RICA December Family Newsletter
December 2024
December Parent Meeting- Wednesday, December 11th at 6pm
We had a great parent meeting last month and looking forward to this December. We will hear some support from our MCPS social workers as well as well as what's happening at RICA as we complete the the first semester.
Please use the zoom link below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 869 3873 8920
Passcode: 221169
Our Mission Statement
As educators who respect our students and their diverse backgrounds and needs, we will work to help them:
by supporting them with a safe, structured behavioral program to address social emotional concerns.
by providing a rigorous academic environment for learning.
to less restrictive schools, to higher education, to the world of work.
Make up Picture Day- Thursday, December 12, 2024
Make-Up Picture Day
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024, 09:15 AM
Montgomery College Visit
The Senior Class will visit Montgomery College on Tuesday, December 10th with Ms. Faucett. We look forward to our seniors having another option for after high school.
MCPS Calendar Feedback- Your voice is needed!!
MCPS is seeking additional feedback about the 2025-2026 school year calendar.
Please take a moment to complete the ROUND 2 SY Calendar 2025-2026 Survey
Happy December Royals!
As we approach the close of the year and the winter break, I would like to take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished together and to share some important updates and reminders.
Reflecting on the Fall Semester
It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of the first semester This has been a time of growth, learning, and connection at RICA. From our engaging classroom activities to the successful Back to school night, International Night, 1st Quarter Honor Roll, Seniors visiting colleges, and middle school science classes going on field trips. it’s clear that our students have made progress.
I want to extend my gratitude to all of our teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication, as well as to our families for your continued support and involvement in our school community. It’s through our strong partnership that we continue to thrive.
Important Dates to Remember:
- December 10th- Senior Class trip to Montgomery College
- December 12th- Make -Up Picture Day
- December 12th- PBSL Body Lessons at 1:15pm
- December 13th - MP2 Interim Grades Available for view
- December 16th-20th- Holiday Bazaar
- December 16th-20th- Winter Spirit Week
- December 23rd- January 1st- Winter Break
Health & Safety Reminders
As winter approaches, we kindly remind parents to keep children home if they show signs of illness. Practicing good hygiene, like regular hand-washing and covering coughs and sneezes, helps keep everyone healthy.
A Note of Gratitude
The end of the year is also a time for reflection and gratitude. I am truly grateful for the ongoing support, enthusiasm, and engagement from our entire school community. It has been a wonderful semester, and I look forward to what we will achieve together in the new year.
On behalf of the staff at RICA, I want to wish you all a joyful holiday season filled with peace, love, and happiness. I look forward to seeing everyone back at school in the new year!
Warm regards,
Ms. Langston
RICA Winter Spirit Week
Personal Body Safety Lessons
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Montgomery County Public Schools is taking an active role in the prevention of child abuse and
neglect through early prevention and intervention education.
During the week of December 9th our school counselor, Ms. Faucett and the RICA Therapists will be
presenting lessons on the topic of child abuse and neglect. The lessons are known as Personal
Body Safety Lessons and their purpose is to help students to:
- Develop knowledge, decision making skills, and behaviors which promote safe living in the home, school, and community;
- Learn skills for self-protection and identifying child abuse and neglect;
- Learn skills for asking for help for self and others and practice reporting to a trusted adult;
- Engage in positive and appropriate interactions with peers and adults.
If you have any questions or concerns about the topics that will be covered, please contact me or Ms. Faucett.
Ms.Langston, Principal
What's Happening this Month in the Media Center?
Holiday Bazaar December 16th-20, 2024
MCPS Updating the cell phone use in schools
MCPS is reviewing the current cell phone use in schools due to so many issues occuring over social media causing unsafe situations in schools. At this time all day students can have phones and resident students who attend Edison can have their phone when they leave but must return them when they arrive back to RICA. We know many issues we have had at school have had a social media involvement as well as may record incidents that have occured at school. At this time we will be starting focus groups with students, families and staff about the cell phone use in school and looking to begin a new cell phone policy during the 25-26 school year.
MCPS Needs to Know
Please find below link for “Get Emergency Alerts. Get Alert Montgomery”
The Alert Montgomery System provides accurate and immediate emergency notifications from Montgomery County to your cell, work, or home phones via text, email, or voice message. Receive notifications about emergencies that may affect your home, workplace, child's school, or any other locations within Montgomery County, Maryland.
- Government and School Status for County government and public-school closures, cancellations, or delays due to inclement weather or other emergencies
- Weather Alerts for your family's home, business, school, childcare, and more
- Infrastructure Issues including Water and Power Outages
- Severe Traffic Issues including accidents and prolonged road closures