Wildwood Weekly News
November 22th, 2024
Principal Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Winter is officially here, and with it our first hybrid recesses with temperatures nearing the cutoff thanks to the wind chill. Reminder that students typically go outside until the temperature is -20C and should be dressed appropriately, with coats, pants, hats, gloves and boots. For those students that are wanting to brave the cold when the temperature gets lower than -20C we have sent home "Polar Bear Club" permission slips. A copy can also be found near the end of this newsletter or at the school office.
On Wednesday staff meet to discuss assessment and our upcoming reporting period. They also discussed with Principal Zadderey of Grande Trunk School the September 2026 angulation and plans for tours for staff, parents and students once construction is nearer to complete. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Zadderey or Mr. Stoyles.
I am also excited to announce the hiring on an additional EA to our school. Mrs. Alyse Swinkels has joined us. Mrs. Swinkels will be working primarily in grade 5/6 Math and ELA classes while also providing some additional support in the 2/3 class.
On Thursday Ms. Gunderman's grade 5/6 Class took a field trip to the Legislature Building in Edmonton. There they had an opportunity to meet with MLAs Martin Long and Shane Getson, tour the building, including the Legislature Library and witnessed the opening of question period. This trip ties directly into their Social Studies work and gives students a chance to see how the government operates first hand. Thank you to all of the volunteer parents who came along and spent the day with us.
If you have any questions or concerns you can always reach out to the school through the office or email me at alanstoy@gypsd.ca.
Alan Stoyles
Important Dates
November 26th - Pancake Breakfast
December 3-5 Book Fair
December 4th - 5/6 Bullying Stops Here Presentation @ Grand Trunk
December 6th - PD Day
December 10th - Skating
December 11th - Picnic Lunch and Hot Lunch
December 18th - Christmas Concert
Spotlight on School Improvement
3/4 Grand Parents Program Christmas Crafts
2/3s in Gym
Grade 1s starting on Math Mastery work on their new Chromebooks
Kindergartens working on Colours
JKs trip to the Wildwood School Library
5/6 Trip to the Legislature
From BEST coach Karen Riggs
Polar Bear Club Permission Form
Would you like to volunteer at Wildwood School?
Below you can find the updated volunteer package for 2024-2025, you can also drop by the school for a paper package and we can help with any questions you might have.