Weybridge Family News
December 20th 2024

Weybridge Family News
Weybridge Elementary Calendar
Calendar notes
12/21 - 1/1 - Winter Break
Thursday, 1/2 - School reopens
Thursday, 1/9, 6:30-7:30 - ACSD Public Budget Q&A
Monday, January 20 - No school - Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance
Tuesday, January 21 - No school - Progress report work day
ACSD School Board Meetings - 49 Charles Ave., Middlebury
Monday, January 6, 6:30-8:30 - budget presented to the Board
Monday, January 13, 6:30-8:30
Friday, January 17, 6:30-8:30 - budget to be adopted by the Board
Thank you for the amazing teacher appreciation week
Meal Order
Below you will find the form to complete before Thursday morning January 2nd at 7:30am for ordering breakfast and lunch for your student/s. Click on the button and help your child make their food choices for the week. Thank you
Thank you to all our volunteers that made gifts for giving possible
Dear Families,
Once again Gifts for Giving was a wonderful success! Parents, grandparents, former teachers and WES alumni all gathered to create a very satisfying day for the students. Thanks to Erin, Alison and Samantha for orchestrating it. Also, once again, thank you to Louise Bowdish, for the beautiful bags she made for each student.
Thanks as well to so many of you for the treats that magically appeared each morning this week in the staff room. Unbelievably generous and delicious! We definitely feel appreciated. Your kindness is deeply appreciated.
Lunch volunteers: We need sign-ups for Thursday and Friday, 1/2 and 1/3. If you can volunteer for either day, please email Christina cjohnston@acsdvt.org or sign up directly on the calendar. Please sign up for any other January dates you can volunteer as well. Thank you!
Have a wonderful holiday break and best wishes for a healthy new year.
Best, Christina
Wrapping station with Elsie Parini, Erin Davis, and Steve Rivard
Icing Containers Wanted!
In the 2-3 Classroom, we have been testing ideas for simple, inexpensive water bottle holders attached to student desks. (We often have quiet, focused work sessions interrupted with the Clunk-Clankety-Clank of metal water bottles falling onto the floor.)
After collecting ideas all summer and testing a few prototypes, we have a design that seems to work pretty well-- an old icing container attached to the desk with velcro. (Thank you, Erica Castle, for suggesting the velcro!)
Now we need more icing containers!
If you ice a cake, please save your icing containers for us!
The 2-3 class thanks you!
Note from Nurse Dani
Hi, from the Health Office!
Hope you all have a wonderful break
and have fun celebrating the holidays!
Once we return after break, please
keep in mind that any students
exhibiting these symptoms must stay
● Fever <100.4°F
● Vomiting
● Diarrhea
● Flu-like symptoms
● A rash of unknown origin
● Any other symptoms or illness that
impede a student's ability to learn
Follow these helpful healthy tips during
break and I can't wait to see you all in
Best regards,
Dani Girard RN MSN
Learn about the ACSD FY26 Budget!
Our FY26 Budget development process is underway and we invite the ACSD community to learn more and share feedback as we build toward a final budget:
On January 6 at 6:30pm, the ACSD Board meeting will offer an overview of the full ACSD FY26 Budget spending plan (MUHS Library or virtual).
On January 9th at 6:30, Superintendent Baker will host a virtual Public Input Session where the ACSD community can ask questions and share feedback. (Use this meeting link (password: ACSD)
Find these meeting links and more information, resources, and opportunities for community engagement on our FY26 Budget webpage.
Addison Central SEPAC
Learn more about the SEPAC at https://www.addisoncentralsepac.org/.
Sign up for SEPAC updates here.WHO WE ARE:
The Addison Central Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an organization led by parents (defined broadly) that focuses on improving the education and experiences of students with special needs and disabilities in the Addison Central School District (ACSD). (Learn more at: www.AddisonCentralSEPAC.org)
Support families through information, events, and community.
Collect community input and help district leaders understand the concerns of families and students.
Collaborate with ACSD to improve district policies and practices.
Don’t miss out on SEPAC resources and events! Sign up for updates at the link below.
The link to the bus routes are below and on the ACSD website. Please be waiting at your stop 5 minutes before the approximate bus stop time. Younger students will need their parent at pick up and drop off.
Engage and Connect!
TELEPHONE: 802-545-3302
FAX: 802-545-3305