Unity Preschool News
January 2025
Happy 2025!
January is our registration month so please return your registration forms and fees by Thursday, January 23 so that you have a spot for next year. Registration information for current families and siblings was e-mailed earlier this week and you can find the online registration form link in this Newsletter and on the preschool website.
Just a reminder that we will not have preschool on Monday, January 20 because the FMSD will be closed in recognition of the Martin Luther King holiday.
Happy New Year,
Ms. Linda
Color Days - White and Gray
Twos - Bee Class
Threes - Frog Class Class
Threes - Frog Class
Spirit Day - KINDNESS DAY - January 30
Our January Spirit Day will be on Thursday, January 30. We are WILD ABOUT KINDNESS at Unity Preschool so wear animal or animal print attire and we will be doing some special projects to share kindness with our classmates, teachers, homebound congregation members, and the DSS Staff of York County with the help of Isaiah House 117.
We have partnered with Isaiah House 117 to provide a Valentine's Day treat to the hard-working DSS Staff of York County. We would love your help in providing snacks. Please click on this signup genius link to sign up for an item and send it by January 30: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D49AEAB28A02-54268385-kindness#/
Ms. Lindsay Lendyak, the York County Isaiah House 117 Director, will be with us during our Chapel lesson on Kindness Day to talk to the children about the Isaiah House. Below is a link if you are interested in learning more about this loving ministry.
Teacher Feature - Ms. Elizabeth and Ms. Kristen
This month we are featuring our Owl Team:
Ms. Elizabeth is the Lead Teacher for the Owls Class. This is her fourth year teaching the Fours class at Unity. She was a kindergarten teacher in Charlotte and in Fort Mill before taking time off to take care of her daughter, Katherine, who is a Kindergarten student (and Unity Preschool graduate). Ms. Elizabeth moved back to Fort Mill in 2015. She enjoys spending time with her daughter, her husband, Simon, and her dog, Janson.
A few of Ms. Elizabeth’s favorites:
Food: Spicy; lives on chips and salsa
Music: likes it all
Books: Prince of Tides, A Bad Case of Stripes - David Shannon(a story about being yourself), The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein, Matilda - Roald Dahl
Activity: Painting; reading; running/walking outside and preferably at the beach.
Ms. Kristen worked as an Assistant with Ms. Danielle in the Older Two's class last year and moved up to the Fours class this year. Ms. Kristen was a Clinical Social Worker before taking time off to care for her three children: 5th graders Kate and Paige, and 1st grader Patrick. Ms. Kristen's children attend River Trails Elementary School. Ms. Kristen and her family moved to Fort Mill seven years ago from Verona, Wisconsin. Ms. Kristen is originally from Alabama. Her family loves to hike at the Anne Springs Close Greenway and visit local playgrounds.
Below are a few of Ms. Kristen's favorites:
Food: Gluten-free cupcakes, granola
Music: Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen
Books: Mel Fell by Corey Tabor, Sam and Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett & Jon Klassen, Harry Potter
Activities: Reading, exercising, hiking, watching Formula 1 Racing
VIP Spotlight - Ms. Leah (Owl Class)
This is Ms. Leah Martin's third year as a VIP (Volunteers Impacting Preschool) in our Four's Owl class. She is the mother of Ms. Elizabeth (Lead Teacher - Owl Class). Ms. Leah is married to Fort Mill native, Chip Martin, and they live behind the church in Whiteville Park. She enjoys cooking, gardening, and spending time with her family. We are so blessed to have her help us during Center Time on Wednesdays and as a sub as needed.
Mid-Year Supply Needs
*Two's - Hand Sanitizer (Germ-x or Purell)
*Three's - Sandwich Bags
*Four's - Playdoh (preferably four packs)
Thanks in advance for any donations that you can supply!
MLK Call to Service Day - Fort Mill Community
From the Town of Fort Mill website: In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve,” the Town of Fort Mill hosts its annual MLK Call to Service event. The Town will be accepting donations for several organizations on Monday, Jan. 20 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Fort Mill Town Hall, 200 Tom Hall St. [across the street from Unity Preschool], Fort Mill.
The Town will be accepting donations from the public for several local charitable organizations that each need critical items for the populations they serve. Residents are asked to serve their community and honor Dr. King’s legacy by donating items. Click below for more information, including a full list of requested donations and details about the four organizations they are helping this year.
New Classrooms Tools
Unity Preschool purchased a sensory table this summer that we rotated each week among the Three's and Four's classes. We noticed the benefits and engagement immediately, so we purchased a second table and a Playdoh Kitchen. We will change the sensory table bi-weekly and use one in the Three's classes and one in the Four's classes. Each class will have the Playdoh Kitchen one week a month. Both activities are great tools for building fine motor skills, teaching cooperation and sharing, and helping to develop your child's creativity.
Fish Class - Ice Sensory Table
Owl Class - Playdoh Kitchen
Monkey Class - Ice Sensory Table
Registration for the 2024/25 School Year
Current Student/Sibling Registration for 2025/26 School Year: Registration forms and fees are due January 23, 2025 to reserve your spot for next year. Here is a link to our online registration form:https://form.jotform.com/243427128641152. Please remember to return the $150 registration fee and the Tuition Authorization Form by Thursday, January 23. Based on inquiries thus far, we expect waiting lists in most classes, so make sure you reserve your priority spot now.
Miscellaneous Reminders
*Preschool Closed:
MLK Holiday: Monday, January 20
President's Day Holiday: Monday, February 17
Spring Break: April 21- 24
*Warm Jackets and Hats: We go outside if the temperature is above freezing and it is not rainy or too wet. Please send your child in warm jackets, hats and mittens. They need and enjoy fresh air and exercise!
*Label Clothes: Please remember to label jackets/sweaters/extra clothes that you send to school so that we can make sure they go home with the correct child.
*Folder Reminder: Please remember to empty your child's folder at least every week!
*Tuition Withdrawal: Our next tuition withdrawal date will be Tuesday, February 4.
Unity Preschool Staff 2024-25
Front Row - Left to Right by teaching pairs:
Ms. Maureen and Ms. Kellie (Fours - Fish)
Ms. Kristen and Ms. Elizabeth (Fours - Owls)
Back Row - Left to Right by teaching pairs:
Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Danielle (Older Twos - Bees)
Ms. Sarah and Ms. Becca (Threes - Monkeys)
Ms. Laura and Ms. Brandi (Threes - Frogs)
Ms. Linda (Director)
Not Pictured: Ms. Carolyn (Librarian/Thursday Helper/First Call Sub)
Unity Preschool
Email: preschoolatunity@gmail.com
Website: https://www.unitypreschool.org/
Location: 303 Tom Hall Street, Fort Mill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-396-8454