Prospect Park Weekly Update
January 17th, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and stay warm! Let's hope for an Eagles win this weekend! We had a lot of exciting events this past week at Prospect Park. Please check out all of our pictures to celebrate our students. BIG CONGRATS to our spelling bee winners from today.
1st Place: Alex Griest
2nd Place: Nour Ahroud
3rd Place: Monneaut Keo
Our autistic support classes were able to participate in BUC's Buddy Bowling Trip. The students and staff all had a great time. Big Shout-out to Mr. McLaughlin for putting together the trip and making memories for our students.
Our student council did an outstanding job cleaning our court yard for their MLK service. Thank you to Mrs. Laky for her help in making that happen.
Lets hope for an Eagles win,
Mrs. Kim Boswell, M.Ed
Congrats to our spelling bee winners:
We are so proud of your hard work!
1st Place: Alex Griest
2nd Place: Nour Ahroud
3rd Place: Monneaut Keo
Reminder- No school Monday!
Huge Shout-Out:
A huge thank you to both Mrs. Daws and Ms. Jackie for being amazing teachers and helping in 2nd grade last week and this week. You are awesome and Prospect Park is so lucky to have you here on the team. Thank you ladies! From Mrs. Kovatch and Miss Prager
Prepare for the cold!
Please see the weather chart below:
Buc-Buddy Bowling Trip!
MLK Service Project:
Fundraiser Alert!!!!!
Prospect Park Families - We set up a Double Good Popcorn virtual fundraiser! It’s 100% contactless, we keep 50% of all sales and the product ships directly to the buyer. We will be using funds to support school initiatives and programs.
We’ll each create a Pop-Up Store and sell Double Good popcorn! Prices for Signature Bags (5 cups each) start at $11 and Curated Collections at $31. The popcorn is delicious and award-winning! The top seller will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card. The 2nd and 3rd place sellers will each receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card. The class with the most participants will get a free popcorn and PJs day!
Our fundraising window begins on January 20, 2025, at 5:00 PM and goes until January 24, 2025, at 5:00 PM.
Before the fundraiser begins:
1. Download the Double Good app
2. Enter our event code ETVAXI in the app. Create your Pop-Up Store
Once the fundraiser begins you can share your sale link on Social Media, email it out, or text it to family and friends!
Let’s work together to raise funds that will directly impact our children.
Contact Mrs. Laky
The app is available for free on iOS and Android.
Entrepreneur Club
PBIS Updates & Happenings:
Crazy Hat and Hair Day!
🖤Helping Team Section:💛
Save the date!
Sign Up Here:
Prevention Academy Parent Information
No Place for Hate!
No Place for Hate Activity: "Who Am I? Identity and Culture"
Students will reflect on their identity, brainstorm descriptive words that describe them or that they associate with, and create an acrostic poem that celebrates their unique traits and culture.
Work in progress.......
We are very excited!!!!!!
Check out the work in progress thanks to Mr. K and Mrs. Laky's artistic work!!!!
Our Next Lesson for No Place For Hate.....
Lessons will be coming out the first week of February. Ask your child what they learned about during the first week of February!
Middle School Sports Information:
This SMORE is updated by Mr. Hooven weekly, check-it-out!
Prospect Park Home and School Section!
When will my child go to the book fair?
We need help with book fair
8th Grade Parent Section:
Help our 8th Graders!
Please keep a look-out for other ways to get involved with helping our 8th grade
8th Grade Parent’s Meeting Wednesday, January 22nd – 7pm
Join the zoom below:
Bring your sneakers in NOW until end of January!
Prospect Park Youth-Club Section:
Highlights and Updates:
Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed your holidays!
Over the break, many of the Prospect Park boys basketball teams and some of the girls teams participated in tournaments at Norwood School and Prospect Park School.
Here at Prospect Park a few of our players received MVP’s for their games. Among them were, Allie Ursone, Sophia Neiss, Jackson Keisel.
We also had two teams go undefeated and win their age group in the annual Norwood Christmas tournament. Our 14 U team won their age bracket, along side our 10U A team. The 10U team has quite a few 5th graders from our school.
Eddie Devenny
Andrew Henry
Frankie Kennedy
Ryan Warrington
Vinny Izzi
Stay tuned for home games within the week. The 10U boys will be home most Saturdays between the 3 teams. If you can get the chance, come out and support our student-athletes from Prospect Park School.
Also, stay tuned, baseball/softball/tee ball registration information will be out very soon! Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays
Important Information Regarding Reporting Attendance:
-fill out the online Absence Reporting form for all absences
-fill out the online Absence Reporting form for all late arrivals/early dismissals
-when your child is absent 3 days or more in a row we need a doctor's note
-students with 10 or more absences will have to have a doctor's note for all absences
-if your child is going away please fill out the Absence Reporting form>Non-Educational Trip form-please note these will not be excused absences
See Something... Say Something:
K-8 Handbook!!!!
Student/Parent Code of Conduct:
Community Events and Happenings:
Mark Your Calendar:
In this section of the SMORE you will find community events and Happenings! :)
Contact our Helping Team:
- Mrs. Kimberly Boswell - Principal
- Mr. Michael Hooven- Assistant Principal
- Ms. Rebekah Chirlin -Elementary School Counselor
- Christine Ewell- Middle School Counselor
- Ms. Maura Quigley - School Social Worker
- Ms. Amanda Hoffman - Behavior Manager
- Ms. Dawn Marshall- Title 1 Reading Specialist
- Ms. Kate Eicholtz- Reading Specialist
- Dr. Elana Weinstein- School Psychologist
- Mrs. Jayne Powers- School Nurse