Elms Monthly Parent Newsletter
November 2024
Happy November to all of our Elms families! This month brings so much joy as we begin to settle into the upcoming holiday season. We have lots of activities planned through our PTA that offers opportuninities for you to come visit your child's school.
This month we host two different parent teacher conference dates. Parent teacher conferences will be held on November 7th and November 13th from 4:15 - 8:00 pm. I encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher if you have not recieved any academic updates or progress reports. ParentVue is always available for you view your child's progress as well. Conferences are not designed to be an "I GOTCHA" rather a time for you to be updates on your child's progress at school. If concerns have arisen since the start of school, I would assume two way communication between you and your child's teacher has already started. Healthy and frequent communication between school and home builds strong communication and supports your child's learning.
There will be a half day of school on November 8th due to parent teacher conferences. School will dismiss at 12:15 pm.
Restorative Circles
If your child has come home talking about circles, it is because our students engage in what we call restorative circles at least once a week. MTSS coordinator, Mrs. Kyle has developed and launched restorative circles with all classes 1st - 6th grade.
Feedback from students have been amazing and positive. Teaches have reported that students anxiously anticipate Mrs. Kyle coming to pick them up for circle time. Mrs. Kyle works with students for no longer the 15 to 20 minutes.
The topics covered in circle time range from respect, caring for others, community, pride, safety and any other topic student need to grow and learn. Mrs. Kyle even tailors topics based on the need of the classroom given to her by the teachers.
We are excited about the work Mrs. Kyle is doing with restorative circles and look forward to what to come in the months ahead. When you get a moment, ask your child about circle time with Mrs. Kyle.
Donuts With Dudes
Our annual donuts with dudes will take place on November 1st from 8:00 - 8:45 am. We invite all dads or father figures to come out and have a donut and beverage with their child. This is an awesome bonding event for our students and that father figure in their life. We hope to see lots of "Dude" here for this event!
Fall Book Fair
The Fall Book Fair is right around the corner. Our annual Scholastic Book Fair takes place the week of November 11th - 15th. Classes are given a scheduled time during the week to visit the book fair. Books are reasonably price for students to shop. More information will be send home pertaining to the book fair this month!
Monthly Activites
November 1st
Donuts with Dudes
8:00 - 8:45 am
November 8th
Popcorn Friday
November 7th & 13th
Parent Teacher Conferences
4:15 - 8:00 pm
November 8th
Half Day
12:15 pm dismissal
Color Run
Flyer sent home with details
November 11th - 15th
Scholastic Book Fair
Schedule TBD
November 20th
Early Dismissal
2:05 pm
November 22nd
Glow Lunch
During Lunchtimes
Popcorn Friday
November 27th - 29th
No School
Parent Survey
Please complete this year's school climate parent survey and your child will recieve a treat at school! If you take a screenshot of the completed survey and show to your child's teacher, Dr. Hagens, or Mrs. Leitelt at parent teacher conferences, your child will get a treat.
Girls Basketball
This message is for 3rd-6th grade girls who are interested in signing up for the Lady Raiders Basketball Camp. Registration is now open. An Informational flyer with additional details will be sent home with your daughter this week & has also been posted on the district website and social media. If you have any questions please email our varsity girls basketball coach, Steve Groulx. His email address appears on the informational flyer. Have a great night!
Varsity Tutors
This year Flushing Community Schools is launching Varsity Tutors as an afterschool program for students needing tutoring services. See the flyer and link attached for more information.