Principal Update 9/17
St. Stephen Catholic School
Our students completed their first five-day week of classes from 9/9 - 9/13. It was great seeing about 50 families attend our Back to School Night. The teachers told me how joyful their parent interactions were.
Our staff have spent Monday 9/16 and Tuesday 9/17 learning more about integrating classical curriculum practices into the classroom from the ICLE. Thank you for your prayers in support to start the school year.
Please see the remaining newsletter for information and updates. Many blessings.
In Christ,
Bradley J. Stalder
All parents/guardians volunteering in any capacity for St. Stephen are REQUIRED to complete Protecting God’s Children. This includes volunteer drivers. Please read the information here. Use the following link to register here.
Any parent planning to drive for field trips will need to complete the form linked here and submit the required driving information to the front office.
Additionally, volunteers who have not already completed a background check this year should complete this form and return it to the front office OR e-mail to schooloffice@ststephennb.education
The Athletic Booster Club is looking for Applefest Parking Volunteers. Service hours are available. Use this link to sign up.
Please use this link for signing up for AppleFest Pie Making or use the QR Code
Parent Support Group (PSG) Update
The PSG is selling merchandise in honor of 70 years of St. Stephen Catholic Education. The order form went home with students, is available in the office, and is attached. Please also see t-shirt images for reference. Note that this merchandise is spirit wear and is not to be worn on regular uniform days. Use this link for the order form to turn into the front office.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with the Rotary Club’s Parade of Lights float.
Sign up here.The Parade of Lights will be held on Friday, September 20 at 8 PM. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to build community, especially for our new students and families. More info here.
Another fun float build week begins today at 4:00pm! 💗🎃💡Build schedule is M-Th 4:00-6:00pm @ 11175 Elmview, Romulus. Straight shot down Huron River Drive. 7 minutes from St. Stephens, & just past St. Aloysius. 😊
The Parent Support Group (PSG) September Newsletter is linked here.
Quilt raffle tickets are now available, and the quilt is on display in the school in the Parent Support Group (PSG) display cabinet. Come see it during Back to School Night. See the flier.
The Little Caesar Pizza Kit Fundraiser is going on now and our school has raised almost $100.00. For every kit sold, $6.00 is earned for our school. The classroom with the most sales wins a pizza party on the last lunch before Christmas vacation. If the school meets the total fundraising goal of $1,500.00, the whole school will win a pizza party. There will also be prizes for our top seller & top selling family! Click below to create an account & order today!
Fundraiser ID #: 446799
Ordering Ends : Sunday 9/22/24
School Calendar & Events
The school calendar has changed slightly from earlier this summer. The St. Stephen mid-winter break is now better aligned with Huron School District’s break. Please see the updated school calendar linked here.
Picture Day at St. Stephen is Friday, September 20th. Re-Take Day is November 5th.
First Quarter Progress Reports come out on Wednesday, September 25th. Teachers have begun to input grades and will continue to do so.
The traditional Fall all-school field trip to Trabbic Farm is scheduled for Friday, October 4th– The Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Permission Slips have gone out. Permission Slips are due WEDNESDAY 9/18 along with $12 per student and $12 per chaperone.
The Fall pilgrimage for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, OH is scheduled for Thursday, October 24th. Permission Slips have gone out and should be returned ASAP.
The Fall pilgrimage for the Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders to the Solanus Casey Center will be Friday, November 22nd. More Details and permission slips will be going out soon.
Our next Jeans Day Thursday will be Thursday September 26th and then the last Thursday of the month moving forward. Per the handbook, “Jeans must be blue denim and loose fitting. Gym shoes are to be worn with jeans. Money collected on this day is put into the Technology Fund.”
Our Varsity Soccer Stallions fell 0-5 on Saturday.
JV Soccer Upcoming
Thursday Sept 19 5:30 PM HOME
Saturday Sept 21 11 AM Anderson
Tuesday Sept 24 6 PM JP2
Thursday Sept 26 5:30 PM Home
Monday Sept 30 5:30 PM Home
Friday Oct 4 5:30 PM Anderson
Saturday Oct 12 TBD St. Stephen
Wednesday Sept 18 545 PM St. Stephen
Monday Sept 23 545 PM St. Stephen
Wednesday Sept 25 545 PM Holy Ghost
Saturday Sept 28 1000 AM St. Stephen
Wednesday Oct 2 515 PM JP2
Saturday Oct 5 1000 AM St. Joseph (Erie)
Wednesday Oct 9 515 PM Anderson
Friday Oct 11 515 PM St. Stephen
Catholic High Schools Open Houses & Visits
8th Graders are invited to Discover Day at Divine Child High School on Thursday October 3rd. Please see this link for more information.
8th Graders are also invited to University of Detroit Jesuit High School’s Open House Sunday October 27th. Details are linked here.
St. Mary’s Catholic Central High School is inviting our community to their Open House Sunday November 3rd. Please see the flier linked here.
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School is inviting our 7th & 8th grade parents to Arnaldo's Banquet Center on October 16. See this link for more information.
School Forms & Info
Senate Bill 280 was signed into law in December 2023. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, the parent/guardian, who registered a child for the first time in kindergarten or first grade in a school in Michigan, must comply with the following:
Have a dentist or dental hygienist conduct a dental oral assessment on the child not earlier than six months before the date of the child’s registration with the school and obtain from the dentist or dental hygienist a written statement certifying that the child has received the dental oral assessment.
Please utilize the form linked here for all kindergarten and first grade students.
Please see the information regarding concussion awareness linked here and the AOD policy here. Please sign the following concussion material acknowledgment linked here and bring it to the front office or e-mail to schooloffice@ststephennb.education.
Scrip News
Your chance to earn BIG is just 3 days away! Get ready for 100+ brands on bonus September 19-20. Want to prep your shopping list? Download the RaiseRight mobile app for a sneak peek of all brands on bonus, coming this Wednesday, September 18.
Learn More: https://bit.ly/RDSept2024
Please contact the St. Stephen school office if you wish to find out more information about Huron District provided bussing– even if your family utilized district bussing in previous years.
Church & Community Updates
One of our parents is looking for immediate babysitting support. Please see this link for details.
The Knights of Columbus at St. Stephen Catholic Church are inviting our school community to join them in a Rosary Rally at Lajko Park at 12-Noon on Saturday October 12th. Please contact Jim Cislo (313) 405-2683 for more information.
Social Media
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@StStephenNewBoston
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StStephenNB/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ststephennb/