Provider Insider, Summer 2024
July, August, September 2024

Happy Summer Early Learning Educators!
I hope you heard about our conference on June 8th. If you did not have a chance to register and participate, we will be hosting a professional development conference annually. And we will continue to keep the training calendar full throughout the summer! Since many of you have indicated you prefer virtual training, we are looking at best practice for learning. We will start having people leave their cameras on and put their names in the chat at the beginning and end of the trainings. We want you to get the most out of your time and also get a chance to meet other professionals in your field.
Did you know we have an Infant/Toddler Specialist? Candi will soon be wrapping up a two year focused network of providers with a special interest in infant and toddler care. She is currently recruiting for the next network of providers. If you would like more information on the benefits of being in a focused network, give Candi a call, 503-675-4133.
I hope you enjoy outdoor time with the children you care for. Even though it may seem like being outside playing is not curriculum, it is!! Children not only develop large motor skills, they use their imagination, explore, take risks and get vitamin D! Plan a great outdoor area for them and they will do the rest. If you would like help with any of your environments, feel free to reach out, we’re here to help. Have a great summer!
-Sandy Meados, Program Coordinator CCR&R
Resource Library - ¡Tenemos libros infantiles bilingües!/We have bilingual children's books!
¡Tenemos tantos recursos maravillosos para sus aulas aquí en nuestro CCR&R y nos encantaría compartir ese amor!
¿Necesita hablar con sus hijos sobre golpear, morder u otros comportamientos preescolares apropiados para el desarrollo? Contamos con todo el conjunto de libros de Elizabeth Verdick y Martine Agassi que ofrecen alternativas positivas a comportamientos desafiantes. Los tenemos en formato tablero, en inglés, en español, y un Set con inglés-español en el mismo libro.
Si desea obtener más información sobre cómo sacar libros de nuestra biblioteca de recursos, comuníquese con Eva Fitzsimons. 503 395-5034, efitzsimons@clackesd.org.
We have so many wonderful resources for your classrooms here in our CCR&R and we would love to share that love!
Do you need to talk to your children about hitting, biting, or other developmentally appropriate preschool behaviors? We have the entire suite of books by Elizabeth Verdick and Martine Agassi that offer positive alternatives to challenging behaviors. We have them in board format, in English, in Spanish, and a Set with English-Spanish in the same book.
If you would like more information about checking out books from our resource library, please contact Eva Fitzsimons. 503 395-5034, efitzsimons@clackesd.org.
-submitted by Kelley Lawson
Community Partner Spotlight!
CCSO stands for the Child Care Substitutes of Oregon
Our Mission:
We are committed to providing access to quality child care workers in all regions of our state. By recruiting, hiring, and providing access to culturally and linguistically diverse substitutes, Child Care Substitutes of Oregon is committed to providing the highest-quality child care to the state by empowering child care providers to take care of their personal and professional needs.
Become a CCSO Program!
Could you use extra support at your child care center? Looking for quality early learning substitutes?
We want to help register your program for CCSO support today! If you are an Oregon child care provider, your program may be eligible for up to 50 hours per year of substitute services, at no cost!
Fill out this interest form and CCSO will follow up with you!
Link: https://wou.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6tbKyXxFNRth7jo
Form is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, and Chinese.
Need to contact CCSO?
Phone: 503-751-4045
Email: childcaresubsor@wou.edu
Focus on the Pyramid Model
Our Purpose
In the first five years of life, experiences and relationships stimulate children’s development, creating millions of connections in their brains. Their brains develop connections faster in the first five years than at any other time in their lives. Our hope is that these newsletters will give you tools to help support your child's social and emotional development and prepare your child to enter preschool and Kindergarten ready to learn!
The Pyramid Model
The Pyramid Model is a framework for supporting the social and emotional development of our children. The goal of the Pyramid Model is to create an environment where every child feels good about coming to school. We do this by designing classrooms that promote a child's interest in learning and by building positive relationships among children, families, and staff.
Why do we use Pyramid Model? Click the links below to learn more.
Pyramid Model Quick Tip
Resolving Conflicts: Learning to Be a Problem Solver with Tucker the Turtle
Teaching young children social problem-solving supports them in being able to independently and effectively resolve disagreements with their siblings and peers. You can support your child in learning social problem-solving through modeling solutions and practicing the solutions with your child.
Be a Social Problem Solver with Tucker
Introduce the Tucker the Turtle Story. You can read this story at bedtime or anytime during the day when you usually read a story to your child. What’s important is:
Talking about how the characters solved the problems
And practicing when there are opportunities during the day to problem solve
You can practice solving problems with the solution kit cards by:
Choosing one solution card
Asking your child (ren) to guess what the card means
Explain the strategy and talk about examples of when to use it (You can use stuffed animals to act out conflicts and practice choosing a solution)
Repeat for each solution you want to teach
Prioritize the solutions that you want your child to learn first
See the video for a model of how the kit is used.
Link to video
Inclusive Partners Tip of the Month
Did you know...
There are a variety of materials you can add to your space to make it a more inclusive and trauma responsive environment?
When we provide structure and consistency in our environments, we are supporting all children regardless of age or ability. Here are a few ideas that may be helpful.
- Timers: these tools can help adults stick to the routine without constantly checking the clock. They are also a visual support for children to know when one activity ends and when a transition begins. Transitions should feel authentic, respectful, and natural. Access to timers, that can be regulated by children, aid in cooperative play too. Kitchen timers, small hour glasses, and visual timers like the Time Timer help children to see the passage of time, even if they cannot read a clock.
- Placemats or trays: using these tools at the table during meal or activity times helps children to define their own bubble and helps teachers have a clear way of redirecting children back to their own space.
- Adjustable tables: using these tools can provide an alternative to sitting for those children who could benefit from standing during meals or activity times.
- Loop resistance bands: these tools can be placed around chair legs to give busy feet something to do while sitting.
- Flexible seating: providing a variety of seating options can make a big difference. Consider adding armchairs, wobble stools, balance ball chairs, bumpy seats/cushions, Storytime Cushions, or Ergo seats. Providing a diverse assortment of these tools offers children who want to move the option to move and children with anxiety an extra level of comfort.
If you have more questions or want more ideas to enhance your classroom environment, reach out to Inclusive Partners. Call us at 971-673-2286 or email DELC.InclusivePartners@ode.oregon.gov
Did you know….
New Cohorts
CANCELED Book Club - Finding Your Way Through Conflict: Strategies for Early Childhood Educators (82534)
Dates: Sep. 9, 16, 23, 30, 630pm-830pm
Cost: $50 (Betty Gray and OFCC scholarships will apply)*
Language: English
Location: Clackamas ESD (in person classes)
ORO information: Set Two, CKCs - DIV, PPLD, PM, ARC: n/a
Trainer: Megan Wurst
Conflict is natural, normal, and deeply human but that doesn't make it comfortable, easy, or simple to fix. We will be using the book "Finding Your Way Through Conflict: Strategies for Early Childhood Educators" to use real-life scenarios to learn how to engage in and resolve conflict productively, improve work relationships, and create a more equitable community
Participants will need to purchase the book for this class, price may be subject to change. This is a 4 part series and participants will need to attend all classes for ORO credit.
*Scholarships will only cover the cost of the training, all participants will have to purchase the book.
JUST ADDED - ¡Todo sobre los bebés!
¡Nueva cohorte española agregada! - Clases online en agosto.
¡Únase a nosotros en 4 clases enfocadas especialmente en bebés y niños pequeños y dictadas en español! Esta es una gran oportunidad para obtener una serie de clases a un precio con descuento y llenar con esfuerzo para obtener CKC como HSN y SN.
Cuándo: 12, 13, 19 y 20 de agosto, de 18 a 21 horas
Dónde: Todas las clases en zoom
Costo: $60 (¡se aplicarán becas Betty Gray y OFCC!)
Información ORO: 9 h. HSN, 3 h. SN
Entrenadora: Gisela Morales
12/8/24 Prácticas seguras para bebés y niños pequeños en interiores, exteriores y un sueño seguro CKC - HSN, Set 2, ARC: IT
13/8/24 Preparación para emergencias para niños en programas de cuidado infantil
CKC - HSN, segundo set, ARC: IT/PS
19/08/24 Ambientes inclusivos y experiencias de aprendizaje para bebés y niños pequeños en programas de cuidado infantil CKC - HSN, Set Two, ARC: IT
20/8/24 Neurodiversidad e inclusión en entornos de la primera infancia 3 horas CKC - SN, conjunto dos, ARC: IT/PS
Getting Started: Becoming a Provider
There are two paths to becoming a child care provider: becoming a Licensed Child Care Provider or become a Listed Child Care Provider with DHS. Read below to learn the benefits of each type of provider and what trainings each type of provider needs to complete.
Become a Licensed Child Care Provider
As a licensed Family Licensed Child Care Provider, you can care for up to 10 children at one time. To become a licensed provider through Office of Child Care (OCC), you will need to attend a free, two part Introduction to Registered Family Child Care. Part 1 can be found online at Educadium. See dates below for Part 2. You will also need to complete the required Health and Safety Schedule listed below before applying (we offer two kinds of CPR, but you only need to take one).
Upcoming Introduction to Registered Family Child Care Part 2 sessions:
- Jul. 11, 9am-12pm, online (82528)
- Aug. 8, 9am-12pm, online (82529)
- CANCELED Sep. 12, 9am-12pm, online
Pre-registration required. Call us at Child Care Resource & Referral of Clackamas County at 503-675-4100 to register.
Become a Listed Child Care Provider with ODHS
As a Regulated Subsidy DHS Listed Provider, you can care for up to 3 children at one time. Being “listed” through Department of Human Services (DHS) means that you are approved to receive subsidy payment for child care of approved families. To become listed through DHS, you will need to attend a free, two part ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation. Part 1 can be found online at Educadium. See dates below for Part 2. Providers must be active and have received a letter telling them they need to take the ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation, which we offer once per month. https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ASSISTANCE/CHILD-CARE/Pages/Provider-Listing.aspx
Upcoming sessions of ODHS Child Care Provider Orientation Part 2:
- Jul. 18, 9am-11am, online (82531)
- Aug. 15, 9am-11am, online (82532)
- Sep. 19, 9am-11am, online (82533)
Pre-registration required. Call us at Child Care Resource & Referral of Clackamas County at 503-675-4100 to register.
Health and Safety Schedule
Four trainings need to be taken before turning in Child Care Listing Form to ODHS.
- Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety: available on demand, free
- Foundations for Learning: available on demand, free
- Safe Sleep Packet: available on demand, free
- Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect: available on demand, free
- Food Handler Packet: available on demand, free. The Food Handler test can be taken online.
- CPR and First Aid Certification* Adult, Infant, and Child, $65. Upcoming classes:
- In-person CPR and First Aid Certification*
- Blended CPR and First Aid Certification* (First Aid online, CPR in person)
- CPR & First Aid Jul. 29, 630pm-830pm (82523)
- CPR & First Aid Sep. 30, 630pm-830pm (82527)
*The CPR and First Aid class is required for child care licensing and must be renewed every two years. Licensed family child care providers (only the person named on the license) renewing their license can take this training at no cost by emailing ccrr@clackesd.org or calling 503-675-4100 to register. If you registered before contacting us and paid, no refund will be issued. All others must register online at pdnetworks.soesd.12.or.us . Provider applying to be license exempt take the Health & Safety set before the CCR&R training.
Upcoming Trainings
Click the links to learn more and register!
A key to the Oregon Registry Training codes is available below the list of upcoming trainings.
Please read our registration and training policies and distance learning policies and procedures before registering.
July 2024
Inclusión de Niños con Discapacidades/Inclusion of Children with Disabilities (STATE) (Spanish)
Date: Jul. 3, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - SN, Set 1, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Lucia Aleman
Crawl, Pull-Up & Go A Guidebook for Coaching Infant & Toddler Teachers (STATE) (82535)
Date: Jul. 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD/PM. Set 2, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Amy Williams
Date: Jul. 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - HGD, Set Three, ARC: PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alona Haychanska
Date: Jul. 9, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - FCS, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rhonda Schock
Date: Jul. 10, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - DIV/LEC, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Julie Watkins
Understanding and Supporting Neurodivergent Play in Early Childhood (82634)
Date: Jul. 11, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set One, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elana Cohen
How to Market your Business in 2024/2025: Marketing 2024/2025 (STATE) (82538)
Date: Jul. 12, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Cunningham
Using and Adapting Music to Strengthen Children’s Learning and Development (82539) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Jul. 13, 9am-12pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set Two, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Clackamas ESD
Trainer: Jory (Janet) Aronson
The Power of Relationships with Young Children (SEIU) (82540)
Date: Jul. 15, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Partnering with Parents to Support Children with High Needs (82541)
Date: Jul. 16, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - FCS & UGB, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Dani Stamm-Thomas
Adapting an Inclusive Curriculum to Your Program (80024)
Date: Jul. 17, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC & SN, Set Two, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Esther Horta
Date: Jul. 18, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - LEC & SN, Set Two, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Esther Horta
El Ciclo de Cuidado/ Cycle of Caring (STATE) (Spanish) (82542)
Date: Jul. 18, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - PPLD, Set One, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Trainer: Sara Ashou
Date: Jul. 22, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Kelley Lawson
Using Rubrics in Preschool Assessment (Spanish) (82544)
Date: Jul. 23, 6pm-9pm
Language - Spanish
CKC - OA, Set Two, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rocio Baker
Date: Jul. 24, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Stamm-Thomas
Date: Jul. 25, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - DIV & FCS, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alba Sullivan
JUST ADDED - Program Directors: Employee Schedules, Planning & Mapping Out Employee Schedules (STATE) (83338)
Date: Jul. 26, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set One, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Danielle Cunningham
Date: Jul 29, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set Two, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Date: Jul 30, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set Two, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rhonda Schock
Date: Jul. 30, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Cindy Ryan
Subtle but Offensive Microaggression (82609) NEW TRAINER!
Date: Jul. 31, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - DIV, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Martina Jallad-Barkoudah
August 2024
Date: Aug 1, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - OA, Set Two, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Rocio Baker
JUST ADDED - Как справиться струдным поведением проверенные стратегии, как
позитивно с ним справиться/Navigating Difficult Behaviors: Proven Strategies for How
to Positively Deal with Them (STATE) (83347)
Date: Aug. 5, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
JUST ADDED - We Belong! Rethinking How We Teach Disability: Focusing on Assets, Identity, and What It Means (STATE) (83354)
Date: Aug 5, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set Two, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Kelley Lawson
Let’s Get Cooking! How to Use Cooking in the Classroom (82756) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Aug. 6, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set 1, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Samuel Broaden
But Everyone is White Exploring an Anti-Bias Education (82551) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Aug. 7, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Teresa Ashford
了解和识别受创伤的儿童/Understanding and Identifying Traumatized Children (82949) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Aug. 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: Mandarin
CKC - HSN, Set One, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Peng Su
JUST ADDED - Children's Mental Health: A Review of Common Childhood Diagnoses (STATE)
Date: Aug. 8, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set Two, ARC: PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Jennifer Cork
Date: Aug. 12, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - UGB, Set Two, ARC: PS, SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Maria Esther Horta
Help! Caregiver in Distress (82774)
Date: Aug. 13, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Candi Stark
Science Center Essentials (82554)
Date: Aug. 14, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Learning & Growing in a Shared Space Curriculum and Environment in Preschool (82555) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Aug. 15, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set Two, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Heather Anderson
Emergency Preparedness for Early Learning Professionals (82556) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Aug. 17, 9am-12pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Clackamas ESD
Trainer: Dianne Rodriguez
CLASS CANCELED Too Big, Too Small, Just Right (SEIU) (82557)
Date: Aug. 19, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Team Centered Approach for Difficult Behavior in the Classroom (82558)
Date: Aug. 20, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - OA & UGB, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Amy Williams
Supporting Young Scientists Finding the Science in Everyday Play (STATE) (82559)
Date: Aug. 21, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set One, ARC: PS
Cost: FREE
Location: Online
Trainer: OMSI, Anne Douglass
Leadership: Don’t Manage LEAD (82560)
Date: Aug. 21, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD & PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Autism, Play, and Child Care (82610)
Date: Aug. 22, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set Two, ARC: PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Date: Aug 26, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - DIV, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Roxana Hoyle
Exploring Healing and Growth Through Play and Dreaming Without Limits (STATE) (Russian) (82635)
Date: Aug. 28, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - HGD, Set Two, ARC: IT, PS, SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina v. Stukalov
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Meeting the Unique Needs of Young Children in Our Care (82562) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Aug. 28, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Cindy Ryan
September 2024
What is Your Body Telling you? Stress Awareness Practices in Early Childhood (STATE) (82563)
Date: Sep. 4, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - PPLD, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Foundations of Anti-Bias Education (82564)
Date: Sep. 5, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - DIV, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Stephen Karmol
Date: Sep. 9, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - PPLD, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alba Sullivan
Sensory Needs (83699) (STATE) (Spanish)
Date: Sep. 10, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - LEC/SN, Set Two, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Sarah Crozier
CANCELED - MOVED TO 10/8/24 Applying Principles of Respect (82566)
Date: Sep. 10, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Aoife Magee
Using Cooperative Games to Foster the Development of Cooperative Play (82567)
Date: Sep. 11, 6pm-830pm
Language: English
CKC - LEC, Set Two, ARC: PS/SA
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Unity in Diversity: Create a Welcoming Environment for All Children! (82568) - NEW TRAINER!
Date: Sep. 12, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - DIV, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $29
Location: Online
Trainer: Karla Young
Date: Sep. 16, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Irina Stukalov
Conversations With Children About Consent (82570)
Date: Sep. 17, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Amy Williams
The importance of the relationship when caring for Infants and Toddlers (Spanish) (82571)
Date: Sep. 18, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - HGD, Set Two, ARC: IT
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Gisela Morales
Date: Sep. 18, 6pm-730pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - UGB, Set Two, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elda Perez
Date: Sep. 19, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - UGB, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Benjamin William Smith
Niños Jugando – Cerebros Trabajando/Children at Play - Brains at Work (Spanish) (83022)
Date: Sep. 24, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
CKC - HGD, Set Two, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Lucia Aleman
JUST ADDED! Let's Get Active! Getting Children Excited About Moving (83813)
Date: Sep. 25, 6pm-9pm
Language: English
CKC - HSN, Set 2, ARC: PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Tonia Snook
Understanding Sensory Processing in Young Children (82637)
Date: Sep. 26, 6pm-8pm
Language: English
CKC - SN, Set One, ARC: IT/PS
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Elana Cohen
Date: 9/26, 6pm-9pm
Language: Spanish
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Cassandra Hernandez
JUST ADDED! Creating an Effective Team in Early Childhood Care Environments (STATE) (83342)
Date: Sep. 27, 12pm-2pm
Language: English
CKC - PM, Set Two, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Joyce McCoy
Date: Sep. 30, 6pm-9pm
Language: Russian
CKC - UGB, Set One, ARC: n/a
Cost: $20
Location: Online
Trainer: Alona Halychanska
Oregon Registry Training Key
- DIV – Diversity
- FCS – Families & Community Systems
- HGD – Human Growth & Development
- LEC – Learning Environments & Curriculum
- OA – Observation & Assessment
- SN – Special Needs
- UGB – Understanding & Guiding Behavior
- HSN – Health Safety & Nutrition
- PPLD – Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
- PM – Program Management
- Set One training presents introductory knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide an overview of basic principles, theories, and/or research. Participants are expected to gain basic, introductory knowledge of session topics.
- Set Two training presents intermediate knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to build on previous knowledge by having professionals use what they have already learned and experienced to think in depth and to learn more. Session are developed assuming that participants already have basic knowledge of the subject in order to participate at this intermediate level of complexity.
- Set Three training presents advanced knowledge. The purpose of these sessions is to provide in-depth study of the session topic. Sessions provide opportunities for analysis, comparison, critical examination, evaluation, research, and/or practical study. Set Three participants are expected to already have significant and/or intermediate knowledge of and professional experience in the session topic.