TJMS Jaguar Tracks
Weekly Student and Family Newsletter - Week of 1/13/25
Parents/Guardians: Please Share this with Your Student
Upcoming Events:
This Week:
1/13-1/16 Complete iReady Math Diagnostic
1/15 Student of the Month Assembly, 2:15
1/17 NO SCHOOL Staff Professional Development Day
Coming Soon:
1/20 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/21 READING Winter iReady Diagnostic Begins
1/22 School Site Council Meeting, 3:15
1/24 Winter Dance
Quote of the Week
Winter iReady Rewards!
It's time to Show Your Growth!
Our Winter iReady Diagnostics will continue this week. The more growth you show from your Fall diagnostics, the MORE you will be rewarded.
Free Parenting Class Opportunity
Cell Phone Policy Enforcement
Please Speak with Your Jaguars About Appropriate Phone Behavior
Please Read
In alignment with California State Laws and Desert Sands Unified School District policies, our school has implemented the following cell phone guidelines to maintain a focused and respectful learning environment:
Cell Phone Storage and Use:
Students are required to keep their cell phones silent and stored in their backpacks during the school day.
Exception: Students may use their phones responsibly during passing periods and lunch break.
Cell Phone Use During Instructional Time:
Cell phone use for any purpose, including texting, calling, browsing, or gaming, is strictly prohibited during instructional minutes.
Unauthorized use of cell phones during class time will result in confiscation.
This includes instructional minutes spent out of class with a pass to another location (e.g., restroom or library).
Confiscation Procedure:
If a student is found using their phone during instructional minutes, the phone will be confiscated by security/administration and securely stored in the school office.
Parent/Guardian Pickup: Confiscated phones must be picked up by a parent or guardian during office hours. Phones will not be returned directly to students.
Accountability and Expectations:
Students are expected to adhere to this policy as part of creating a respectful and focused learning environment.
Repeated violations of the policy may result in additional consequences as outlined in the student handbook.
We thank students and families for their cooperation in supporting a distraction-free educational environment while allowing for appropriate use during non-instructional times. For questions or concerns, please contact the school administration.
Celúla Teléfono Política Aplicación
Hable con sus Jaguars sobre el comportamiento telefónico apropiado
Por favor lea
En alineación con las leyes del estado de California y las políticas del Distrito Escolar Unificado Desert Sands, nuestra escuela ha implementado las siguientes pautas para teléfonos celulares para mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje enfocado y respetuoso:
Almacenamiento y uso del teléfono celular:
Se requiere que los estudiantes mantengan sus teléfonos celulares en silencio y guardados en sus mochilas durante el día escolar.
Excepción: Los estudiantes pueden usar sus teléfonos de manera responsable durante los períodos de transición y el almuerzo.
Uso del teléfono celular durante el tiempo de instrucción:
El uso del teléfono celular para cualquier propósito, incluidos mensajes de texto, llamadas, navegación o juegos, está estrictamente prohibido durante los minutos de instrucción.
El uso no autorizado de teléfonos celulares durante el horario de clase resultará en su confiscación.
Esto incluye los minutos de instrucción pasados fuera de clase con un pase para otro lugar (por ejemplo, el baño o la biblioteca).
Procedimiento de confiscación:
Si se encuentra a un estudiante usando su teléfono durante los minutos de instrucción, el teléfono será confiscado por seguridad/administración y almacenado de forma segura en la oficina de la escuela.
Recogida de padres/tutores: los teléfonos confiscados deben ser recogidos por un padre o tutor durante el horario de oficina. Los teléfonos no se devolverán directamente a los estudiantes.
Responsabilidad y expectativas:
Se espera que los estudiantes cumplan con esta política como parte de la creación de un ambiente de aprendizaje respetuoso y enfocado.
Las violaciones repetidas de la política pueden resultar en consecuencias adicionales como se describe en el manual del estudiante.
Agradecemos a los estudiantes y las familias por su cooperación para apoyar un entorno educativo libre de distracciones y al mismo tiempo permitir el uso apropiado durante los momentos no educativos. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con la administración de la escuela.
Parking Lot and Traffic Safety
Traffic Flow During Pickup/Drop Off
- When picking up or dropping off students, please do NOT stop in the outer lane of the drive way. If you need to stop and wait for your student to get in or out, please pull as far up as possible and stop against the inner curb (school side).
- We must ask that all families drive safely and carefully while in the school parking lot.
Walking Student Safety
- Students should NEVER cross Jackson street except at the cross walks where they are protected by traffic signals.
- Please speak to your students if they walk to ensure they always walk to the cross walks.
Parent Support and Assistance Requested - Uniforms and Dress Code Enforced
Uniform Expectations:
Top: Red, White, or Black collared polo style shirt
Bottom: Shorts or Pants
- Shorts must be finger tip length
- No holes above finger tip length
- No Pajama Pants
- No Sagging
Shoes: Student must wear close toed shoes that wrap all the way around the foot
Tardy Policy Enforced
Gates Open: 7:55 am - First Bell: 8:12 am
We NEED You in Class on Time!
- Every Tardy Counts
- 5 Tardies in a Week = Lunch Detention List
- Tardies Count Across ALL Class Periods, Not Separately
We are Building Graduates... One Day at a Time
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Bell Schedule and Important Dates
Thomas Jefferson Middle School Contact Information
Website: https://tjms.dsusd.us/
Phone: (760) 863-3660
Facebook: facebook.com/TJMSJAGUARNATION