Trailblazer Family Newsletter
February 14, 2025
Principal's Message
BA Families,
We continue to work on positively impacting our chronic absenteeism at Broken Arrow as part of our academic goals as a school. Students are chronically absent when they have missed 10% of the days school has been in session regardless of the reason for the absence. Missing this much school can negatively impact student achievement.
Last school year more than one in five students at Broken Arrow was chronically absent.
Please keep this in mind and support our school in working toward our goal by scheduling appointments and vacations, when possible, over the long breaks from school. I realize this isn't always possible, but it can make a difference when we all are making an effort.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Horne
BA Event Calendar
1-28: SMSD Transfer Window
14- Classroom Valentine's Parties
17- No School, Presidents' Day
18- No School, Professional Learning
24-APEX Fundraiser Kick-off
24- PTA Meeting, 6 pm
27- Choir Concert, 5:30 pm
6- 1st Grade Music Program, 5:30 pm
6- Wild Robot Family Engagement Night, 6-7pm
14- No School, Teacher Workday
17-21- Spring Break
17- PreK & Kindergarten Kickoff at Broken Arrow, 6:00-7:30 pm
21- No School, Professional Learning
22- Last Day for PreK
23- Last Day for Grades K-6, Early Release- 12:30 Dismissal
BA Club Calendar
Running Club, 7:50-8:05 am in the Gym
- Mon/Wed- Grades K-3
- Thurs/Fri- Grades 4-6
- No Club on Tuesdays
- Some Tuesdays, 7:00-7:50 am in Room 227
Grades 4-6
- Parent Permission Slip Required
Good News Club
- Mondays, 3:10-4:00 pm in Rm 219
- Grades K-6
- Pre-Registration Required
- Meets every Monday that school is in session
Student Council
- Some Thursdays, 7:30-8:10 am
- Grades 4-6
Chess Club
- Thursdays, 3:10-4:00 pm
- Grades 4-5
- Parent Permission Slip Required
- Last Club Meeting is April 24
Student Council Pledge of Allegiance
PreK in SMSD
Kindergarten Enrollment is Now Open!
Wild Robot Family Read Aloud
Broken Arrow is hosting this special event where families, students and teachers will be sharing their love for literacy by all reading The Wild Robot by Peter Brown.
The Wild Robot book went home with students on Friday, January 31st. One book per family was sent home with the oldest or only child in the family. Within the front cover of the book, you will find a calendar. The calendar will let you know what chapters need to be read as a family each night. More information can be found here.
Plan to join us at the school on Thursday, March 6 from 6-7 pm for a fun evening of Wild Robot inspired activities!
School Fees for 2024-25 are past due
***Statements for unpaid fees will be emailed from the district on Friday, February 7. Fees are due before June 1st to avoid Collections.***
- Please use the online fee payment portal. Go to www.smsd.org, hover over the "Families " tab, and click the link entitled "Pay Fees Online". You can also pay fees in our school office with cash or check.
- Add lunch money online using “Optional Fees”. Create an account or use the Guest option with the student’s ID number and last name.
- If you are interested in applying for free or reduced lunch, please use this link.
- A $60/year elementary instructional resource fee (classroom materials) is required.
- If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, email a copy of your food service benefits letter to kelliunruh@smsd.org. Free lunch students receive a $60 fee waiver & reduced receive $30.
- For payment plans and questions, please call 913-993-2300 or email kelliunruh@smsd.org. Unpaid fees may be sent to collections, so please make payment arrangements.
Skyward Contact Information
Please help us ensure that your information is up to date in Skyward. Every student must have a non-parent emergency contact on file in the event that someone other than the parent/guardian needs to pick up a student from school. Updating your info is easy! Login to Skyward Family Access. Your login ID is your firstname.lastname
Click on "forgot my password" if needed.
The SMSD transfer window is the period of time when a student can apply to transfer from their home school (determined by place of residence) to a different school.
If your transfer request has been initiated by a change of address, please contact our school office for instructions on how to apply for a transfer.
If you are requesting a transfer for other reasons, you must go through the annual transfer window. The In-District transfer window opens February 1, 2025 and closes on February 28, 2025. This transfer window will apply to the 2025-2026 school year.
For more information, please visit https://www.smsd.org/families/transfer-procedures
Student Artwork Online
Artsonia is the world's largest collection of student art, published by teachers and students from around the world. Parents and family can view the art online, maintain a digital art gallery, leave comments and order keepsakes featuring the artwork (20% of all purchases are donated back to your child’s school). You also gain access to hundreds of virtual art classes for your child to enjoy from home.
Link: www.artsonia.com/parents
Code: ZBKSW6P8
PTA News
It's time to order yearbooks!
Price: $20
Deadline: March 27 (this is the week we return from Spring Break)
Order forms have been sent home- pay by cash or checks made out to Broken Arrow PTA.
Or you can order online at inter-state.com/order Online order code: 91968H
Only a small number of extra yearbooks will be available at the end of the year for those who might miss the March deadline.
Parents, if you have any pictures from field trips, musical performances or clubs you'd like to share for the yearbook, they can be sent to ElizabethRowell@smsd.org
Summer Enrichment
Summer Enrichment enrollment is open! We have many of our popular classes back again this summer and several new classes will be offered. Enrollment is open starting February 6th in Skyward. The course catalogue and enrollment instructions can be found at the Website below:
We are looking forward to seeing your student at another fun and exciting summer!
Linda Long
Title I Information
From Our Social Worker
Resources always available to Families:
- Clothing for SMSD students & families: https://www.smac-pta.org/clothing-exchange
- Homelessness Resources
- Health Partnership Clinic
- Resource Request Form
If you would like to volunteer on a field trip with your child's class you must be MVP trained prior to the Field Trip.
- On-site training will take place at Broken Arrow following the PTA Meeting on Monday, September 16 at 6pm in the Cafeteria.
- Click here for other MVP Training dates/times.
Volunteer Pals are utilized for a variety of in-school activities including:
- Classroom or school volunteering
- Sharing career interests or special talents with students
- Tutoring
- Chaperones for Shawnee Mission School District approved field trips
Please visit this link for more info on how to become a MVP.
From Our Nurse
Click HERE for monthly updates and health information from Nurse Kay.
Food Service News
The school meals menus are on https://www.schoolcafe.com/SHAWNEEMISSION. To log on, select View menus (as a guest). School Café also show allergen and nutritional information.
Did you know filling out the Free or Reduced Lunch Application helps with more than meals? Applying and qualifying can benefit families and students with reduced fees, transportation, broadband, and other discounts.
Families are encouraged to complete an application for meal benefits- free or reduced priced meals as part of the Online Verification. The link to the Child Nutrition Program Meal Benefit Application is available on Skyward or the online application is on School Cafe. Contact the Food Service Office by calling 913-993-9710 for questions on the meal benefit application.
Need to add breakfast or lunch money to your student's account? Bring cash or check to the office - be sure to write your students name & class code on the envelope. Payment by card can be made online or by calling the Food Service Office at 913-993-9710.