4th 9-Weeks Announcements

Marcus 9 ID Notice
If you are stopped in the hall without your MARCUS 9 ID on at any time of the day by any staff member on campus you will receive consequences. It will not matter if you have it in your pocket or hanging on your backpack. Your MARCUS 9 ID must be on your neck at all times this does not include Middle School ID's.
Remember that a new ID costs $5 in the front office. Please take care of your ID needs as soon as possible!
Lost and Found
Please check lost and found in the grey cabinet near the vending machines. It already has a lot of lost items seeking their owners!
*Club information is still being updated as clubs change.*
March 17, 2025
Tournament of Books Round #3
Use the link below or the QR Code to vote on the third round for the 2025 Tournament of Books! Voting for this round will close Friday, March 21 during 4th Period.
MHS/FMHS College Fair
MHS/FMHS College Fair will be on April 3rd at MHS from 6pm - 8pm. Over 50 Colleges & Universities will be attending. Click below for a list of school attending https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RZhaCvdVeTIJUzeU_zUGoz4p1hOjUV5onSELrDoU1CQ/edit?usp=sharing
Grass Bash
It's time to sign up for our annual 4v4 grass volleyball tournament!! 1 female must be on the field/court at all times. Email kleine@lisd.net with any questions. Can't wait to see you there!
LISD Movie Night at Grandscape
This year Dr. Rapp’s Student Advisory Board will be hosting the Fifth Annual “LISD Movie Night at Grandscape” on Tuesday, March 18th. We will be showing Monster’s Inc. Proceeds will benefit the LISD Back to School Fair and the LISD Adopt an Angel Program.
• Students purchasing a $5.00 Movie Night ticket will receive one service hour credit
• Students attending the Movie Night event will receive two service hour credits
To summarize, there’s a maximum of three service hours available by purchasing and attending Movie Night.
You can use the QR code on the flyers posted around the school to purchase a ticket. Tickets will also be on sale March 5-6 and March 17-18 in the commons during all lunches or students can stop by Mrs. Karbs' room, S121, to purchase a ticket.