The Call
August 19-23, 2024
Dear Colin Powell Community,
As we eagerly prepare for the start of the new school year, I want to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each member of our Colin Powell Academy family. This year promises to be an exciting journey, and I am thrilled to share our vision and plans as we focus : Compassion, the Pulse of Student Learning, and Accountability for Staff and Student Success (CPA).
Did you know that our enrollment has increased by 900 students. With this growth, we are committed to ensuring that each student receives the high-quality education and support they deserve.
As we work diligently to place students into their respective classes, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding. During the first two weeks of school, there may be temporary adjustments to your child’s schedule as we finalize placements. Rest assured, we are doing everything possible to ensure a smooth transition and a positive start to the school year.
We also recognize the importance of reliable transportation for our students. If your child’s transportation arrangements are not secured by August 26, please know that our dedicated staff will be on hand to assist families with arrival and dismissal procedures.
Your support, cooperation, and understanding are greatly appreciated as we embark on this exciting new chapter. Let’s make this year exceptional for all our Cadets!
Ms. Lattimore
Service Learning Hours
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Students! We need your help preparing chromebook carts for back to school. Please email Mrs. Williams (jehan.williams@pgcps.org) if you can assist Aug. 19. 21 and 23.
Back To School Beginnings
Aug.7th Open House
Thank you District Motherhued For You Generous Donation
Top Golf For The Win
Extra, Extra.-- Read All About It...
Colin Powell Academy will welcome 900 New Students on August 26, 2024.
We will not host New Student Orientation on Friday, August 23, 2024.
Parents are welcome to drop off student supplies from 9am-2pm.
PGCPS Transportation
Postcards - The postcards with students’ bus information for the 2024-2025 school year will be mailed out during the week of August 19, 2024. They will be sent to the latest address you have provided for the school registrar in ParentVUE.
Stopfinder Bus App – An active ParentVUE account is required to receive an invitation to activate the app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
Stopfinder invites for the 2024-2025 school year will be sent out weekly, beginning the week of Monday, August 12, 2024.
Stopfinder Help/FAQs: https://stopfinder.com/help/
Infofinder – Parents and schools may locate designated, comprehensive bus stops using this site by entering the home address. Information for the 2024-2025 school year will be available beginning on Monday, August 19, 2024. Use this link to access Infofinder: https://bit.ly/PGCPSinfoFinderi
(Useful if you do not have a bus assigned before August 26, 2024 or newly enrolled students).
CPA Car Rider TAG Pick Up
Colin Powell Academy has a unique way of dismissing students in the afternoon. Car Riders will receive a CPA TAG to be displayed in the front windshield of your car when you pick your child up in the afternoon. Car Riders Tags are for students who will be dismissed daily via our car rider loop. If you were a car rider last year, you will need a NEW car rider number.
The use of the car tag will help to make sure your child is picked up by the appropriate person and speeds up car rider dismissal. Please list brothers and sisters on the same form that attend CPA.
Children will be allowed to leave with only those names listed on this form and with the CPA TAG displayed. If the CPA TAG is not displayed in your car, you will be required to park and wait in your car until the office staff verifies your identity.
Please make a copy of the Car Rider application and return to Ms. Lattimore. Car rider Tags will be available for pick up Aug. 19-25, 2024.
Student Schedules & Classroom Teachers
🍎 In PGCPS ParentVUE you can view student schedules, unofficial transcripts and graduation
status. You can also view grades, report cards, service learning hours and more!
🍎 Activate or create your ParentVue account online.
🍎 Download the ParentVue App beginning August 12 from the App Store or Google Play.
CPA ParentVue (Registration Support)
We have completed a registration calendar. Please try it out here. Based on the type of assistance needed, your family will be directed to the appropriate scheduling calendar or link with the the needed information.
For example, if you need help using a computer to complete registration, you're led to an in-person appointment page. If you need help with schedules, uniforms, buses, etc., please visit our school website.
If you need technical assistance, please make an appointment calendar to make a virtual appointment.
This Year At CPA
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we are excited to introduce several new protocols to enhance our students' learning environment and ensure smooth daily operations.
- Yondr Phone Pouches: To minimize distractions and maximize learning, all students will use Yondr phone pouches to securely store their phones during school hours.
- Smart Pass: For efficient and monitored hallway movement, students in grades 6-8 will use Smart Pass.
- Car Rider Tags: For improved communication regarding car riders, we will continue with Pick Up Patrol.
- SeeSaw: To keep you informed about classroom news and student progress, we will be utilizing SeeSaw.
We believe these new protocols will contribute to a more focused and productive school experience.
No Shots, No School
🍎For the health and safety of all, please ensure your PGCPS student is current on all vaccines
required by the state before the beginning of this school year!
🍎 Prince George’s County Health Department offers immunization clinics designed to
support students and families that are underinsured or uninsured. Appointments are
required and can be made here.
🍎 Get health forms:
¡Sin vacunas, no hay escuela!
🍎 ¡Por la salud y la seguridad de todos, por favor asegúrese de que su estudiante de PGCPS
tenga al día todas las vacunas requeridas por el estado antes del comienzo de este año
🍎 El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Prince George ofrece jornadas de
vacunación diseñadas para ayudar a los estudiantes y a las familias que no tienen seguro o
no tienen suficiente cobertura de seguro médico. Se necesita tener una cita y esta puede
hacerse aquí.
2024-25 School Year Prices
Elementary (Pre K through Grade 5)
🍎 Breakfast: FREE
🍎 Lunch: $2.75/day
Middle and High (Grades 6 through 12)
🍎 Breakfast: FREE
🍎 Lunch: $3.00/day
There is no cost to students who are eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals.
🍎We encourage all families to consider applying for free and reduced price meals! Visit
www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict to apply online today!
To apply, you will need:
🍎The name, school and grade for your school-age children
🍎 The name of all adults living in the home
🍎 Income information for all adults living in the home
🍎 Student ID Numbers for your school-age children
Applications will also be sent home with students and will be available at all PGCPS schools for
submission at any time.
🍎 How to pay for lunch: www.pgcps.org/offices/food-and-nutrition/how-to-pay-for-lunch
Comidas escolares
Precios de las comidas para el año escolar 2024-2025
Primaria (desde prekínder hasta 5. o grado)
🍎 Desayuno: Gratis
🍎 Almuerzo: $2,75/día
Escuela intermedia y superior (de 6.o a 12. o grado)
🍎 Desayuno: Gratis
🍎 Almuerzo: $3,00/día
Sin costo alguno para los estudiantes que cumplen los requisitos para recibir comidas gratuitas
o a precios reducidos.
🍎 ¡Animamos a todas las familias a considerar enviar una solicitud para recibir comidas
gratuitas y a precio reducido! ¡Visite www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict para enviar su
solicitud en línea hoy!