OES Family News 8-27-24
Weekly Pond News

August 27, 2024
Hello Otters Families,
Dear Oakstead Families,
What a week it has been! Despite the challenges posed by severe storms and some unexpected air conditioning issues, our school community has shown incredible resilience and spirit.
We wanted to let you know that we experienced a lightning strike in last night's severe thunderstorm. Unfortunately, that strike negatively impacted one of the control systems for our air conditioning system. The replacement part has been ordered and the district maintenance department will install this part as soon as it is received. Our school is currently running with the air conditioning system at 50% capacity. We are running the system around the clock to keep our classrooms and students as cool as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this unexpected situation. Please be assured that we are monitoring classroom temperatures at all times.
Additionally, our students have started their state assessments. It’s crucial that they continue to arrive on time, well-rested, and ready for learning. Testing Schedules Your support in ensuring they are prepared each day is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing the Otter school family at Main Event this Thursday night.
Here’s to celebrating our collective achievements and looking forward to more sunny days ahead!
Warm regards,
Ms. Ennis, Ms. Leahy and Mrs. Natal
Media Center Updates
Mrs. Crouse is conducting Media Center orientations this week!! Students will be able to begin checking out books starting next week. Please check with your students and their teachers for their class Media schedules!!
🦦 In Otter News 🦦
Spirit Night onThurs 8/29
All Pro Dads
We now have an All Pro Dad chapter at our school. All Pro Dad is a fatherhood program designed to inspire and equip fathers to be the best dads, husbands, and individuals they can be. Founded by Mark Merrill and former NFL coach Tony Dungy, the program is part of the nonprofit organization Family First1.
Here are some key aspects of All Pro Dad:
- Daily Encouragement: Fathers can receive daily tips and encouragement on parenting, marriage, and relationships.
- School Chapters: Monthly gatherings at schools where dads and kids engage in meaningful conversations and activities to strengthen their relationships.
- Special Events: Events where dads and kids participate in interactive games and activities designed to build stronger bonds2.
Would you like to know more about their programs or how to get involved? We are looking for a dad that would like to be the All Pro Dad Chapter lead. Please contact Mrs. Natal at knatal@pasco.k12.fl.us if you are interested in partnering with us in this exciting adventure.
Friendly Reminders and Information
Signing Students out Early
We are requesting that students who need to be signed out early for the day, be signed out by 3:15 p.m. at the latest. After that point, they will not be called up to the office until they have arrived in their designated dismissal room. Unfortunately, we are not able to call students down to the office before parents arrive, as safety is our priority and ID's are required.
Transportation Dismissal Changes: VERY IMPORTANT
Any changes in mode of transportation home must be entered in to the Otter Runner form on our OES website by 3:00 p.m. EACH DAY to ensure a safe and smooth dismissal for all students.
Carline Reminders
NO CELL PHONES IN THE CAR LINE!! Please put vehicles in "PARK" while children are loading and unloading. All children must remain in their seats while their vehicles are in motion for loading and unloading. For the purpose of safety, children cannot hang out of windows and sunroofs while cars are in motion.
Safety Patrol / Morning Arrival
Safety Patrols being dropped off in the morning must be supervised by a parent until 9:15. Unless your student is a member of Safety Patrol, they cannot be dropped off at the flag pole or left unsupervised until 9:20. Parents who's students are not listed as bus or biker/walker for transportation, must go through the carline for drop-off and pick-up.
Attendance Calls Reminder
Starting from the first day of school, we are enhancing our communication regarding your child's attendance. Keeping parents informed about their child’s attendance is vital for the safety and security of all students.
- Elementary School: If your child is absent, you will receive a notification (phone call and email) one hour after the start of school. Since school starts at 9:40, you will receive a call by 10:40.
Volunteer updates:
Volunteers (NEW REQUIREMENT): Oakstead welcomes volunteers! Effective August 1, 2024, and every five years after, volunteers will need to pay a fee, currently $41.25 for a Level 2 Fingerprinting and Background Screening that will be monitored. Please visit the district volunteer website at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer to apply to be a volunteer. Volunteering includes any time an individual is around students other than their own. For example, all parents wanting to chaperone a school field trip must be fingerprinted. Due to liability, younger children are not allowed to accompany.
OES Reading Challenge
Join the Oakstead Elementary Reading Challenge!
We are excited to announce the launch of our OES Reading Challenges! See flyer below. This year, we are encouraging all students to dive into the wonderful world of books and set personal reading goals using Beanstack. All challenges will begin on September 1st.
Students who finish the challenges will have the chance to earn fantastic prizes and be recognized for their achievements. It’s a great opportunity to foster a love for reading, build literacy skills, and have fun along the way!
Let’s make this a year of reading adventures and celebrate our students’ successes together!
Happy Reading
Please vote for fellow parents to become members of our Oakstead’s School Advisory Council. Voting closes on Tuesday, August 20th.
Community Recognition of OES Staff
Please use the below form to submit shout outs that our staff will receive in our weekly newsletter.
Food and Nutrition Services (FNS)
Lunch with your child Begins October 1st
Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child, weather permitting. Parents must sign in, with an ID at the office to receive a visitor badge. Due to our enrollment growth and safety commitment for all students, we limit our lunchtime visits to outdoor seating only. To ensure the safety and supervision of all children, parents may only have lunch with their child(ren). We ask that you limit your visit to once a month. Lunchtime is one of the few times of the day where children can socialize with their classmates.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthday snacks for your child's class may ordered through the Oakstead Elementary School website or using the form below. Due to allergies, outside snacks are not permitted for birthday celebrations and must be purchased through the Cafeteria. Please place order 10 days prior to the day of the celebration.
🔗Important Links 🔗
Pasco County Student Code of Conduct
Oakstead Parent School Information
Den Shirts, School Fees, Field Trips, ID Badges, Car Tags
- Five Dens, One Pond -
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
24-25 Calendar of Events
Get involved at OES
See information below about our awesome PTA.
~Upcoming Events~
August: Unity
8/28 Boy Scout Night
8/29 Main Event Spirit Night
9/2 Labor Day: No school
9/3 SAC Meeting
Oakstead Elementary
Email: oes_administration@pasco.k12.fl.us
Website: https://oes.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 19925 Lake Patience Road, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-346-1500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OaksteadElementarySchool/