming systemwide webinar Laulima v20 Upgrades & Tips which will be held on January 14, 2022 at 10 am.
Spring 2022 Course Sites in Laulima Will Be Published on Wednesday, 1/5/22 @3 pm
Did you notice the new announcement in Laulima?
“In response to a request from CCAO, we will start auto-publishing (making sites visible and accessible to students) Laulima courses the Wednesday before the general start of each semester. Spring 2022 courses will be published on January 5, 2022 at 3:00pm HST. Note that instructors can publish or unpublish courses manually at any time. Fall 2021 courses will be unpublished closer to the start of the Spring 2022 semester. (12/26/21)”DE Class Coaching Continues!
Thanks to HEERF, we are continuing to implement the Faculty Senate-approved DE Class Coaching system.
Trained peer coaches are working with DE instructors to ensure that those DE instructors have the support they need to create and facilitate effective online learning spaces that meet federal and ACCJC requirements.
This semester, the focus is on classes that went online during COVID and that will remain online moving forward.
If your class is slated for coaching this semester, you will receive notification shortly, and will have the opportunity to choose which rubric you'd like to work with. The BaRe (Basic Requirements) Rubric focuses tightly on the 5 federal and ACCJC requirements. The CoRe (Collaborative Reflective) Rubric offers an opportunity for a rich, collaborative conversation about course design and facilitation.
Testing Center Updates for Spring 2022
The Testing Center is pleased to offer the following in-person testing services beginning Spring 2022. Testing is by appointment only.
- Placement testing – ACCUPLACER and Foreign Languages
- Make-up testing – for students who missed an exam due to illness, family obligations, etc.
- Accommodations testing – for students who need extended time or other accommodations
- Academic testing for Kapi’olani CC hybrid classes
- Academic testing for Kapi’olani CC face-to-face classes using internet-based tests only
- Academic testing for Kapi’olani CC students enrolled at other UH campuses.
For Spring 2022, testing services will NOT be available for any Kapi’olani CC course designated as Distance Education (DCO/DE).
For more information, please visit the Testing Center website at: https://guides.library.kapiolani.hawaii.edu/testing. If you have any questions, please contact Sunny Pai at sunyeen@hawaii.edu.
Is Your Syllabus Up-to-date?
If you aren’t already using the Kapi‘olani CC Syllabus Template, now’s a great time to adopt it! The syllabus template is not only ADA compliant, but it also links out to 3 webpages with up-to-date information on Student Responsibilities, College Policies, and How to Get Help.
---Online Andragogy---
The Magical Unicorn: Tips to Enchant and Enhance Your Online Class
Online Course FAQs: Copyright & FERPA
Our DE Class Coaching efforts have been collegial, collaborative, and constructive thanks to our amazing class coaches and coachees. Everyone involved in the process has also been learning so much by asking hard questions and sharing the answers. Every month, we plan to highlight two Q&As from our Peer Coaches’ FAQ archives as we believe that some of the information will be helpful for anyone teaching online. This month’s questions and answers are:
- Do we care about copyright for images? Yes. Please ensure that there is proper attribution unless the image is public domain, purchased, or created by the instructor.
- The email tool in Laulima allows for students to see their classmates' email addresses. Is this okay or does it violate FERPA? What about sections that have been combined to one and students seeing emails from folks in the same course but other sections? As long as the students are in the same class (CRN), then seeing each others' email addresses is fine. According to FERPA, a student cannot remain anonymous in the classroom. That pretty much translates to having their email shared because they often need to communicate that way. However, if students are in different sections, seeing other students' email is not allowed. Doing so would violate FERPA. Sharing is only okay if the class is truly cross listed in Banner (UH Data Governance). RECOMMENDATION: If you combine multiple sections in Laulima, do not use the Laulima Email tool as it would violate FERPA.
Enrich Your Class with RSI!
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) is a requirement for our DE classes, and it’s an essential part of the federal DOE’s definition of what makes a class or program “Distance Education” (as opposed to “Correspondence Education”). Recent federal negotiated rulemaking sessions have revised the federal definition of RSI, and accrediting agencies (including ACCJC) are coming out with revised regulations to take this newly-revised definition of RSI into account. ACCJC’s revised DE regulations are set to take effect in July of 2022.
In preparation, Kapi‘olani CC has drafted an institutional definition of RSI in alignment with the federal definition. This RSI definition passed the Faculty Senate on April 5 and was approved by the administration on April 12. The best part is that including plenty of RSI in your online class will not only help the class meet ACCJC requirements, but will also help engage your students and enrich the class.
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) is a requirement for Distance Education (DE) classes at Kapi‘olani Community College. In meeting this requirement, instructors are responsible for interacting with students on a predictable and regular basis. They monitor students’ academic engagement and success, and proactively engage in substantive interactions with the students. These interactions occur in at least two of the following ways:
Providing direct instruction (ie. instructor-created videos, slide presentations, or other instructional materials or meeting with the class synchronously online)
Providing feedback on assignments (preferably individualized)
Providing information and/or responding to questions
Facilitating group discussions (including discussions that utilize Web 2.0 tools such as Padlet, FlipGrid, collaborative creation tools, etc.)
Engaging in one or more of the following instructional activities:
Sending announcements, reminders or nudges to students
Holding synchronous group or individual conferences
Assigning and facilitating peer feedback
Assigning and facilitating group projects
Assigning and facilitating student-led instruction (student presentations, student-led discussions, etc.)
Sharing individualized course performance, progress, and/or early alert reports with students.
If you have questions or comments about this definition, or about RSI, we’d love to hear them! Contact Leigh at ldooley@hawaii.edu.
---Professional Development Opportunities---
Does your new year’s resolution include becoming a better online teacher?
Our award-winning Teaching Online Prep Program (TOPP) will return in 2022 in three modules and will be facilitated by your faculty colleagues who are experienced online teachers:
Tech Basics - March 4-18, 2022 (Spring Break)
Course Planning - May 23 to June 3, 2022
Building an Online Classroom - June 6 to July 1, 2022
If you need to sharpen your basic technology skills or design & build an SLO-aligned and engaging online learning space for your students using Laulima and Web 2.0 tools, please join us for one or more TOPP modules! Be on the lookout for announcements regarding registrations in the coming months.
Don't Miss these OER Learning Opportunities in 2022
The UHCC OER Textbook Incentive Program's Spring 2022 registrations continue now through January 7, 2022 (or as seats are available) for the following professional development trainings:
OER 101 - Synchronous Online Workshop Series (Feb 4-18)
Or, learn at your own pace: The OER 101 training also has an asynchronous option with a registration deadline of March 31, 2022 and final completion date of April 30, 2022.
For more information, please contact Sunny Pai at sunyeen@hawaii.edu.
Free Webinars!
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
Managing Conflict among Co-Workers: Resolution Strategies for Face-to-Face, Remote & Hybrid Work Environments (Thursday 1/20, 8:00 - 9:00 am HST)
How to Better Serve Underrepresented Populations: A Strength-based Approach (Thursday 1/20, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
How to Remove Completion Barriers for Non-Traditional Students (Tuesday 1/25, 10:00 - 11:30 am HST)
Rubric Building Blocks: Designing Adaptable Rubrics Based on Learning Objectives
(60 min)
Universal Design: A Framework for Creating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Initiatives (90 min)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Helpful Tech Tips---
Auto-update Zoom
Want to get Zoom updates automatically? You can now turn on automatic updates right in the Zoom client. Here’s how:
- In Settings, under General, select the ‘Automatically keep my Zoom up to date’ checkbox to enable automatic updates.
- You will be prompted to enter admin credentials (for your computer) to give automatic updates permission to run, but it will only be required when enabling this setting.
- Once a new version of Zoom is available and you’re not in a Zoom Meeting, you will be prompted to update. If you’re in a meeting, you will be prompted with the update immediately after it ends.
- You may also express a preference for how frequently to receive updates. The ‘Slow’ option, selected by default, provides less frequent updates and focuses on maximizing stability. The ‘Fast’ option allows you to adopt the latest features and updates as soon as they become available. When critical security updates are involved, updates will go to everyone.
---Celebrating Good Work---
Kapiʻolani CC among best for online degrees for single parents
Kapiʻolani Community College is among the “25 Best Online Colleges and Degrees for Moms,” according to College Values Online (CVO), an organization with a mission to help students select the best college for them.
CVO ranked Kapiʻolani CC No. 17. There were 936 public community colleges registered by the American Association of Community Colleges in the U.S. in 2021.
Kapiʻolani CC’s Student Parents Program (SPP) was identified as a catalyst for student success among single moms. SPP provides services to all students with families on campus as long as the student is parenting a minor under the age of 18. Student parents can receive career and personal counseling, community referrals and resources, opportunities to attend workshops, presentations and more. SPP also extends assistance to grandparents who have custody of or are guardians to a student’s child.
“Kapiʻolani has a caring culture where everyone is friendly, and each student’s success is important to faculty,” Park said.
Park appreciated having a Laulima Intranet account which allowed her to communicate openly with faculty and fellow students. Not having to worry about parking was an asset.
Cathy Wehrman, director of SPP, said, “We just want to make sure that people can connect with us and come to us for different kinds of support they might need. Our job is to provide resources, support and guidance, but it’s ultimately the student who’s going to make their own best decision.”
Park said her primary responsibility is to her daughter, Leilani, and that she needs to prepare herself for her own independence and a job with a solid future. She said she is grateful for SPP and Wehrman’s guidance.
With a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and associate’s degrees in hospitality operations management and liberal arts, plus fluency in three languages, Park’s success will be as impressive as her self-confidence gained through meeting all the challenges as a single mom navigating her way through college.
This article originally appeared in UH News and is republished with the permission of Louise Yamamoto.
---The Best for Last---
What We Are Reading, Listening to, and Watching Now
Free Resources to Help with Remote Learning in 2022 (article, Campus Technology)
A list of free software and services to augment online and blended instruction. Recommended: Canva, Loom, OpenDyslexic, OpenStax, and Panopto Express.
- 6 Basic Design Principles (Instagram, Freepik)
- 2022 Color of the Year (article, Creative Market)
Melissa Nakamura
Co-chair, Faculty Senate DE Committee