October 6, 2020
Congratulations to October's Employees of the Month!
Nominate Your Favorite Teacher or Staff Member for Employee of the Month!
Dual Enrollment Saves Students More than $1.5 Million
Each year Millard high school students save money on their future college education by dual enrolling in high school classes that also offer college credit. Last night, the Board of Education received the annual report for dual enrollment. The total savings through the University of Nebraska Omaha and Metro Community College due to reduced tuition came to $1,647,214.
Students in Millard have benefited from dual enrollment since 2003. Many of these are select Advanced Placement® courses they take for high school credit and, at the same time, pay tuition and receive transferable credit through UNO. Additionally, dual enrollment opportunities now include several non-Advanced Placement® courses at UNO and courses completed through MCC by participation in a Millard Career Academy, an MCC Career Academy, or Early College.
More Than Half a Million Meals Served
Welcome to Millard!
- Jacob M. Bergmeier – English Teacher at Millard North High School
Millard Public Schools
Email: MPSCommunicates@mpsomaha.org
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