Westie's News
May & June 2023
Message from Mrs. Hampson
Dear Westmount Families,
First of all, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you for working alongside us this year. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have our students’ families as our partners in education. As we end this school year and look forward to next September, we are excited for the upcoming opportunities to learn, grow and collaborate.
We have a lot to look forward to as our school year comes to an end. If you haven't already heard about upcoming field trips, information will be coming home in weekly emails shortly. There are some amazing learning opportunities being planned!
We are excited to announce that Kindergarten Registration is OPEN. Children who turn five (5) on or before December 31, 2023 are eligible to enter Kindergarten for the 2023 – 24 school year.
Westmount School plans to offer two Kindergarten programs:
• Option 1 – Full-Time Kindergarten: This program runs all day, every school day. There is a $125.00/month fee associated with this option.
• Option 2 – Regular Kindergarten: This program runs full days Tuesdays & Thursdays for the first semester. For the second semester (February - June 2024), the program runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Finally, we have been busy creating class lists for next year while considering many factors. We take into consideration things such as student relationships, academic achievement and individual needs to name a few. We do our very best to ensure that each and every one of our students is set up for the best possible year of learning! We take this job very seriously and weigh many factors. You will find next year’s class and teacher in your child’s report card on June 29, 2023.
Here's to an amazing end of the school year!
Cori Hampson, Principal
A Couple of Changes for the 2023 - 2024 School Year
Adam Pirie will be joining the school community as principal. He is an experienced teacher and has been associate principal at Greentree Elementary School in Drumheller and is currently an associate principal at Crowther Memorial Junior High. I am excited for him and the school community as he moves into this position! Your children are in great hands!
Cori Hampson
Teaching Staff for the 2023 - 24 School Year
Our goal, as always, is to design our school structure so that we can best address individual needs and create a safe, caring and collaborative learning environment.
K1 - Kathy Eitzen
K2 - LeeAnn Praud
1A - Trisha Nielsen
1B - Lisa Giesbrecht
2A - Sheila Tucker
2B - Kathy Herriot
3A - Corinne Koppel
3B - Deanna Kooistra
3C - Kayla McGougan
4A - Jana Kopp
4B - Danielle Plett
5A - Marie Cooke
5B - Amanda Ball
5C - Juila Koester & Adam Baxter
6A - Sarah Rommens
6B - Kate Boyd
6C - Pam van Baars
Strive - Karen Oliphant
Physical Education - Michelle Brassard
Music - Jill Rossi
Hockey/Ringette Program (Grades 5 & 6) - Kyle Tucker & Kathy Herriot
Flag Football & Golf Program (Grade 4) - Kyle Tucker
Principal - Adam Pirie
Associate Principal - Adam Baxter
Student School Supplies for 2023 - 24
This fee will be added to School Cash Online in September 2023.
School Hours Reminder
Our first bell rings at 8:21 am. Supervision on the playground starts at 8:00 am. For safety reasons, please avoid dropping students off before 8:00 am.
Our final bell rings at 3:04 pm. If you pick up your child, please arrange a meeting place that is away from the bus run. Most of our students ride the bus to and from school so the bus run is a VERY busy place before and after school.
Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe!
School Fees
School Fees are payable online at School Cash Online.
There are several ways to pay:
- Online at School Cash Online
- Cheque - payable to Westmount School
- Cash
- Payment Plan - To set this up, please call the school at 403-934-3041.
You can pay one lump sum or item by item. It is up to you!
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 404-934-3041.
Thank you for taking care of these fees!
House League Team Points Update
As we move into the last bit of the school year, our House League points are as follows:
Red Huskies: 3319 Points
Blue Huskies: 3579 Points
Green Huskies: 4470 Points
Go, Westmount!
We've Been Busy!
Westmount School
Email: westmount@ghsd75.ca
Website: westmountelementary.com
Location: Westmount School, 220 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore, AB, Canada
Phone: 403-934-3041