Back To School!
Building Information
Mrs. Courtney Smoot, School Counselor
Mrs. Marni Dreher, School Nurse
Mrs. Katie Thielman, Building Secretary
Mrs. Jessica Bristle, Office Assistant
Location: 100 N. East Street
Phone: 614-833-6385
A message from Mr. Rice!
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Heritage Elementary! As we come to the end of our summer break I would like to take the opportunity to welcome everyone back as well as welcome all of our new students and families. We are very fortunate to begin another school year and get the opportunity to start our learning journey together.
This school year will bring about some changes at Heritage. We have some new staff members, as well as some staff members that have changed positions within the school. These changes are exciting and new, much like many of the changes that our students might go through, they also provide an opportunity for growth. Another thing that you might realize is the absence of The Leader In Me in our building. We made the decision to embark on our own and revamp our foundation. So, starting for the 2023 school year we will be Heritage Elementary TIGERS.
We made the decision as a staff last year to start this year fresh with implementing TIGERS for our students. This aligns with our core values as being educators, leaders, parents, continual learners and members of the community. The 6 facets of TIGERS are foundational to being thriving members of our community and future leaders. TIGERS is an acronym and stands for:
We will take the time throughout the year to reflect upon these traits and discuss with our students on what they mean, how to use them and how they can look different. We will use TIGER Paws building-wide to recognize students that are using any of the 6 traits.
We are all looking forward to another great year at Heritage Elementary, and we will look forward to continuing to form relationships with our students, parents and community. On behalf of all of our staff, we look forward to seeing you during our Welcome Back night as well as having a safe and successful school year.
Mr. Rice
August 14th - Back-to-School Night 4-6pm
August 15th/16th = First Day Staggered Start (Please refer to the email sent on July 10th)August 18th - First day of Kindergarten
September 4th = No School - Labor Day
Back-to-School Night! 8/14/2023
Grades 1st through 4th
Monday: August 14th is our Back-to-School Night!Last name beginning with:
A-M = 4pm to 5pm
Last name beginning with:
N-Z = 5pm to 6pm
Kindergarten: If your student is entering Kindergarten, it is not necessary to bring them to Back-to-School night. The kindergarteners will get a detailed orientation on their scheduled orientation day. August 14th is the parent's opportunity to see the kindergarten room and meet the teacher.
Bus Information (Transportation)
Pickerington Schools contracts with Petermann Bus Services for its transportation services. You can contact Petermann at 614-837-8525 with any questions.
CLICK HERE for detailed information on how to access your child's transportation information.
School Supply Lists
School Lunch Menu and Prices
Required Back to School and EMA Forms
All families with students grades 1-4 are required to update their Back To School/EMA Form in Infinite Campus prior to the first day of school. If your student is a kindergarten student or newly enrolled to the district, your information is already complete. Please remember, once you've enrolled, these online forms MUST be completed annually.
There are simple step-by-step instructions on the district's website for your convenience.