Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
October 28, 2024
Questions of the Week
Keep them talking!
Do you ever ask your child about his/her day and you get a one word answer? or a shrug? Use these questions to find out more about your child's day!
GT - What did you pick as your first choice for the 3rd unit rotation?
Health 6 - Why is washing your hands so important? How can hand washing affect your whole body?
Careers 6 -Can you name the seven pathways in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Career Cluster? Can you name the three pathways in the Architecture & Construction Career Cluster?
Science 7 - What is the Law of Conservation of Mass?
Science 6 - What causes water to evaporate?
SS 7 - What happened at the Boston Tea Party?
Acc. Math 7 - What's the difference in proportional and non proportional data?
Math 6 -How do you use the identity property to make equivalent ratios?
Math 7 - How do you use multiplicative inverse with complex fractions?
ELA 6 - How did the Iqbal book end?
ELA 7 -What are some of the sign posts you can find in nonfiction texts?
BAND - What did you learn about high school marching band from your Band Day field trip?
Keycode -What are some benefits and drawbacks of AI as mentioned in the article read in class?
PE -How can you and your family make time together for exercise?
Art 7: What drawing exercises have you done to prepare for the self-portrait project?Stagecraft: What prop(s) are you currently working on? What are they made from?
Choir -Thinking in terms of Dynamics, what does the M stand for in MP or MF?
Music - What are the lines of the Treble Clef?
Select Theatre: How did your Thespy performance go?
Theatre 7: How did your full body costume design turn out?
ELD 1: What is something you would find on the beach?
Art 6: What do you think went well on your Symmetry Name Monster? What were some challenges you faced?
Advanced Art: Tell me about your current project in Advanced Art?. What are some challenges and/or successes you have had?
From PTO
In October, we are focusing on Hellstern’s Christmas Closet. The Christmas Closet is a way for students who need a little something to shop for themselves or choose a gift for a family member. If you would like to contribute, you may purchase items from this Amazon wishlist (be sure to choose Hellstern as the delivery address when you check out!).
Or you may make a cash donation and PTO will shop for you!
Thank you!
Thank you to Har-Ber High School Cross Country Coach, Coach Sullivan, for talking to our PE classes about the techniques and benefits of running.
Meet the staff!
Each week we will highlight a few members of the Hellstern staff!
Breakfast & Lunch Menus - Oct. 28-Nov. 1
Upcoming Dates
28-1 - Red Ribbon Week
31 - Designated food day, NO Costumes PLEASE
7 - ATLAS Interim Assessment Math 7/ELA 6 (8:05-10:30am)
8 - ATLAS Interim Assessment Math 6/ELA 7 (8:05-10:30am)
11 - Veteran's Day Assembly (more to come)
12 - XC Banquet
14 - Choir Concert (7pm @ HBHS PAC)
19 - Band Concert (6pm @ HBHS PAC)
22 - Designated Food Day
22 - 6th graders take APNA survey (optional, parent letter comes home)
25-29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Hellstern Athletic Schedules
10/31 - 5:30 - Washington - Away
11/7 - 5:30 - KMS - Away
10/29 - 7th-8th Conference
10/29 - Mountie Classic (9th Conference)
Volleyball - All HOME games played at CJHS
10/28 - 7th grade City Championship @ LJHS