News Update June 2024
- June 13th - End of Year Event in Drumholm Church at 7.00 p.m.
- June 17th - Beetle Drive
- June 18th - Teddy Bears' Picnic
- June 19th - End of Year Fun Day
- June 21st - Last day of school
- September 2nd - School opens
- October 28th - November 1st - Half-Term
- December 20th - Last day of term
- January 6th - School reopens
What's been happening
Senior Tour
The children from 3rd - 6th Class enjoyed a great school tour on May 30th. The morning was spent exploring the Marble Arch Cave. In the afternoon, the children took part in kayaking and paddle boarding at the Share Centre in Lisnaskea.
Junior Tour
The younger children enjoyed a wonderful trip to Lurgybrack Farm. Thankfully the weather stayed dry and the children had great fun climbing, sliding and meeting lots of animal friends.
Inspection Report
Active Week
Active Week was great fun. We enjoyed having our coaches back in school for basketball, football and Gaelic football.
Sports Day
We are delighted to have been awarded a Curious Minds Gold Award again this year. This is our 19th year in a row! Well done to everyone across the school for their contribution to the project and also to Mrs Patterson for co-ordinating the submission of the final project. The Award Ceremony takes place on Friday 14th June.
Board of Management Update
The Board of Management met on Tuesday 4th June
Solar panels were installed on Friday 31st May.
Child Protection/Anti-bullying requirements were met.
Use of the IT grant was discussed.
Next year's Budget will be finalised in June.
New website
Work on the new website is continuing. We hope to have it online before the end of this term.
Attendance in May was 97.3% - thank you! Your support during Test Week was particularly appreciated.
Just a reminder that all absences must be explained and we will be in touch if your child's attendance is concerning us. (At 20 days absence, I am required to make a report to TUSLA)
Fun Day
We hope to hold our annual Fun Day on Wednesday 19th June. A change of clothes will be needed by anyone taking part in the water activities.
Parent Teacher Association
Teddy Bears' Picnic
Furry friends are invited to school on Tuesday 18th June for their annual picnic. We are also holding an 'Anything but a bag' fun day and we invite the children to use their imagination and bring their lunch to school in 'anything but a bag!' The possibilities are endless 🙃
We look forward to seeing you all in Drumholm Church on Thursday 13th June at 7.00 p.m. for our End of Year Event.