The Peak - May 2024
Monthly news from the Wachusett Regional School District

May 2024
Monthly News from the Wachusett Regional School District
Central Tree Life Skills Craft Fair
Thanks to our amazingly talented students for all their efforts and the final products did not disappoint. Thanks, also, to the staff members involved, particularly Mrs. Andrus, for bringing this event from vision to reality.
- CTMS Principal, David Cornacchioli
Mountview Robotics Club Event
On May 29th, members of the 8th Grade Robotics Club at Mountview Middle School demonstrated their autonomous robots and a homemade computer to family and friends in the club's third annual Showcase. These students have been building robots since November and shared the robots they built over the course of the year by video, and did a live demonstration of their most recent robot and the computer.
These students have imagined, designed, built, wired and programmed these robots from scratch, beginning with VEX V5 hardware, electronics and metal pieces. A trio of students within the group built their own computer by ordering the parts online, assembling them and building the housing out of cardboard. They then installed an operating system and connected the PC to the internet, and successfully ran video games with sophisticated graphics on the computer.
All the students in the club navigated roadblocks throughout their builds with clever solutions and a lot of perseverance. Congratulations to these budding engineers!
Members of the 2024 Robotics Club include:
Jameson Camell, Alyssa Davis, Brandon Davis, Greta Dionne, Will Doane, Quinn Fenlon, Kellen Garrett, Aiden Gjylapi, Sofia Golsch, Marek Homme, Sam Johnson, Travis Kwiatkowski, Parker Landry, Magnus Larsen, Fin Ludden, Jacob Murphy, Spencer Nastanski, Ollie O’Malley, Edward Parker-Gagne, Matt Prendergast, Jaxson Small, Mason Stebulis, Will Steidler, Kai Veien, Rocco Villnave
- Marie Lane Vogel, Grade 8 Engineering & Technology Teacher
New Playground Communication Board for Naquag
Naquag Elementary School Counselor, Alexandria Georgiadis, received a grant from the Doug Flutie Foundation for Autism to fund a Communication Board for the school's new playground. This board will help ensure that all of our students can communicate effectively with staff and peers at recess.
Thank you, Ms. Georgiadis for making this happen!
Glenwood Invention Convention
Great work, Glenwood Inventors!
Disability Awareness at Paxton Center School
This month, Paxton students took part in the school's Disability Awareness Program, WE ARE PCS! WE ARE ONE! This curriculum was developed by Understanding Our Differences and is an interactive disability awareness program that teaches children to see the person and not the disability. The multi-year curriculum designed for students in grades 3-5 covers Autism Spectrum Disorders, Physical Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, and Learning Disabilities.
Thanks to Molly Domineck, Dawn Ertel, and Sally Loverin for their work on this important program.
Building Temples at Mountview Middle School
Mountview Grade 7-Blue students at simulated ancient building techniques and design in a recent Temple Building project. The students created their interpretations of the Parthenon of Athens after studying a unit on Greece. They were required to use accurate measurements, incorporating math skills and Language Arts skills through the write-up describing their temple and choices.
Great work, Mountview Builders!
"Lucky" Visits WRHS
Thanks to Lucky and the Flight Squad for stopping by!
Mayo Students Meet Their Senior Pen Pals
Third graders at Mayo Elementary School have created friendships throughout the year by sharing letters with volunteer pen pals from the Wachusett area. The Senior Pen Pal program, which is now more than 40 years strong, began with the hope of creating connections through authentic writing opportunities. Third grade teachers at Mayo partner with the Holden Senior Center to manage this beloved tradition. With two in-person gatherings each year and shared topics for the periodic letters throughout the school year, the bonds created by Holden area senior citizens and third graders at Mayo are a gift for all!
- Mayo Principal, Carolan Kasper
Soil Study at Chocksett Middle School
- Chocksett Interim Principal, Kathryn Miville
Glenwood Aerospace Engineering Project
Students in Mr. Jaffe's class explored the field of Aerospace Engineering though the process of designing a parachute. They considered how a planet’s conditions would affect a parachute, and then carried out experiments to test the effects of different design variables on parachute performance. After a test run, students were given the opportunity to redesign their parachutes using different materials and designs.
Note: These students are trained experts. Don't try this at home!
Thomas Prince Trail Day
Trail Day has been a long-standing tradition at TPS, a connection built between Mass Audubon Wachusett Meadow, TPS Staff, and students. Each year, 22 students from Grades 5-8 are trained by Clair DeGutis to learn the TPS trail system and prepare to guide students and staff along trail hikes during Trail Day. Smaller trail guide teams are created connecting 5th and 7th graders, and 6th and 8th graders, with the goal that the more experienced trail guides have the opportunity to mentor the younger, newer trail guides.
Not only do students learn the trails, but also the flora and fauna found on those trails. During trail hikes with students from Grades Kindergarten to sixth, this group of students educate their peers about the natural world right outside of our classroom doors. They share information, answer questions, and provide a taste of what the trail systems at TPS have to offer. It is a day to celebrate TPS and the unique science opportunities that our school offers our students and community.
- TPS Principal, Ace Thompson
Davis Hill Invention Convention
The fourth grade students at Davis Hill Elementary participated in the school's annual Invention Convention. The students were challenged to develop solutions to problems that they found in their daily lives. Their creativity, ingenuity, and hard work was readily apparent in the inventions they proudly displayed and demonstrated.
Well done, Dragons!
Mountview Spring 2024 Art Show
Mountview Middle School Art Teacher, Scott Petersen coordinated and organized the school's 8th Annual Art show at the Gale Free Library in Holden. The event drew a nice crowd for the opening reception and student artwork was displayed on the second floor of the library through most of May. The exhibit celebrated the work of more than 20 students in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Thank you, Mr. Petersen for making this happen and to the talented students who contributed their artwork.