Baltz Bulletin - Family Edition
Week of January 13, 2025
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Weekly Message & Updates
Believing...Achieving...Learning...Team Building...with Zeal! We are BALTZ!
This year's theme is Ready. Set. Grow! We will focus growing student achievement through a dedicated approach to equity and many other ways that our students can take actions to be safe, be kind, and be on-task!
Dear Baltz families,
We hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful snow and adjusting well to being back at school! As you read this week’s bulletin, please note that we are continuing with mid-year assessments. Thank you for ensuring your child is well-rested, arrives to school on time daily, and avoids early dismissals whenever possible.
While temperatures seem to be warming a bit this week, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Please see the notice from Nurse Clark posted below regarding extra clothing.
A friendly reminder to practice safety in the car line—please avoid pulling out in front of other vehicles, as this creates a dangerous situation for our students, families, and staff.
We’re excited to share that our community partner has posted new food drive information, which we’ve included below for your convenience.
Finally, please note that there is a school board meeting this Wednesday evening.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
With gratitude,
Ms. Gallagher, Mrs. Palma and Mr. Wright
We want to remind you to ensure that your contact information is up-to-date in our system. Keeping your details accurate helps us stay connected with you, especially during the winter season when weather-related updates or emergency alerts may be needed.
Please take a moment to review and update your contact information with your child’s school to ensure you receive timely notifications throughout the winter months.
We appreciate your attention to this matter and thank you for being an important part of our Red Clay community!
📆 Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars!
Wednesday, January 8 - Tuesday January 14 -
- 2nd - 5th graders take the I-Ready Diagnostic assessments in math and reading during this window of time
Wednesday, January 15 - RCCSD Board Meeting, 7PM, Richardson Park or Zoom
Monday, January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22 - K/1 takes Acadience assessment
Wednesday, January 22 - Baltz Elementary Winter Concert, 6:00 PM 4th & 5th Chorus, Band and Strings
Thursday, January 23 - 5th graders take the Social Studies state assessment
Friday, January 24 - No School - Teacher In-Service Day
Wednesday, January 29th - Bear's Den - 5:30 PM Baltz Cafeteria
Friday, January 31 - 3rd graders take Math IAB assessment
Message from Nurse Clark
It is recommended that all students have a full set of extra clothes on hand at school. The nurse office has some extra items for emergencies, but please launder and return all borrowed clothing. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
Early Dismissal Reminder
Please call us if you need help with attendance. We will do our best to listen and partner with you so that our children have a successful year! We are working to make our school environment a place where everyone can be safe, healthy and learning. Review the Attendance Matters flyers posted below to learn why daily attendance at school is so important for your child/children. We ask our families to do their best to ensure that students are on time each day, and that early dismissals are limited to emergencies only. Students are engaged in class instruction until 3:45 PM daily. Please use the Red Clay calendar posted below to assist with planning during days off/vacation. Thank you for your support.
Family Information - Preparing for the I-Ready Winter Diagnostic 2nd-5th Graders
The second Diagnostic is an important benchmark for understanding your student’s growth, which is why it’s so important they try their best. These results allow us to better support them in achieving their goals for the year.
The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motivate them to put forth their best effort.
Here are a few things you can do to help support your student:
· Make sure they get a good night’s rest before taking the Diagnostic!
· Talk to your student about why the second Diagnostic is important. You can say things like:
o The second Diagnostic helps you find out how much progress you’ve made since the beginning of the year.
o It allows your teacher and I to celebrate your accomplishments!
o Try your best, and do not rush—but don’t spend too much time on a question either.
o Remember, questions on the Diagnostic change based on your answers to earlier questions. You will see some questions you don’t know. That is okay! Just try your best.
· Let them know you’re excited to celebrate their progress.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your student’s learning.
Preparación para la segunda Evaluación diagnóstica
La segunda evaluación diagnóstica es un punto de referencia clave para comprender el progreso de su estudiante, por eso es muy importante que lo haga lo mejor posible. Estos resultados nos permiten apoyarlo mejor para que logre sus objetivos de crecimiento para el año.
Lo más importante que podemos hacer es preparar y motivar a los estudiantes para que se esfuercen al máximo.
Estas son algunas cosas que usted puede hacer para ayudar a su estudiante:
· ¡Asegúrese de que descansa y duerme las horas suficientes la noche antes de hacer la evaluación!
· Hable con su estudiante sobre por qué la segunda evaluación diagnóstica es importante. Puede decir algo así:
o La segunda Evaluación diagnóstica te ayuda a saber cuánto has progresado desde que empezó el curso.
o ¡Nos permite a tu maestro y a mí celebrar tus logros!
o Hazlo lo mejor posible y no te apresures… pero tampoco pases demasiado tiempo en una sola pregunta.
o Recuerda que las preguntas de la evaluación cambian con base en tus respuestas a las preguntas anteriores. Habrá preguntas que no sepas. ¡Está bien! Solo hazlo lo mejor posible.
· Hágale saber que le emociona mucho celebrar su progreso.
Le agradecemos que siga siendo parte del equipo en el aprendizaje de su estudiante.
Baltz State Testing Schedule for 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders
YMCA Inclement Weather Policy Information Sharing
Chromebook Reminder for Cold Weather
Red Clay Parent Advisory Council (RCPAC) Schedule
Local ESL Classes
A few families have reached out for information regarding local ESL classes. Ms. Ocasio wanted to share contact information for the following organizations that may offer ESL classes/resources for families:
Latin Community center( Centro Latino)
(302) 655-7338
403 North Van Buren Street
Wilmington, DE 19805
Literacy Delaware
Red Clay Center ( Groves Education Center)
(302) 651-2709
Brandywine Valley Church
(392) 478-4255
School-Based Health Center Information
🏥 Did you know that we have a School Based Health Care Center right here at Baltz? If your child registered last year, they do not need to register again. If your child didn't register yet, see the forms below for more information!
Red Clay School District Updated Calendars
Student & Family Handbook
Standard Response Protocols
Communication - Remind Application
This year all Red Clay Elementary schools will continue using the Remind App for home - school communication.
The district has created accounts for you. Check your email or text messages for an account invitation. If you can't find the invitation, contact your child's teacher. Once you click on the invitation, you will be able to choose the type of communication you prefer in Remind. Choose one or a combination of text messages or email for using the Remind App. Families can select the preferred language for all communications.
For more information about getting started...check out the information and video below.
Cell Phone Policy
At Baltz Elementary School, we follow an Off and Away Policy. Cell Phone and electronic device use is prohibited. It is our expectation that all cell phones and electronic devices are kept off and in backpacks during the school day. Any visible cell phone or electronic device may be confiscated. Confiscated items will need to be picked up by a parent or guardian in the main office.
Pautas: Los estudiantes deben usar ropa limpia que no tenga agujeros ni roturas y que sea apropiada para la estación.
Voluntary Accident Brochure
The Red Clay Consolidated School District offers a voluntary low cost accident insurance for your student. Families can choose either during the school day or 24-hour coverage. The brochure is attached. Applications and fees should be sent directly to the Philadelphia Insurance Companies. There is no obligation to purchase this insurance.
Follow our school on Facebook for up to date information!