Taunton High School Summer Update
September 20, 2024

Principal's Corner
Our students at THS are amazing! THS student Logan Rebello is part of the MA Skills USA State Officer team and will be traveling with all of the State Officers from all of the Career and Technical Education Student Organization's around the country to Washington DC over the next week for the Washington Leadership Training Institute. The MA Skills USA state officer team is meeting with the Secretary of Labor to discuss changing the law regarding Co/OP and the student use of equipment like commercial mixers. The MA State Director chose Logan to conduct this meeting!
September & October Save the Dates!
Thursday, 9/26 Open House for Grade 8-12 Parents 6:00 PM
Thursday, 10/3 School Picture Day (Grades 8-11)
Friday, 10/4 School Picture Day (Grades 8-11)
Friday, 10/4 Term 1 Progress Reports
Wednesday, 10/9 Chat with Counselors: Colleges, Careers, Conversations 6PM
Monday, 10/14 No School- Columbus Day
Wednesday, 10/16 Site Council Meeting 5:00 PM
Wednesday, 10/23 Bristol Plymouth Visit with Grade 8 (E Block) 12-1PM
Saturday, 10/26 PSAT Testing- Grade 11
Thursday, 10/31 Term 1 Ends
PSAT Registration Information
PSATs will be offered to Juniors (Class of 2026) on Saturday, October 26th at THS. The district will pay all exam fees for all students. If you would like your student to be registered for the test, the Google form below must be submitted by Friday, September 20th. If you have questions about whether or not your student should take the exam, please contact your student's Guidance Counselor. If you have more than one student in grade 11, please complete a separate form for each student. Accommodations will not be provided for this exam. Each participant is responsible for their own transportation to and from THS on test day.
Students will receive more detailed directions about test procedures after registration has closed. Free PSAT prep materials, including full-length practice tests, are available at www.collegeboard.org and through Khan Academy.
PSAT Registration
College Fair Held
THS hosted 50 colleges on Thursday, September 19th. We had 250 seniors participate in our college fair. Thank you to our amazing guidance department for coordinating this event!
Save the Date! Open House for Parents!
Below is information regarding Taunton High School's Open House Night for Parents/Guardians, which will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Open House Night is an event for parents/guardians; it is an excellent opportunity for parents/guardians to hear from their child’s teachers on expectations for the upcoming school year. Teachers will speak for ten minutes about course expectations and how their class will be structured for this upcoming school year.
The schedule will be as follows:
6:05-6:15 pm: Period A
6:21-6:31 pm: Period B
6:38-6:48 pm: Period C
6:55-7:05 pm: Period D
7:12 -7:22pm: Period E
7:29-7:39 pm: Period F
You must know your child’s schedule, including room locations for each course listed above. If you ask your child to email their schedule to you, our staff can help you navigate the building. We have also attached a template for you to have your children fill out for you.
Chat with Counselors: Colleges, Careers, and Conversations
The THS Guidance Department will be hosting its annual Chat with Counselors: College, Career and Conversations event on Wednesday, October 9th, at 6:00 PM in the College and Career Center.
We invite you to join us for an informative session on navigating the college application process, career planning, and ensuring you feel confident and prepared for life after high school. Whether they’re aiming for higher education, entering the workforce, or exploring other paths, we’ll be providing valuable insights and tips to help make the best decisions for your future.
This event is specifically designed for Seniors from the Class of 2025 and their parents.
Next Trip Abroad- Greece 2025
Dream of seeing the world? Taunton Abroad will be traveling to Greece in June 2025. Join us Thursday 9/26 for an information meeting at 2pm in the College and Career Center. Contact Mr. Greding or Mrs. Golder with any questions.
Ready to travel? Enroll Here
Hispanic Heritage Month
From September 15th through October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. Hispanic Heritage Month is a great opportunity for the THS community to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Hispanic Americans who have achieved great success and who have motivated others to make significant contributions to society.
To learn about Hispanic Heritage Month and why it is important, please click here.
Picture Day- Save the Dates!
Fall Sports
It has been a very competitive fall season. The weather has been perfect, the attitudes of our student-athletes have been fantastic, and there has been a lot of support from our families. Let's keep it going as we head into October!
Friday's home game against Durfee featured a special halftime ceremony. Each senior selected a teacher who has positively influenced them to come to the game and be honored at halftime. Thank you to head coach, Mr. Sidwell, for organizing this recognition.
If you want game summaries and more information on fall sports, there is a great website below.