New Albany - Plain Local Schools 9.15.23
Board of Education Meeting - September 18, 2023
The Board of Education will hold a Regular Meeting on Monday, September 18, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the NAPLS Annex, 79 N. High St., New Albany. Featured presentations will include a review of the final Local Report Card issued by the Ohio Department of Education and the adoption of the Continuous Improvement Plan for 2023-24 and Student Survey Update. Board meetings are live streamed on the District YouTube Channel. Click the Live button.
In Case You Missed it: Our Local Report Card Achievement
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is 1 of 8 school districts out of 607 public school districts in the entire State of Ohio to receive an overall rating of “5 stars” AND “5 star ratings” on ALL components measured by ODE.
Achievement levels are increasing while learning gaps caused by the pandemic are decreasing! Student learning progressed during the 2022-23 school year thanks to the incredible hard work and perseverance of our students, teachers, administrators, staff and families! We are Stronger Together! Read More...
Achievement levels are increasing while learning gaps caused by the pandemic are decreasing! Student learning progressed during the 2022-23 school year thanks to the incredible hard work and perseverance of our students, teachers, administrators, staff and families! We are Stronger Together! Read More...
Memorial Grove - The Dedication Sept. 28
Join Us for the Dedication Sept. 28
A project of the National Honor Society at New Albany High School. The District is grateful to the many donors to the Memorial Grove project. The work is almost complete and we are ready to dedicate the space on September 28. The Grove combines the historic bricks, stones and markers from the previous grove with the design of today. Join us on Sept. 28 as we have a new space for reflection, remembrance and respect for those we have lost in our learning community.
NAHS & MS students step up to serve!
NAHS & MS students volunteered to support "Amp Up the Arts" on Sept. 13 at the Hinson Amphitheatre. They helped set up, pass out programs, helped patrons get to their seats and eventually helped clean up. They were also able to attend the performance of Grammy award winning COLBIE CAILLAT and GAVIN DEGRAW. They were able to meet the performers, ask questions and get a picture with them.
Thank you to our students students for stepping up! We are so proud of you! We also thank the New Albany Community Foundation for these opportunities and Ms. Patty Mclellan for her student coordination. *Photo courtesy of James DeCamp
Thank you to our students students for stepping up! We are so proud of you! We also thank the New Albany Community Foundation for these opportunities and Ms. Patty Mclellan for her student coordination. *Photo courtesy of James DeCamp
Congrats to our Spectrum News Student Athletes of the Week!
Click below to learn more!
Community Connections
New Albany Chamber Childcare Program - Sept. 26
Learn more about the Panel...
Lt. Governor Jon Husted is the keynote speaker at the Workforce of Tomorrow Series: Childcare Panel luncheon September 26, 2023 presented by the New Albany Chamber of Commerce. Join the discussion about the future of childcare. Childcare is everyone’s business. Learn from experts and stakeholders why childcare matters to your business and directly affects your bottom line.
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany-Plain Local Schools
Location: 55 North High Street, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-855-2040
Twitter: @napls