Reeceville Raptor's MMM
October 21, 2024
Please join us for the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the New Elementary School!
Reeceville's MVP Parade!
Students and staff lined the hallways to congratulate this month's MVP award recipients! The parade was led by our very own Ref the Raptor!
Reeceville's MVP winners for October!
Ref leads the parade!
MVP Parade!
Buddy Day!
Mrs. Fonde's third grade and Ms. Bagley's kindergarten got together for a fun Buddy Activity. The students got to show their creativity and make "Goofy Pumpkins." Third graders got to be leaders and help the kindergarten students with their cutting skills. The finished pumpkins look wonderfully silly. It was a favorite part of the day!
We are so excited!
We are working hard!
Look at our Goofy Pumpkin!
Mrs. Cooper's 2nd grade class and Ms. Shaver's 5th grade class made pumpkin catapults during their buddy day!
Miss MacCausland's class and Mrs. winther's class read Spookly the Square Pumpkin. Then we made and wrote about our own funny pumpkins! It was a fun activity!
Pumpkin writing!
We are so proud of our story!
Funny Pumpkins!
Outdoor Learning!
Ms. Mulderrig and Ms. Clark’s classes collected leaves and brought them inside and described them using adjectives!
Finding Leaves!
1st grade outdoor class fun!
Ava describes her leaf!
Family Engagement Night-Guest Author and Trunk or Treat!
Reeceville had our guest author, Melissa Trempe, read her book Ladybug Launch and then our families enjoyed an amazing night or Trunk or Treating! Thank you to our teachers and PTA for such an amazing night!
Ladybug Author!
Mrs. Mochulski, Mrs. Brier, and Mrs. Reinert are Ladybugs!
Dr. Cole is a ladybug, too!
Ms. Shaver and Mrs. Gooding!
Ms. Harlan is setting up her trunk!
PTA members!
Day of the Dead alter!
Mr. Pidgeon's Peekachu trunk!
Marvel Trunk!
PTA Information!
Restaurant Night - TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 22 at Pizza Hut (1039 E. Lincoln Hwy)
School Store - NEW DATES - November 14 & 15
Flyers will be sent home the week before
Twin Valley Coffee Fundraiser - October
Fundraiser runs the entire month of October
ONLINE ORDERS ONLY - you can order drink cards for in-person orders
- The PTA’s November meeting has been moved to Tuesday, November 12 (from Nov. 5) due to Election Day
The Student Directory is back!
Register online at (tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) or return the registration form
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org
Lifetouch Picture Day Information!
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!