Rogers Vikings
November 1, 2024
Rogers High School - 2024/25 Calendar Dates
(Includes dates from district calendar along with dates specific ONLY to Rogers /NACTC). Dates are ongoing and changes can occur ~ for the most current list, CLICK HERE.
We will be following a Tuesday Class Schedule on Monday, Nov 4.
No School for Students on Tuesday, November 5
Parent/Teacher Conferences ~ November 5, 12:00 to 5:00pm
Impact Aid Forms
Dear Parents/Guardians ~ The "Impact Aid Program Survey Form" were given to your student(s) The data collection is for students enrolled in Newport Public Schools as Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
Return of your child’s form directly impacts the amount of federal funding which is received by Newport Public Schools. We ask for your cooperation and the prompt return of this form is greatly appreciated. Completed forms may be dropped off to CREW teachers or the main office. Thank you for your time
ATTENTION: Juniors & Seniors
A representative will be in the library at 10:30am on Monday, 11/04/24 for the Talent Development program at URI. See your guidance counselor for more information.
A representative will be in the cafeteria at 10:00am for the following:
Plymouth State College - Thursday, 11/7/24 - Please sign up in guidance office.
Scholarship List
Many of the scholarships listed are online scholarships. The general rule is if the scholarship listed has a link that means the application is online. If the scholarship on the list does not have an online link then the paper application is in Guidance in the filing cabinet under the "Scholarship" sign! (To the right of Ms. Gorman's desk)
For every scholarship you apply for you will need to fill out a Blue Transcript Request form. Those forms are available in Guidance on the table in front of Ms. Gorman's desk. If you are not able to come to Guidance you can email me and I can forward you an electronic fillable form.
Scholarship lists are also posted on Rogers High School website.
Student Handbook
The student handbook may be found on the RHS website https://www.npsri.net/o/rhs, “for students” tab.
Please take a few moments and review this handbook with your child.
Follow us:
-NPS OneNewport app available in app stores:
~Apple Store Link: https://apple.co/3y6ZI1D
~Google Play Store Link: https://bit.ly/3QKJgvo
-RHS website: https://www.npsri.net/o/rhs
-RHS on Facebook Rogers High School
-RHS Athletics on Facebook: Rogers High School Athletics
-Principal Vance on Instagram @principal_vance
-RHS Athletics on Instagram @rogersvikings
-RHS/NACTC Advertising, Design and New Media program @rhsadnm
-Principal Vance on Twitter @Principal_Vance