WEEK OF August 29, 2022 Issue 3
Dear Hillcrest Community,
We are looking forward to welcoming our families to Hillcrest on Wednesday August 31st for our Back to School Night. Come meet our teachers and Staff. Support our 6th graders who will be selling Snowcones and Hotdogs (fundraising for 6th Grade Activities).
Entrance is through our Main Gate (by Cafeteria). Please remember to wear your masks.
Wednesday @ 1:35pm
Every Wednesday is Early Dismissal. Please pick up children on time.
Car Drop-off (Valet) 7:45 - 8:15 am
Please remember the Unloading Zone is where the Staff & Teachers are waiting to Open Car doors & Greet the Students
Habit of the Week: Begin with the End in Mind
Click on the link to learn what it means to plan ahead and have goals
The Berenstain Bears Go Up And Down (1-2)
Habit Two: Begin with the End of Mind
Spotlight on: Noon Duty Aides
Our amazing team: Ms. Maria Daniels, Ms. Sonia Garcia, Ms Shelly Ong, and Ms Elena Ortega. These ladies are responsible for supervising students on the playground, making sure students go safely through the cafeteria lines, make it possible for the Car Drop-off (Valet) service to succeed, and are invaluable supporting the school in many other activties and operations.
Quote of the Week:
"Our character is basically a composite of our habits because they are consistent. Often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character."
-- Stephen Covey